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Back in Leadwerks .Net Development




Hi guys,


finally I have some more freetime back and have restarted developing with Leadwerks more intensively in C#. Currently I'm working on multiple extensions for the .NET Wrapper of Leadwerks and I'm also finishing / continuing developing my tools. Later I hope this will all fit in one easy to use framework.


First here is a screen of new nightsky texture used in my lua daynight script (not completely correct scaled) :




the texture was made by taking screenshots from the stellarium software ( http://www.stellarium.org ) and building a cubemap out of them.


Also I have started an advanced 2D Library for Leadwerks.Net :




This is the current 2D code for the image above:

public void Render()
           Drawing2D.Enabled = true; //Enables Rendering of 2D Elements in native OpenGL

           Drawing2D.SetViewRotation(m_angle2, 1024f/ 2f, 768f / 2f); //Rotates the complete Viewport around given point

           Drawing2D.SetBlend(BlendMode.Alpha); // Set differten Blendmodes
           Drawing2D.SetColor(255, 0, 0, 1.0f); // Set Color for the following drawing calls
           Drawing2D.DrawLine(0, 0, 1024, 768); // Draws a line 

           Drawing2D.SetColor(0, 255, 0, 0.5f);
           Drawing2D.DrawLine(0, -100, 1024, 768);

           Drawing2D.SetColor(0, 0, 255, 0.5f);
           Drawing2D.DrawLine(0, 100, 1024, 768);

           Drawing2D.SetColor(255, 0, 255, .5f);

           // Set the Drawing Handle of the next items to draw 
           //(eg: normally all items are rotated at their local [0,0] coordinate, this function offsets this point by the given point)
           //values of 10,10 would rotate the following rects around their center.
           Drawing2D.SetHandle(50, 50); 

           for (int i = 0; i < 150; i++)
               if (i % 2 == 0)
                   Drawing2D.SetRotation(m_angle); //Sets current rotation for the following drawings

               Drawing2D.DrawRect(10.24f + i * 10.24f, 7.68f + i * 7.68f, 20, 20); // Draws a rect

           m_angle += 0.02f;
           m_angle2 += 0.04f;

           Drawing2D.Enabled = false; // Disables raw OpenGL Mode


The module will have its own Image handling (Leadwerks textures can be used as well) and much more.


This is a brief overview and will be continued...



Recommended Comments

Yes I'm using Lazlo's Leadwerks.Net. I have already got Images working ( you can load from file, byte[], stream or from Leadwerkstexture. Then you can draw them scaled, rotated, tiled, normal or just a part of it.)

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