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This will be my dev blog for Warlords. It's coming along very nicely and I'm very proud of what I have so far. This is a game that has been in my head for a long time. I've made past attempts to make this game but they all failed because when I would find a "bug" in Leadwerks that would set me back I would just stop. This time I'm determined to complete this game. Players don't care about if you had to hack something together and now either will I. If Leadwerks has a bug or doesn't do something and there is a way to hack around it I will use that. I can't let these little things stop my dream of completing this game. I think this game will bring many hours of enjoyment to many people and I want to be able to give them that.


So about the development. The first ability is up and working. The Protector class has a Shield Slam ability that knocks back their target. I'm very excited about it because it works really nice. It'll play into the Protectors role of, well, protecting their teammates. Here is a brief description of each class in the game.


Protector : Protectors use their one-handed sword and shield to help protect their teammates. They have a ton of hit points and a ton of armor but don't do much damage. The Protector lives for the front line. They have abilities that will transfer damage to them when done to their teammates, to force the enemy to attack it, & to give their teammates a chance to retreat for help.


Cleric : Clerics are healers and buffers. They have the ability to heal their teammates directly or over turns. They are pretty squishy though. It doesn't take many hits to bring the Cleric to it's knees. Because of this they also have buffs that they can put on themselves or their teammates to help ease the damage. Clerics generally like to sit in the back away from danger and heal their teammates. They also have the ability to bring fallen enemies back to life, although at a great cost to themselves.


Archer : Archers sit in the back also. They like to pick away at people from a distance. They don't have much armor, but can do a ton of damage. If you get close to an archer though, they don't have many defenses to protect themselves.


Assassin : Assassin are sneaky and sly. They have the ability to go into the shadows and become invisible. They can strike at any time and when they do strike it's with great power. Once exposed the assassin has very little defenses which make it an easy target.


Wizard : Wizards are great magicians that strike down the enemy with magic power from a distance. They also have powerful debuffs at their disposal to weaken the enemy over turns. Like Clerics, Wizards are very squishy, so it doesn't take much to bring one down.



With these 5 classes and all their abilities the battle is on. Knowing your abilities and when to use them is huge in this tactical battle of Warlords!


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