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Framework, Update

Paul Thomas



I just finished uploading the framework so that some friends can help out with the content and scene. I already have the overall theme and game put together, I just have to make them, and in this case get help with converting models, creating materials, and so forth.


The framework is going extremely well. I've been working on it more than I should be to be honest but I did spend most of the day on the important matters. Plus it's Sunday for crying out loud. Anyways, I've changed several things about the framework. Here is a brief overview:


Configuration is now available in the engine. This provided the gateway to the rest of the features I had plan for the framework, such as key/mouse binds, and generic configuration information for both the "engine" and "game."


The key/mouse bind configuration file looks similar to:

crouch=c | toggle
grenade_toss=middlemouse | release
debugphysics=f6 | toggle


It's fairly straight forward but the configuration file can contain basic instructions, such as "release" and "toggle." The configuration class itself provides the rest of the support. Examine the following, which is now accessible to Lua:

if input:hit("leftmouse") == 1 then
 -- fire logic

if input:hit(input.get("use")) == 1 then
 -- use logic

if input:toggle("crouch") == 1 then
 -- do crouch


The engine configuration is managed with: config.get("resx")

The game configuration is managed with: game.get("difficulty")


One last feature I've added is a way to change between behaviors. These behaviors are strictly Lua, a hybrid, and strictly C/C++/C#/BlitzMax. If you provide the file "engine.lua" into the root of the project, the framework will only execute that LUA file after creating the graphics context and managers (config, input, game, etc.).


The "hybrid" is a mix of the two. The framework calls upon specific Lua files at specific times. They could be looked at like "hooks." The Lua files are located at: "/scripts/dice" Examples are "update.lua" and "flip.lua."


The framework also now handles scenes. It allows Leadwerks to process the scenes at the moment but then each entity in the scene to turn into an actor by the framework. This way you can get any actor:

local actor = engine:getactor("myEditorAddedActorName")
actor:setkey("health", 20)


Actors have their own Lua files and due to the structure described above we should be able to swap Lua files on the fly. The plan I will be attempting is similar to the following:

local actor = engine:getactor("myactor")


I assume it will work, but who knows. Since per entity/actor scripts work the flexibility with the framework is fairly polished. I'm starting on default controller mechanics, soon to get into third person characters, and so on. Once my buddies can help me out I'll have more to test mechanics.


Everyone should also check out Scarlet Thread Studios work, it looks to me like an RTS/TPS style framework, similar to Diablo series. Slight modifications can turn that into an RTS, FPS/RTS, and so on.


Same with Pixel Perfect's engine Neutrino, which utilizes EKI One, and is turning out fantastic. I've bugged him to lease it but he isn't budging. Sorry everyone, lol. Just playing, Pixel.


MG, always awesome work. Thanks for joining up to help with the content.


Macklebee, hoping you'll come aboard and help me out with Lua. I'm really not in the mood to fully learn Lua at the moment. I plan to stick with hard-coded mechanics, lol. Read the above, it explains how to force the framework to let Lua control the main loop. Figured that would be your expertise.


Awesome hangout session. I never planned to make it, thought it was out of my schedule, so it was kind of unexpected, lol. I had to register with Google+ and everything. It was fun, meant to talk about more, and to everyone else instead of just Josh, but I had to go AFK; turned out to be too long. I hope I'm invited to the next hangout but I don't have a camera.


Thanks for reading.

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Interesting blog Paul, I like your ideas on behaviours and the mixes it supports, I'll be watching this to see how this works out.


Great to see you have both MG and Mack on board, that's a massive boost to anyone's team. Hope you're not committed to supply food and beer though, they could run up quite a bill biggrin.png

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Well, I haven't had beer in a long time, I wouldn't mind having some myself. I don't mind sharing lol.


Definitely is a great boost, both of them are what they would say "jack of all trades," they would also say "master of none" but I would say "master of some." A lot of skill from those two. Though, I think MG just gets lucky :P

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Thanks Pixel. I'm trying to have some time to work more on it tonight. I'm slacking behind but it was expected. I want to work more with Lua, expose more of the framework to Lua (anything that is useful) and continue doing what we're doing. Mack is basically building a framework out of Lua (using "engine.lua" [now configured in engine.ini]) while I'm hardcoding specific mechanics. We'll eventually see how well it meshes with Lua but it should be good.


The "actors" idea is actually adopted from PhysX and it's just so it's easier to deal with objects in your scenes. Once you have easy access to any object in the scene you can begin flexibility and game-play mechanics. Overall it's just a helper though or a type of caching.


I would be interested in learning the structure of your engine, Pixel. If you didn't mind sharing. Would be great to see a blog on it.

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Though, I think MG just gets lucky tongue.png


Working with Paul and Lucky are polar opposites so that don't wash .. thats what you meant right.. Paul .. right.. Huh? unsure.pngtongue.png

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I would be interested in learning the structure of your engine, Pixel. If you didn't mind sharing. Would be great to see a blog on it.

Sure, it's in the process of being re-written for the 3rd time as a result of design lessons learnt along the way, my recent interest in Lua and my imminent team up for a new project (I'm teaming up with an artist who is not too concerned about my limited ability to commit time wise). Once that's completed I'll add an overview to my blog.




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Sure, it's in the process of being re-written for the 3rd time as a result of design lessons learnt along the way, my recent interest in Lua and my imminent team up for a new project (I'm teaming up with an artist who is not too concerned about my limited ability to commit time wise). Once that's completed I'll add an overview to my blog.

Great, I look forward to the overview.

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