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Job at Microsoft - All Thanks to Leadwerks and its Community




Hello everyone.


I am writing this blog entry to personally thank everyone of the Leadwerks forums for helping me in all the ways that you all have.


Today, I got approved for my job at Microsoft.


This all started when I discovered Leadwerks on The Game Creators and was instantly amazed by it. Soon after, Brandon Hush and I got together and created Third Initiative for our university midterm project. We decided to use Leadwerks because it offered superior technology with great support and community. Then we began the six month process of coding our Applied Project game.


A month and a half after we present the game to our professors, we get a message on LinkedIn asking us if we would like to work at Microsoft for Xbox Live as tech support. Turns out the recruiter for the hiring agency saw our Applied Project work and said that that work made us more qualified then the other applicant. Soon after we both get interviews and Brandon Hush gets the job.


I wait patiently for my reply and soon I'm told that I was disqualified. Later that day I'm told that a new position has opened up, doing beta testing for an MS product and doing basic tools creation but working for the same manager, in the same building, at Microsoft. A few days after I have my interview and a day after, today, I get a call saying I got the job.


Needless to say I was very excited. But then I remembered that I'm still a student, only half way through my degree.


I send my professor an email saying that I would still like to take his classes and if we could work something out so that I could still be in his class. He replies back saying that he will do whatever is necessary to make it work.


Then, he also tells me that for our class, MMO Design, we will, instead of doing that standard labs and assignments, be created and designing the MMO game for the Colligieate Cyber Defense Competition, sponsored by Homeland Security, Microsoft, Boeing and others and that we will be working with Cal Poly Pomona and other large schools across the U.S. And we get screen credits.



Lots of awesome things.

Of course, all of this was made possible because of Leadwerks and its community.

It was you guys that answered my questions, gave me advice, project samples and other resources. I couldn't have done my Applied Project work without you and none of this would have happened if it wasn't for all of you.


Thank you.



As for whats in the future for me is unclear. With this job and the CCDC project, I will probably be reducing my senior project work for a long time, which means that I won't be using Leadwerks for a while (atleast in any major projects, I doubt I can resist messing around with things). I'll definitely visit the forums, although it may be a little less frequently. As a side side project, I will be doing some 3D Modeling in Maya, which I will export to Leadwerks and I will get those posted up in the gallery for you all to see.


Well, thats all I have for now. Lots of exciting things.


Again, thank you all for your support.



- Shard



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What an amazing, awesome and inspiring story Shard.


I whish you good luck with your future career at Microsoft.

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"MMO Design"... Is that a class in the U.S.?! Tell me when I can move in. Screw my health insurance.


Its a DeVry class, available at any of the 90 DeVry campus across America and Canada. I'm at the Washington campus.

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Give yourself the credit. Never forget that you are in charge of your own life and your own success.


Good work!


Thank you.

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Guest Red Ocktober


errr... could ya see if you could get me a copy of the Windows 8 beta... :D



seriously... BIG CONGRATS!!



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I like the curriculum at Devry. Very strong emphasis on math, and I would like to work with them more in the future.

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Guest GwendolynCorder


Stories like that have always inspired me. It is like you can do what you want and get money from that. Because of those stories I tried to change my job and became a blogger. Don’t know about other possibilities, but thanks to the ResumesPlanet.com I did it. It is all about your resume. New job getting process, I mean. If you know how to make it work, it will work. Got to the link to make sure

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