
Extended Vegetation Free

Extended Vegetation Shaders and Scripts v1.0.0

- Dynamic seasons
- Custom color palettes for different materials
- Ground plants bend away from the player, simulating phyical collision

Setup steps for default vegetation models:
- Once installed, all files will be in the Shaders/Vegetation/ folder.
- Go to Models/Vegetation/ and open any leaves or grass textures.
- In the Shaders tab of each material, there will be a list of shaders.
- Replace all with the _extended version except for the shadows. Maybe _extended shadow shaders will be added in the future, but for now leave any shadow shaders as is.
- Go to the Texture tab and add the seasonPalette.tex file to texture slot 7.
- Add extendedVegetation.pfb to the scence.
- Move this prefab to the base of your character, and parent this prefab to the character.

The prefab has some settings you can adjust:
- Radius: put a rough character size here. This afffects how close vegetation needs to be to be affected by the character.
- Season: for now, this is a number field.
- Season Change Rate: how fast you want the seasons to change. If you don't want the seasons to change, put 0.

Custom season palette per material:
- You can customize the color palette by adding a different .tex file into slot 7 of the material.
- The default image included is 16x16, but only the top row matters. In the future it may be possible to add more colors to lower rows, but for now only edit the top row. The reason why it's 16x16 has to do with OpenGL texture limits I think.

This shader is a modification of the default Leadwerks vegetation shaders.
