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Beta Update Available




The creation of our complete tutorial series, written with the help of Aggror, has had a really good effect because it gives us a specification saying "this is how to use Leadwerks". Instead of having different approaches and opinions scattered around, we can all discuss the user experience and be on the same page. This has led to improved user feedback, as we are able to more easily identify any small hangups or inefficiencies in the workflow. I'd especially like to thank the user Malachi for his thorough reporting as he has gone through the lessons.


An update is now available on the beta branch that includes various fixes and improvements.


The behavior of the file requester on Linux has been improved. I found it sometimes did not start in the correct directory, and improved this behavior.


Right-click zoom in the texture editor is fixed.


The .map file extension will automatically be added in Linux when a file is saved, if it is not specified (although technically this was not a bug, just the way the GTK file requester works).


Some missing files have been added to the tutorials project and the documentation has been brought in sync with the samples.


A bug that could cause the model editor to crash when closing the window and then saving the model has been fixed.


You can now load any image file as a terrain heightmap.


These changes are available now on the beta branch on Steam.

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Thank you!


Will there be any intermediate/advanced tutorial series? For example, how to load/save game (or part of it), or how to load generic files (for example, XML files) and how to parse them. Or yet, how to write shaders LE way, make procedurally models from vertex buffers / triangles and similar...

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I would probably stay away from all of those for a while and focus on the basics. Some of what you listed sound more like candidates for features, rather than stuff the user should have to learn to implement.


With basic tutorials, you can teach more in less code, which is easier to learn.


If a user learns the basic tutorials, then that should give them the ability to implement more complicated behavior.

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I agree that it is far more important to have rock-solid basis than advanced development on the shakey ground.


Anyway, since we are using now Main.lua, the API docs should also take that fact into account and stop using the obsolete App.lua (eg. this API doc). Not that I cannot do a necessary adaptation myself, but it goes with the territory of rock solid foundations smile.png And not that I do not understand that it's not a small task, considering the volume of the API.


P.S. Shaders make integral part of LE suite and it would be thus important to have some guide on how to implement them in LE. It's the shaders that make one of the cornerstones of professionally looking games (or at least of that "wow" effect), IMHO, and knowing how to use them in LE (I'm not talking about teaching people OpenGL or shaders) would give us much more community generated shaders. This would give an edge to LE.

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The examples actually work if they are pasted into main.lua or app.lua...that was one thing I had to figure out to maintain compatibility. Although you are right it would be nicer if all the examples were updated to get rid of that global App table.

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Collisions detection and Raycast detection are the essential part of 3D games, without them there is no gameplay, some tutorials on that should help the beginners.

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Collisions detection and Raycast detection are the essential part of 3D games, without them there is no gameplay, some tutorials on that should help the beginners.


Agree! As far as I've read tutorials, collision detection is explained in the Marble game example. A picking (Raytracing) is absolutely essential to any kind of game, be it FPS, RTS or an adventure. Therefore, a tutorial on picking should be included in the base tutorial set.


Just for the record, I was not talking about essentials, but about the polished/professional aspect of the game. And shaders are must in this respect.


Anyway, I think that we should be threading the other thread now :) That of requests...

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