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Learning new stuff...

Well, I have been playing with the editor, lua scripts, and integrating lua-scripted objects into a framewerk bmax program. There are some quirks that you have to work around and some modifications that need to be made to some things... First, it doesn't appear you can transfer certain aspects of lua framewerk to an external program that is using framewerk. Setting worlds appears to work but using a framewerk method in lua and expecting it to work in your external program does not.   Setting f



New Location New Editor.... same old noobish programmer/artist

First post in my leadwerks related blog... waiting like a kid on christmas eve night for the new editor.   now that I actually have a blog, I guess I will have to start actually producing something to put here... mostly I work on something, then get distracted by something else and never get back to finishing anything... but I have high hopes for december!



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