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New Icons on Beta Branch





If you join the beta branch and updated your projects, you'd probably noticed that the low res Leadwerks 2 icons have now been replaced with high resolution ones that match the rest of the user interface. Decals, Particles Emitters, Cameras, and Probes now have their own icon, and you can tell all entities apart just by looking at them.


I've originally made these a while ago when I noticed that each entity had it's own material and texture, but most of them just recycled the pivot icon. I've released a version on the workshop, and an updated version as part of the LEX template. Yesterday, Josh contacted me about using them in the official build, and I was more than happy to say yes, and make any wanted changes. He mostly wanted the lights to be yellow, and I've changed the angle of the spotlight to be more downward.


Each icon texture is 512x512 uncompressed, and was made using a vector art program so the icons are sharp and clear as possible. These icons will be skipped during the packaging process, so they will not bloat your final game.


You can get these icons by joining the beta branch and updating your project. These icons will be released as part of Leadwerks 4.1. If you think anything needs to be changed, let ether Josh or I know.


I think the only thing left to do is update the light buttons on the side, really. Here's a mock up of what it can look like. To be honest, I think they kind of clash with the other icons as those where shipped with 3.0 which had some sort of a Windows 7 icon pack for everything else.



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Cool 4.1 has so much awesome going into it :) Maybe add a little gradient/shading to help them match the existing button icons better. The existing ones are kinda 3d looking where your new ones are more of a flat design. Doesn't make for a consistent looking theme.

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The editor sprites were actually based from the top icons. Again, I'm sure the old editor sprites and the left side icons were made during the sametime period where everything used gradients and was very colorful. Today, it looks very tacky imo.


I can whip up some replacements and approach Josh with them. This way, all icons will have a flat look to them.

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Sent the side toolbar icons for Josh, and I believe it'll be in the next beta build. Everything should now complement each other, looking great on both Windows and Linux.



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