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New beta update available




A new update is available with the following changes:


Player collision against terrains is now working really nicely. In general, the player controller has become very solid and accurate. It's also quite a bit faster than before.


An experimental feature lets you make CSG brushes the child of another object and check a "shape hint" option in the physics properties. This will use any attached CSG brushes to build a new compound convex hull for that model. This is best used to make prefabs, so that the same collision shape gets reused for each instance of the object.


The Code::Blocks C++ project template is updated. You should add the preprocessor definition LUA_USE_LINUX to the root target in your C++ projects.


I started using banks instead of STL vectors for terrain data. I have no hard evidence, but I suspect vectors aren't up to the task of handling the large data terrains involve.


The scene tree now renders at a speed pretty much independently from the number of objects in the scene. I believe this will also fix some weird graphical glitches we've seen on Ubuntu.


The map file format version is incremented. You will need to update your executable to be able to load the new format.


The model and map editor will now free cameras and lights used when their window is hidden, to free up extra video memory.


Map backups have a more logical naming scheme now so it's easy to tell which map is which.


The program log is now stored in "Documents/Leadwerks/Leadwerks.log".


For recent bug fixes, just see recently locked topics in the bug reports forum:


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Sweet. I really like the CSG brush update. When it is official I will make a video for the user guide. Why the term 'Shape hint'? Would 'CSG child physics' be more descriptive?

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I don't know! It's beta. XD


The character physics are really solid and fast now. Feels better than many AAA games.

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I'm curious about that too Aggror. Now because of that name I'm wondering if the csg dimensions are just used to make a separate shape object at startup perhaps?

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That's what I was thinking. Good to know they are removed so as to not give any sort of dual meaning to these csg brushes. This helps us non modelers a ton in giving shapes to complex objects! Thx

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I think in the future, the default behavior should just be to build the visual geometry into a collision shape, if nothing else is selected. It's not optimal, but it avoids the initial shock people have of walking straight through their model.

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This would have been neat if we could use it for volume triggers, but since the csg gets removed any script we attach I assume won't get ran.

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I know that's how you do it right now, but was thinking this would have acted as a way without the shader method, but since the csg gets removed that's fine.

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So how does this work them. I put the barrel model in the scene, made a csg as it's child, marked it as shape hint. If it gets set as the shape then I think you should copy the mass and collision type and all that stuff too. When I set the mass of the csg the barrel doesn't fall so I assume you aren't copying those values to the shape you make.




If I give the child csg mass it doesn't get deleted. It shows up at what seems to be the origin and starts falling. Thought it got deleted or is the whole mass or script section of the LE library preventing the deletion?

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Why would it? Just set the mass of the model itself and it should work.


I attached an example map in the blog above.

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If I give the child csg mass it doesn't get deleted. It shows up at what seems to be the origin and starts falling. Thought it got deleted or is the whole mass or script section of the LE library preventing the deletion?

Jeez man, you are determined to mess it up! :D

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Best update of 2014!

Character Physics are amazing now and I can use the scene tree again! I haven't had time to check out the shape hint feature but it certainly sounds useful.

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My FPS has gone through the roof... 30fps to 120fps on my laptop.


I have and issue since this build though. The character controller is jittery as hell no matter what slope it is on now. Using C++ project cleaned and rebuilt in release. I haven't done any changes between updating to the latest beta.


When I get home I'm going to test some more to see what I can come up with and if needed do a report about it.

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All the example maps are quite smooth and stable, on terrain or otherwise. I will need to see exactly what your character is colliding with.

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Just added shape hints for models, too, although you can't use it yet. If you have a low-poly mesh for physics you can make it a child of the visible model, check "shape hint" and a static polymesh shape will be constructed. In fact, this can do away with the entire concept of "shape files". (Although I will leave that in to maintain backwards compatibility.)

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Some example to have smoothed character controller movement :



Um Thanks, that is a valuable resource, but I know my code is quite solid not to mention is C++. The only thing that has changed here is an update of my projects.


Here is a video of two projects with the issue occurring. The first is obviously my Mage's project the second is a project of an undisclosed nature that I tinker with from time to time......




It's funny when fraps was running the jittering slowed down a bit, but I think I captured enough in the video.


I took a look at the demo projects and they are smooth with the character controller, but forgive me if my eyes are playing tricks on me, but I believe the terrain example is a little choppy when looking at the ground and going downhill.

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What happens in the physics simulator is when the player hits the ground, their velocity it set to zero. This makes sense, but on any downhill slope it can result in slightly choppy movement as you descend. It should be possible to modulate the vertical velocity by the slope of the surface hit, but it will require some additional fine-tuning.


In the meantime, you should always be using a Math:Curve() call when positioning the camera, as the FPSPlayer example does. This will smooth out any tiny little jitters in the physics, as they tend to be very visible when the camera is parented to the player.


I have not experienced anything like what your video shows, but I can look more closely at it.

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Hi Josh,


Yeah I am using the Curve() function for the camera position, but some of those jitters are too big to smooth out (without making my camera too laggy).


I have noticed with vsync on the problem reduces.


On the weekend I'll try to put a sample project together to help. I'm still trying to play around with it to see if I can find a cause on my end.



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Where is the download for the new Leadwerks 3.2 beta? I see only the small shapebrush.zip attachment in the above posting. The new Leadwerks 3.2 beta download is not available in my client area. The download there is from 2013.

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