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Running Your Computers in 2016




I was optimizing and downsizing my computer systems yesterday, and I thought I would write a blog about how I keep my Windows, Mac, and Linux systems running, along with email on my iPhone.


Install Windows and Linux on Two Separate Hard Drives

The best way to run Windows and Linux side by side is on two separate drives. Try anything else and you will run into trouble. You should unplug the other drive when installing the OS to make sure they don't interfere with each other. Use the boot options in BIOS to control which hard drive gets booted, to switch back and forth between Windows and Linux.


Use Drive Encryption

Windows, Mac, and Linux all feature hard drive encryption. You should have this enabled so that if your computer is stolen the data stays safe. Even if someone removes the hard drive and tries to read it from another PC, the data will be scrambled and unreadable.


Make sure your computers are set to require the user to enter a password any time the monitor comes back on. There's also a feature on phones that requires the user to enter a password or a short number sequence to unlock the phone.


Don't Use BootCamp

Do not use BootCamp to install Windows on Mac. BitLocker, the Windows encryption system, is not compatible with Mac encryption and will not work with BootCamp.


So optimally, you will have one Mac (probably a MacBook Pro) and a desktop PC with two hard drives for Windows and Linux. You can also plug the MacBook into your monitor to use it like a desktop PC.


Buy an Intel CPU

Intel CPUs are more expensive per unit processing power, but having an Intel CPU with built-in graphics allows you to test Intel graphics by removing your GPU. So with one desktop PC you can test Nvidia, AMD, and Intel graphics, on Windows and Linux. This works a lot better than maintaining and testing on six different computers. You could swap the MacBook for a Mac Mini to save space, but it is nice to have a Laptop when you want to be remote.



Everything you need for cross-platform development.


Get a Monitor with Built-In Speakers

Fewer cords is better. The sound isn't going to be great, but if you really care about audio quality you should have some headphones plugged in anyways.


Don't Waste Time Configuring Your System

There might be a way to make BootCamp and BitLocker work together, but is it worth it? You don't want to have to go through a complicated series of steps any time you change computers, and who knows if the trick will keep working in the future. If something isn't supported easily by default it's usually not worth messing around a lot when you'll only end up breaking something.


You Don't Need as Many Programs Anymore

A lot of specialized functionality that used to be provided by third-party programs has now been baked into the operating system, at no additional charge. When they are sufficient, I recommend using the default programs provided by your OS. This means you have a smaller list of programs to install when reformatting or switching machines.


Use App Stores

App stores are convenient because one login provides access to all your purchased applications. I can't tell you the number of lost passwords and registration keys I have from programs I bought off the web. On Mac I use the Mac App Store and on Windows I use Steam. When possible, I use the Ubuntu App Store.


Use IMAP EmaiI

In the past I had a lot of trouble configuring email clients to use the IMAP protocol, but today most clients will find the correct settings automatically. IMAP leaves all your mail on the server and lets you log into the server to read mail. This is great because your mail can be shared across multiple devices, and if you reformat your computer or get a new one, there is no mail data to archive.


Use a Cloud Service

You should put all documents, pictures, and any other files you don't want to lose in a service like iCloud, Microsoft SkyDrive, or DropBox. Just make sure you never store anything sensitive here like tax records or anything with your identification in it. Assume it can be hacked at any time. Do NOT store a list of passwords in any cloud service!


Use Version Control Software

Your projects should be stored in version control software like SVN, Git, or Mercurial. Don't just store source code files, make sure you commit project files, 3D models, images, and anything else you need to build and run the game. Do not store intermediate build files, config files, or other files that aren't necessary.


Make Physical Backups

Don't forget to make physical backups of anything important. A Blu-Ray burner is great for this. I make backups of the Leadwerks repository and entire website about once a month. Make sure you have a copy of your photos, documents, and other files you don't want to lose. In the worst case scenario (lost account, DropBox goes out of business, etc.) you won't lose these.


Use Time Machine if You Have a Mac

Time Machine is a very good full-drive backup system that can be used to migrate your Mac to a new machine or restore it. You just need one external drive and your whole machine can be periodically backed up. Make sure your backup drive only uses a USB cord, because HD power supplies are easy to lose or mix up. Then you plug in the wrong one, and sparks fly out of it. (I actually have done this.) Because of the reliability and convenience of Time Machine, Mac has become my "main" machine, while Windows and Linux are just for development or games. I pretty much assume my Windows or Linux machines could stop working at any point, while Mac gives better backup options in the case of a catastrophic drive failure.


NEVER Use Public Wifi - Even if it's Encrypted

If you connect to an unsecured network, you are broadcasting your passwords through the air to anyone with a packet sniffer running on their computer. If you are using password-"protected" wifi, then your data is encrypted using the same password the coffee shop employees are handing out to everyone else...meaning that your passwords can still be easily read.


Always use your cellular data or your own home wifi that no one else knows the password to. If you are using a laptop in a coffee shop, tether your computer to your phone's cellular data.


Recommended Programs

These are the important software applications I use on my PCs:



Microsoft Edge

Windows Mail









Mac Mail

















And of course, Leadwerks Game Engine on Windows, Linux, and soon Mac.

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I use GIT although I'm alone. Perfect backup and great when I need to step back one bit and look what I did last time that caused some problem.

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If you connect to an unsecured network, you are broadcasting your passwords through the air to anyone with a packet sniffer running on their computer. If you are using password-"protected" wifi, then your data is encrypted using the same password the coffee shop employees are handing out to everyone else...meaning that your passwords can still be easily read.


That's not entirely true. WPA is only a link-level protocol. This means that the message is decrypted when it reaches the access point. The same holds for your cellular data. Once the message reaches the wire, it could theoretically be eavesdropped / modified by any node between your router and the destination. For actually securing your data you should use a transport-or-higher-level protocol, like SSL/TLS. Most websites with a login-functionality offer HTTPS (which is a form of SSL/TLS) and only allow their login over HTTPS.


TL;DR: HTTPS keeps you encrypted even on public WIFI.

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