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josk's Blog

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The making of a game ,some game, any game.

Entries in this blog

Which way? Thata way, no thata away! Waypoints.

As a side project I have been working on a Top Down Game Template so you can make games similiar to Shadowgrounds, Diablo etc.     I have been working with waypoint navigation as the video shows. In the video example I have put two crawlers in to the scene and gave them the same script. I give them a different waypoint controller target. This waypoint controller then takes care of its selected target. The waypoint controller has 4 pivots as targets placed around the map for the targe



Coding improvements.

Inspired by the other blogs I thought I would write another one myself.   I have been working on Lockdown, a scifi old school dungeon crawl. As usual real life gets in the way but I have made some good progress lately. I hope to have a demo out soon.     As I have been adding to the game I have been improving my code skills so have gone back and tidied up some bits of code. I have also realised I could do with starting from scratch. I dont use the FPS template for movement and I know my c



To make a game.

After getting so far with Gobbo Soup I have done my usual and started working on 2 other types of games. This is in part because I have been working a lot lately and sitting back at the pc I find it hard to get back into my current project.     I am determined to carry on with Gobbo Soup to see if I can turn it into an enjoyable game, If so I will finish it. This will involve kind of starting from scratch again.   I have also decided to make as much of my code reusable, when I start a new



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