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Ramblings while scripting

Entries in this blog

Keyboard and Mouse Events

I think I posted this module on the forums in order to help someone a few weeks ago, but I thought It'd get more use if I created a blog post so it doesn't get diluted down in the forums.   I've written this event module to make it easy to add keyboard and mouse button binds and it's come in handy to me for quite a few little scripts.   Once again excuse the poor spacing as copy and paste here seems to remove my tabs.   event.lua -- Event module written by Averice event = {} event.inp



GameStates with CStateManager

I released an OOP class sytem for leadwerks last time this time I'm going to post my StateManager class which I use to control all the gamestates for the game I am working on.   If you don't know what a Statemanager is or what my interpretation of one is I'll run through it quickly. Generally speaking it's just a stack full of 'states' each state has a list of functions with identical names but different internal functionality, the game will call these functions but ONLY for the active state,



Lua Classes Module

So I've got a few of these little helper modules I've written while making my game, I figured I needed a place to post them so others can get some use from it, I'll be selective with what I release as some of them I would like to keep private but everytime I get a spare moment I'll try to write up a blog post with a new module release and how it's used.   So anyone familiar with OOP will hopefully get some use from this module, Lua already has a semi-OOP system with it's 'metatables' and this



More GUI work

Been doing more GUI work, mainly porting more of my GUI lib, but I did decide to finally get around to Dropdown menus which the library was missing from the beginning, I like this sudden feeling of productivity, the hardest part was porting my TabPanel over. I must have written the original on a bad day and going over the old code made no sense to me, it's new and improved now.   - Sliders and DropLists.   - Tabs and the usual ScrollPanel.



Let's begin

Over the past few days I've been porting a GUI library I've written in Lua, it's been a pretty successful and struggle free move over to Leadwerks which has excited me over the future of my time with Leadwerks.   I'll give a rundown of what features I've implemented. - Text entry panels with carrat positioning and text clipping. - Labels with multi-line wrapping. - Scroll panels with mousewheel support. - Panel hierarchy with parent-child clipping. - Button and hover events, keytouch even



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