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Water beta now available




An update is now available on the beta branch which adds water. This can be controlled in the scene properties or in code with the following commands:

World::SetWaterMode(bool mode)
World::SetWaterHeight(float height)
World::SetWaterColor(float r, float g, float b, float a)
bool World::GetWaterMode()
float World::GetWaterHeight()
Vec4 World::GetWaterColor()


You must update your project to get new EXEs and shaders. All model shaders have been modified to handle the slice plane used when rendering reflections. A new set of textures have also been added in "Materials\Effects\Water" to handle the surface perturbation.


Caveats / Notes

  • When underwater, no post-processing screen wobble or fog is applied like in Leadwerks 2. This is because Leadwerks 3 has a customizable post-process stack, so the end user can control this.
  • The water physics are not 100% done and behave oddly.
  • There is a bug where switching projects does not reset the water settings to the default.
  • At this time there are no water quality settings, though the renderer uses the lowest possible quality in the reflection pass.
  • This build has been tested on every hardware / OS configuration except AMD on Linux.



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I am happy to look at any projects that have problems. Please send me a link to download.

Not sure if a map or project will help - any time the water plane is not completely culled in release mode everything that is not water turns black - unless I show FPS (F11), debug mode works just fine.

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