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Forum Update




The forum software has been updated to a major new version.  This completes my effort to give the entire website responsive design, and ensures we continue to receive security updates.  The responsive design part is really for SEO, but it is kind of cool to be able to browse the entire site on your phone without zooming in.

Documentation has been switched over to the new system here, which is independent from the forum software:

The entire site is now using SSL on every page, again for SEO purposes.

There are a few bits that need improvement, but overall it's a solid upgrade and I think you will find the new site to be very helpful.  I've added a new Q & A forum where you can get technical assistance and rate the answers.  Code formatting has been improved a lot, and the notifications system does a really good job of catching replies to your posts.  (If you're receiving a lot of emails you can disable this in your account settings.)

Finally, you can now set a cover image to show at the top of your profile, which is pretty cool.

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I really like the new design, looks more professional, documentation is looking great. I wouldn't be surprised if you get a boost in sales from this.

 The only issue I can see is your profile picture border in the top RHS next to your user name is stretched. Also the header and menu in the docs appear on a different alignment to the rest.

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3 minutes ago, macklebee said:

will there not be a chat any more?

There will be.  It's a separate app and I need to upgrade it.

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Just now, macklebee said:

Good deal. I think that's always been an extremely useful feature here.

Unrelated, but the notification / reply system on the software update is great.

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Just now, Josh said:

Unrelated, but the notification / reply system on the software update is great.

Agree - beats having to refresh constantly

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Awesome work Josh. The new site feels fresher and the search functionality gives better search results. The code formatting finally no longer messes up the Lua coding after you edit a post which really helps with the quality of posts.


I've added a new Q & A forum where you can get technical assistance and rate the answers.

I find this forum section rather confusing in its current location. Its purpose is to summarise the best answers and unanswered questions but is not really a category like general or programming. I think this should have its own section at the top.

Little point of feedback: can you align the 2 headers (chrome)?offset.png

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Disabling max width on class ipsLayout gives the site a much wider view.

.ipsLayout_container {
  width: calc(100% - 50px); 
  /* max-width: 968px; */


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