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The Hunt For Food - Almost There!




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Hi Leadwerks Community!

I finally figured out how to make a blog so this will be my first blog regarding my almost completed project The Hunt for Food. Take a look at the video and give me some suggestions if you have any. This game will be added to the Leadwerks Workshop on Steam soon.


Some info about the Game in general -


This is a primitive survival game where you have to use your environment to your advantage. There are no guns. There is no giant backpack for you to put stuff into. You can break your leg, bleed out, get sick, die of starvation, get mauled by wolves, fall off a mountain, and more!

Survive in style using some entertaining mechanics and see how many days you can last. Fight your way through canyons full of wolves and angry bees to find hidden paths along mountain ridges. Throw a flaming dead bird at a rabbit. This game is for fun.


Leadwerks Engine Indie Edition is being used to make the game. Models and their animations were created in Blender. I used Gimp to edit/create textures. Many thanks to members of the Leadwerks Community for contributions/suggestions.


Some info about the Update -


A new menu, with awesome music done by Leadwerks User Eric Matyas,has been added which allows you to reload the map without ever exiting the game, load saved games, and just pause the game.


Max Hunger is something I didn't mention in my video but if you noticed that next to my hunger bar it said 13/24 while next to my health it said 50/100 (or something similiar). The number on the right is the max amount of hunger/health you can obtain. Your max health stays at 100 but your max hunger will change depending on what you eat. If you eat 'good food' (meat, avocados, eggs, or beehives) then your max hunger will go up and you can eat more. If you eat 'bad food' (anything else) your max hunger will go down and then you can't eat as much. Also if your hunger is maxed and you eat 'bad food' you have a chance of becoming sick.

Basically you can't just survive off of lettuce.



A Day and Night Cycle, which was done by Leadwerks User Shadmar, has been fully implemented and it makes the game feel very immersive.


The map has been filled and every area except for the snow zones is populated with vegetation, wildlife, weapons, and more.


Challenging canyon areas have been added and they are the most dangerous areas in the map so far(until snow zones).


Power attacks have been added which have different results depending on which weapon you have equipped.


A new respawn function for the player has been added to make dying less harsh and sometimes even useful.



Other Things-


Small wolves now roam around in packs, lots of bug fixes, bees can move now, spear mechanics are much better, picking up weapons is way easier, throwing rabbits/birds at stuff is much more effective, birds are more deadly, traps only have one use but they respawn, wolf companionship is fun, weaken thy enemies with poisoned meats, wolves will attack you even if they are on fire, and controls have been tweaked to make things less complicated.


Extra thanks -

Deviant Art User Nobiax for his amazing textures/models. -- http://nobiax.deviantart.com/gallery/24853853/Packs

Leadwerks User Rick for Save/Load Game scripts/tutorial on youtube - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5WmwNyTlbZE

Leadwerks User Shadmar again for Day and Night Cycle and again for the Day and Night Cycle and again for th..... lol thanks shadmar! -- http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/10334-day-and-night-cycle-shader/

Leadwerks User Eric Matyas for his music, which is used in my menu screen, it is beautiful. -- http://soundimage.org/

Leadwerks User beo6 for his AlignToGround script which my animals use. -- http://leadwerks.wikidot.com/wiki:align-to-ground

Leadwerks Master Creator Josh just because.

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Wonderful landscape, grats! Say, could you elaborate a bit more on how you made the terrain, the vegetation and such? Or, maybe, did you do so already someplace else? Thanks a lot.

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Haha, the end was pretty funny! I love the little details like the poison, and it's cool that you got saving to work! Also, that camera idea when you respawn isn't something I would have ever thought of but it's such a neat feature!

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Thanks for the comments guys!


@miko93 - The terrain, vegetation, and such all came from me adapting my project over time (around 4 months now). I would recommend watching the previous update videos(can be found on my youtube channel) just to see how everything evolved but if you have any specific questions about anything like my workflow or software I used you can send me a pm!


@Thirsty Panther - That means a lot, thank you!


@nick.ace - Hahah, the trap noise really got me at the end. All the small things definitely add up in this game. Yeah save games really changed everything and I really have to give props to Rick for that.

The camera spawn was kind of an out there idea that was just to fun to scrap. Eventually the respawn feature is going to be used for more than just getting back to your body though....

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