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Version 4.4 beta update




Leadwerks Game Engine 4.4 has been updated on the beta branch on Steam.

  • Networking finished and documented.
  • GUI finished.
  • All new physics features finished.

The character controller physics and picking up objects has been improved and made smoother.  There is a problem with the player sliding down slopes, as seen in the FPS Character Controller example map.  I will work this out.

I also noticed during testing that picking up some objects in the FPS / AI map will freeze the game.  Will check it out.

I have not actually tested compiling on Linux yet, because my Linux machine is in the office and I am at home right now.  I'm heading in this afternoon, at which point I will complete Linux testing.

The only other problem is that vehicles are not working yet.  I'm not sure yet how I will proceed with this.

Updating C++ Projects

The following changes are needed to update your C++ projects:

Visual Studio

Add these include header search directories:

  • $(LeadwerksHeaderPath)\Libraries\NewtonDynamics\packages\thirdParty\timeTracker

Add these input libraries:

  • newton_d.lib;dContainers_d.lib;dCustomJoints_d.lib; (debug)
  • newton.lib;dContainers.lib;dCustomJoints.lib; (release)


Add these include header search directories:

  • $(LeadwerksPath)/Include/Libraries/NewtonDynamics/packages/thirdParty/timeTracker

You also need the dev files for libcurl:

sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev

This is pretty much the finished 4.4, so please test it and post any bug reports you have.  Thank you.



Recommended Comments

1 hour ago, gamecreator said:

Great!  Fingers crossed that the issues here are resolved.  https://www.leadwerks.com/community/topic/16198-character-controller-bugsproblems-in-beta/  Please let me know regarding the three issues.

There's going to be a limit on how fast the character can be falling and not warp through an object, but I do think the first problem there is solved.  The reason I moved Newton into a DLL is so that it could be debugged by the author of the physcs system, so that problems like this could be fixed, and he did exactly that once I gave him a debuggable demo.  The convex raycasting is very reliable now, which is the basis of the character stepping.

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Another awesome update.


There is a problem with the player sliding down slopes, as seen in the FPS Character Controller example map.  I will work this out.

Hey can you make this a toggle?
So ppl (like me) can use this as a feature :P


There will be a main section in the learn pages about Multiplayer/Networking outside the objects tab?
Since its a new feature would be nice another tab or tree dedicated to networking.


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13 minutes ago, zipzup said:

Where is the GUI ??

It's all there.  Documentation is coming.

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The pthreads2 include dir actually should not be in the codeblocks project, and maybe not in the VS project.

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I fixed the slopes issue, but there is definitely something wrong with the kinematic joint.

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The slopes issue that reduced the jump height when jumping from slopes??  If that's the one then you rock!!   I could really see a drop-in Steam action platformer happening.  Games like Broforce are super popular.  All I really need after that is that people don't fall through floors.  I don't think the gravity shown in the video is unreasonable (but that's just my opinion).  I'm hoping it's either already fixed or Julio can make some adjustments, as you said above.

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The pthreads.2 include needs to be removed from the Linux project, then it compiles fine...

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18 hours ago, gamecreator said:

The slopes issue that reduced the jump height when jumping from slopes??  If that's the one then you rock!!   I could really see a drop-in Steam action platformer happening.  Games like Broforce are super popular.  All I really need after that is that people don't fall through floors.  I don't think the gravity shown in the video is unreasonable (but that's just my opinion).  I'm hoping it's either already fixed or Julio can make some adjustments, as you said above.

The player should not fall through the platforms now, unless their velocity is so fast they "teleport" through it.  Please try it and see.

I have not changed the behavior of the jumping.  I thought we came to a solution for this by substracting the Y component of the velocity from the jump, or by manually calling SetVelocity()?

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I can hack around it but that might introduce other issues (there has already been one).  I'm not clear why you would not want to fix this in the controller directly.  I could show you dozens of platformers, including tons of Mario games, where slopes don't effect how high you jump.  What games is reducing the vertical velocity beneficial or "accurate" for?  Every example I can think of would surprise a person expecting a full jump when they get a weak jump instead.

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1 hour ago, gamecreator said:

I can hack around it but that might introduce other issues (there has already been one).  I'm not clear why you would not want to fix this in the controller directly.  I could show you dozens of platformers, including tons of Mario games, where slopes don't effect how high you jump.  What games is reducing the vertical velocity beneficial or "accurate" for?  Every example I can think of would surprise a person expecting a full jump when they get a weak jump instead.

If the player is on an elevator moving downwards and they jump, it would be very bad if their current velocity was not taken into account.  Setting the y component of the velocity is not a hack, it is exactly what I would be doing in the character controller routine.  Does this work?

local v = entity:GetVelocity(true)


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Fair enough; I'll give it a shot.  But I still suggest fixing it on your end.  Meaning, handling both the elevator and slope properly.

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3 hours ago, gamecreator said:

Fair enough; I'll give it a shot.  But I still suggest fixing it on your end.  Meaning, handling both the elevator and slope properly.

I'm going to try it this way:

When the player jumps, their vertical velocity will be equal to the velocity of the object at the point they are standing on, plus the jump strength.  Their own current velocity will be ignored.

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I updated the Windows build with the latest tweaks.  Only the editor and Lua executables are affected.

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A full build is now up with C++, Linux, everything.  Basic documentation is done.  Thank you for testing.

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8 hours ago, gamecreator said:

Did you incorporate the velocity change you mentioned above?  If so, I'd be happy to test it as well.


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