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To program or not to programm




After 8 months since I purchased the Leadwerks Engine I'm still doubting about which direction to choose when it comes to game developing. At the moment I'm at a point where I can't choose whether I should focus more on moddeling, or if I should pay al my attention to scripting/coding. I'm doing a lot of these things at the same time without actually making some good progress. I never expected that I would learn how to programm by just messing around in the Leadwerks editor, but I have to admit that I expected to know a litlle bit more then that I do at the moment. I always thought that programming would be just a matter of time and lots of practice and since I'm on the waiting list for the programmers academy, I thought that I could take it easy.


Unfortunately, due to delayed exams I missed my entrance into the programmers academy. I have to wait for another 8 months before I can go there. Sooo frustrating, because I'm someone who can learn well, as long as a teacher gives me an instruction. I have 2 books for C# (one cheap thing which is just sad, and a more expensive one from Microsoft), but I'm always stuck when I reach the OOP chapter (which is like after 70 pages.), but even when creating small programms I just get stuck. I've seen a lot of comments like 'If you want to learn to programm, don't expected to learn it when you are using Leadwerks' and 'Try to start with making some simple programs first, instead of making games'. Sometimes I wonder if programming is the thing for me to do and whether I'm making a good choice going to that programmers school. I don't think I lack the motivation, otherwise I would have quiet trying long a go, but perhaps programming just isn't my thing.


In the mean time I'm wondering what I should do? Should I continue my struggeling with LUA? (C++ is certainly out of the question.. ) Or should I drop the programming for those 8 months and focus myself more in modeling, texturing and animating?


To program or not to programm...It's the question that keeps me thinking. Don't get me wrong: the game development world is awesome and it has bin really motivating to see some stuff actually work. The community is awesome and some of the work I've seen is often just the thing I need to get the motivation flowing again.


Some good advice or suggestions are welcome.



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Programming is just like everything else in the world. It's not for everyone. Some people just have a hard time with it and some just get it. My personal view is to specialize in an area. If you are an artist be the best artist you can be. If you are a programmer be the best programmer you can be. It's very rare to be able to be an expert in both areas. The people who are making AAA games are experts in their area. They don't spread around their time between all different areas because there wouldn't be enough time in the day, unless you have no friends, family, or full time job I guess.


In the indie world they'll say you need to know everything, but I disagree. You will need to know some stuff, but generally you can contact out or get someone else to help that knows more about topic X. The more you know the more money you can save, but the better the odds are your game won't be anything special.


In my situation I have basically accepted the fact that I don't have the time to work on models so I use all my time programming so I can be the best programmer I can be.

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Programming really takes a certain mind set. You have to have the ability to analyse problems, break the problems down into smaller problems, and come up w/ a step by step procedure (algorithm) for solving these problems. The real question is "Do you enjoy programming?" If the answer is no, then it doesn't matter if you're any good at it or not, it's a waste of time and life to do things you don't enjoy. If you prefer modeling, then focus on that and join forces w/ someone like me who enjoys programming but sucks at the artistic stuff. I enjoy all aspects of game development, but I'll probably never get anything done because I spread my time among too many aspects to really become "good" at any of them.


Anyways, in short, do what you enjoy. As long as you are enjoying it, it's not wasted time, even if you never master whatever it is.

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"If you prefer modeling, then focus on that and join forces w/ someone like me who enjoys programming but sucks at the artistic stuff."


Look at that sales pitch :D

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Having a grounding in both is really useful as it aids communication when working in teams however, in the end, you will normally have a leaning towards one or the other and concentrating on that will probably benefit you more. Both Rick and Niosop offered good advice but I think Niosop touched on the two key things ... you need to have a fairly analytical mind to make a good programmer with good problem solving skills and it's almost certain that you need to find it enjoyable as if you don't you will never put the work in that's required. Good luck with whatever direction you chose to go. I fully understand as I'm a programmer but feel drawn towards the level design/modelling side too as it appeals to my creative side :D

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When you want to save yourself some headaches, you should start learning the language that will be taught at that academy. I'm sure it will be one of the following: C/C++, Ada or Java

In case you are serious about game programming, there is no way around C/C++. At least that is

what my professor said :D

My advice is:

Start with C and a classical little black DOS window. That way you can learn procedural programming

at the lowest possible level. After that you start using C++ and learn OOP. It's not that hard, but you'll need patience (and a profound understanding of procedural programming );)

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..my advice is very simple...dont discourage yourself because few 'bricks on the road' you hit .. thats okay..everything has its learning curve, and that mean specific problems tied to it, so, its something to be solved and taken care about..strictly separate yourself as an artist or just as a programmer is a very wrong way of doing things in my understanding, simply because, to properly create art, you need and you should understand underlying tech what will use those art assets..similarly, to really dig in to programming world(games wise) , you should understand art limitations and way its builted as well as 'way of thinking' of one artist, in order to make proper bridge between these worlds...all in all, I highly encourage you to not give up programming, and dont be upset or scared about C++..believe me, its nothing what you will have issues with, just keep in mind that you have to take correct approach during learning process, and things will sit easy on its place..eventually, if you want to understand OO, try to download demo version of Bmax(if you dont have it) and learn there OO structuring in much more friendly environment than C++, after you understand OO with Bmax, you will have zero time to slip in to C++ (really really minimal differencies )..also, try to avoid LUA while taking a bite over OO programming with C++ or Bmax..simply learn and understand properly OO and its advantages and then, you will find even LUA much more handy than now..also, keep in mind that everything..and I mean everything you do with OO style programming in games, you can do with procedural, what is easy to understand (even i recommend it only to be one of the steps in your learning curve, but not for real use), but difference came clearly on sight as code, harder to maintain and generally more messy turning to be with code length, then OO, but again, entire game is doable with procedural, if that suits you...bottom line is..dont give up..there is always a way, and only thing what does matter is to take correct steps during learning (proper books, understanding of problems, and NO myths)..and you will do just fine..remember, C++ is just a language like all others..thats all..you can do it..im sure..

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Niosop couldnt have said it any better Aggror, I was once a grasshopper like yourself...


Specialize in one and get your feet wet in the others.....


And ask for Jack of all trades as VicToMeyeZR has stated, there is totally nothing wrong with that either, because as Niosop has said, how can one go wrong if they enjoy whatever it is that they do. $ should never be a factor that you should base your creative decisions around...


Do what makes you happy, rather its learning only programming, or learning programming and art, or learning animation and concept art, or doing anything, the absolute hardest decision you can make is deciding WHAT TO DO. That is a very difficult task. And deciding what to do will waste lots of your time if you underestimate that concept..

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Thanks for the replies everyone! That is some good advice.

Rick: I agree, you need to know a litlle bit of everything. YOu can't be master of everything but it pays of when you a little bit of each.

Niosop: I enjoy programming thats for sure. Finding the logic, trying to work out the ideas that I have in my head and all. Sometimes it gets a little frustrating when even the smallest thing doesn't work after all those weeks of trying.

Pixel Perfect: thanks

Dadonik: The school I am going to is teaching .net all the way. C# and ASP.net. Although I would have prefered other languages I think it's a good start.

Naughty Alien: Thanks for the advice. I don't know if downloading another language like Bmax is going to really help me, but I've already bought new books for my education where I have to wait for now. Hopefully these books are better for me to understand. I refuse to give up on this since it's intriguing me that I have a hard time learning it. it's fun the other hand but also frustrating.

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