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Website Updates




I've successfully pulled every website page out of the Invision Power Board CMS that I can:


















These pages load independently from any of the community software files, so the website and community can be updated separately.


I've taken the web design as far as I can, which is better than most designers would do, but not as good as I want. The website really needs to sell the software. Now I am looking for a high-quality redesign, which I expect to cost a fair amount of money. I'm primarily looking at design firms in the SF bay area who have experience making AAA game websites.


The community software will be updated to the latest version, which breaks our skin and other customizations. A new skin will be designed that will be similar but not identical to our current look.


At one time, I tried to use IPB for everything, including commerce, a gallery, and downloads, but I don't think a CMS can be very good at all things. We're only using IPB at this point for the forum, blogs, and a few custom databases and pages. Steam is working well for screenshots, videos, and downloads (Workshop), and I use custom PHP scripts to retrieve and display that information.


The beta branch of the editor has the Workshop home page set to the new location and everything should work without a hitch.


The documentation is also being separated out into a different system that is better suited for that purpose, but that will take more time.



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Some suggestion. Why dont you create store for us to sell our games (maybe people with other game engine can sell too ?)

I recommend itch.io to start on.

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Another suggestions is to make a new category maybe called "community tutorials" ?. Make it separate from blogs category. Right now good and new tutorials are hidden into the blogs and forum topic and make it hard to find them.

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Another suggestions is to make a new category maybe called "community tutorials" ?. Make it separate from blogs category. Right now good and new tutorials are hidden into the blogs and forum topic and make it hard to find them.

I have mixed feelings on community tutorials. On one hand, they can often reveal issues I am unaware of, and some of those improvements get folded into the official documentation. On the other hand, they can be outdated or inaccurate sometimes, and users can become angry if there is confusion about what is official and what is not. My take on it is to not interfere and let things evolve organically.


(Aggror's videos are awesome and you should support him on Patreon.)

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