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A week to forget

Well that was hell, I figured i'd read the book in a day or two and get the assignment done. Leaving plenty of time to work on my projects....well that'd work out. Basically the book is insanely boring and I only finished reading it last night (whilst falling asleep). Today I sat down to focus on the assignment, but come 9am my wife and eldest were of to town for some holiday shopping, my son was doing his last day of school term and my youngest was home with me.   Took me about an hour or so



Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.

That quote pretty much sum's up 3weeks. As some of you know I'm "studying" Computer Science at the Open University here in the UK. Basically I have course materials & exams but no real teacher and I just do it as and when i'm ready - provided assignments are in on time.   I have my 4th assignment due in next Friday which is a 2,500 word report on the potential uses of biometrics for a fictitious company. I had 4weeks to get this done and I finally bothered to pull the book out this mornin



Don't touch that, it bites!

What do you know, i managed to come up with a random'ish name for this post. It's actually quite appropriate to my day. I was very pleased that the LCP2 is about to get underway and had a quick chat last night with Rick about the subway level.   I put myself out there, I've taken on the role of level designer for that project. Still doing my own project, and I'm open for more work (free with credit - or you could donate me a custom model or somet ) Anyway, the reason "don't touch that, it bit



Welcome to the rabbit hole

I have a tendency to write random thoughts which appear on facebook or randomly to a friend on skype. So I decided to make use of the blog system here since most of my thoughts are somewhat game related. The blog is called 'Inside the mind of eternal insomniac' which isn't far from the truth, I am an insomniac and have been for a v.long time and even if I wasn't my mind tends to function in overdrive at times and see very odd connections.   So 'Welcome to the rabbit hole', my current thoughts



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