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Leadwerks Engine project blog

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Setting up Leadwerks for a better arch-viz experience

People are not only doing games with Leadwerks. A good number of users also do architectural visualizations with it. This is what I also did in 2011 mostly at Pure3d Visualizations. Leadwerks supports me to present real-time experience to my clients with a stand-alone and let them play themselfs with models, placement and enhance decision-making processes with my help. I got a bit derailed by new solutions like Lumion3D which offers good movie-making but lack of other stuff game-engines support

Michael Betke

Michael Betke

New environment set for sale: Kabul Streets

Thanks for the great responses to our new released project! After some considerations about the assets of the Kabul City it's now available for sale. The possibility to release such high-quality assets to the community is very rare because of the nature of contracts.   There are 25 models in total - including 7 buildings and 18 props - for only 89,95 EUR. This is only 3,59 EUR for one model. The offer is limited until 10th of October so make sure to save your 40 EUR now because after this per

Michael Betke

Michael Betke

Kabul Street

Maybe some of you have seen my work in progress thread for some while now but the final screenshots and work breakdown deserve an own Blog entry in my opinion.   I think the snippet from my company website explains the project quite well:   "The city environment of a sub-urb in Kabul was done for "serious gaming" purposes which simply means a simulation of trained tasks in a save environment - like a flight simulator. Our task was to develop seven buildings with complete additional props se

Michael Betke

Michael Betke

Lashkar Gah - Final

After more work the project has finally come to an end. It was very interesting to do a 4000x4000 tile 1 project with Leadwerks. Some things are running nicely with LE2.4 others gave me real pain. But Josh gave excellent customer support and reacted very quikly with engine updates to the problems and even improved things like the terrain scultping speed.     Most projects will have no problems but placing 2.750.000 vegetation assets plus thousends of models on the landscape will push engine

Michael Betke

Michael Betke

New set released - "Afghan Vegetation 1.x"

Pure3d is happy to release another game-asset pack to the community. It's named "Afghan Vegetation 1.x" and features an all-round package reaching from small ground plants to lots (!)of bushes this time and some trees. All in all there are around 24 models in the collection.   Just check out the catalog here)(.pdf).   Price is again 22,- Euros, game-ready for Leadwerks plus lots of additional file formats.       Check http://www.pure3d.de for other fine asset packs too!

Michael Betke

Michael Betke

Lashkar Gah - Round II

After one more weeek of work the project is progressing nice. More and more models are placed on the combat zone and at least there are 21 vegetation layers now. Maybe all 30 will be used at the end. For such big projects its neccesary to place some props with the vegetation system too. Mostly rubble and rocks.     The project seems to push the engine really to it's limit but most things are sorted out or will be solved very soon. It's giving me headaches some time but such large scale pro

Michael Betke

Michael Betke

Lashkar Gah - Round I

Over at Pure3d Visualizations we are working hard on our current project "Lashkar Gah". It will be a 4x4 km² realtime landscape viz for virtual training. Google a bit about "virtual training" to get an idea about that stuff. Basically marines are sitting in front of a computer and train combat - observed by an instructor. We did such solutions before but this time we are allowed to show the work plus even sell some of the assets after finishing the project.   We were given the Afghanistan base

Michael Betke

Michael Betke

GDC 2010 Leadwerks Technology Demo released

The interactive and playable version of our GDC 2010 Technology Demonstration is available now. This version differs a bit from the video version because of it's interactive nature. A video doesn't need to be optimized and game-play doesn't matter too. So this version is made more compact and fun to walk around. There are no area restrictions like invisible barriers so everything can be explored.   Furthermore all four game-asset packs can be test-drived before buying too. The "Holodeck" sa

Michael Betke

Michael Betke

Additional Iconset for Leadwerks

Sometimes you need a break from work and do simple other stuff to get fresh in your mind or just relax a bit. While waiting for my new workstation which I exspect next week plus organizing some work, I had the idea for an additional iconset. I'm a fan of coherent icons in a simple look. I also support the trend of dark UI elements which doesn't hurt the eye if you look at them for hours. Plus dark colors give some kind of a frame around your working canvas. I never was a big fan of the Leadwer

Michael Betke

Michael Betke

More file formats arrived

Finally I found some time to convert the four packages to additional formats. Now all Vegetation and Environment packs have those formats: .max (2010), .gmf, .3ds, .dae, .fbx (2009), .obj I feel comfortable with the formats now and can concentrate on new packs or make the existing packs "game-ready" for other engines. But Pure3d also has tons of work to do so it will take a while.   The updates on the formats are free of course and all clients will get a mail within 24h from now on.

Michael Betke

Michael Betke

Photo Safari

Today I took a break from the current pure3d game-art job and enjoyed the weekend. But I also took my magic blue carpet and camera with me to make shots for upcoming vegetation sets. A friend at Crytek showed me this photograph technique some time ago (they do it in a more professional manner). I just take a small branch with leaves from the bush/tree place it on my blue carpet and take a picture. Cloudy days are best because you get a nice ambient color without shadows. The middle photo was ta

Michael Betke

Michael Betke

Rocks and Stones released

After a busy week we are happy to announce the release of our first environment model pack "Rocks and Stones 1.0". It's a huge pack with over 300 MB download size. Beside the 21 rocky and stony models I included all baked AO (Ambient Occlusion) textures, Photoshop and 3ds max (2010) files to this pack so it's easy to do new textures based on them.the models themselfs are made with Mudbox and weight around 6 million polygones before baking the normalmap from them. All textures got unique 2048p

Michael Betke

Michael Betke

Welcome to the blog!

Welcome to the first Pure3d blog here on Leadwerks. I decided to do one so everyone can keep track of our projects done with Leadwerks. First of all we released the third vegetation game model pack. This time there are 15 different pine models available. Like our previous released packs (Birches and Ground Plants) they are game-ready for Leadwerks and offer source files in 3ds max format too.   The latest .pdf can be viewed here: http://pure3d.de/english-version/pure3d-gameart-division/pd

Michael Betke

Michael Betke

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