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Animation Prototype




Well, long time has passed since i have written a new entry.


While I'm still working on the asset manager and Texture Converter (non threading version) I have prototyped a small animation class

in Blitzmax which can handle multiple animations at once for a single mesh. eg: you can walk and use your sword in the same time.


Everything is handled automatically you just give a root animation a speed factor and a blend factor. Later you can simply add an 'extra'-

animation to the mesh by using the bonename and an animation name. As you will notice in the video i have not yet synced some values eg:

when does an once time played animation blend out. But i think the video gives an idea what is possible with Leadwerks Engine.


Here is a small codesnippet from my sample project how animation is handled:

If JUMP = 0 Then
		If move = 0 Then
			scene_helper.playeranimator.SetAnimSpeed(3) ;

			If Abs(move) >= 1.5 Then
				scene_helper.playeranimator.SetAnimSpeed(Sgn(move) * 2.0) ;
				scene_helper.playeranimator.SetAnimSpeed(Sgn(move) * 3) ;
				scene_helper.playeranimator.SetMainAnimation("walk w/o sword")
			End If
		End If
		scene_helper.playeranimator.SetMainAnimation("jump", ANIMSTYLE_ONCE)
		scene_helper.playeranimator.SetAnimSpeed(Sgn(move) * 3) ;
	End If

	If MouseHit(MOUSE_LEFT)
		scene_helper.playeranimator.SetExtraAnimation("Bip01_R_UpperArm", "attack combo", ANIMSTYLE_ONCE)
	End If

		scene_helper.playeranimator.SetExtraAnimation("Bip01_L_UpperArm", "pick up", ANIMSTYLE_ONCE)
	End If



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ah nice... thanks.


i would love to see a comparison of fps of your animation code versus if it was in a lua script for the entity... would be interesting to see.

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I had something similar to this, but the crappy part was the animations weren't really setup correctly for it. As I'm sure you noticed with that model, which I have also, the attack animation isn't setup that create to be played with the lower half having the walking animation playing at the same time. Just looks unnatural.

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