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Everything posted by Josh

  1. 0.9.5 Update to solve the duplicate components when entities are copied in editor bug. If you have any compiling problems, updating VS will solve it. I think I solved it regardless, but will hold off until tomorrow to upload another update.
  2. Now we will never know if my fix worked! But I think it probably will.
  3. I don't know. I prefer the subscription model and would love to have a recurring revenue stream independent from Steam, but people often have a set way of doing things so I can't be too pushy with incentives.
  4. Here is something I found: https://developercommunity.visualstudio.com/t/cannot-build-after-vs-update-link-error/1348830#T-N1349621 I checked and the libzip static lib indeed is using the /GL switch. Let me try recompiling this and maybe that will solve your issue.
  5. Is it possible to update VS to the latest? Or is 17.6.4 a typo?
  6. A new project compiled correctly for me, with VS 17.9.0, in both debug and release mode. I am updating to 17.9.4 now...
  7. It has been usually, but lately it is taking a lot of time to update and the uploads have failed a few times.
  8. I was able to solve this problem simply by changing this code: entity->exportproperties = exportproperties; entity->importproperties = importproperties; To this: entity->exportproperties = exportproperties.copy(); entity->importproperties = importproperties.copy(); The fix will be in the next build that goes up.
  9. Sorry about that. Google has some results on this type of error and I am investigating. I used the release build of libzip for both the release and debug builds, but it seemed to work fine. That may be the cause.
  10. You can also just navigate to the Leadwerks folder inside the Steam install path, and in a folder "DLC" you will find a zip for each DLC you have. You can just extract the contents of the zip to your project to use it.
  11. There should be a button that says "Install" on the lower right under the DLC tab.
  12. Standalone has not been updated yet. Are you able to use the Steam version?
  13. I guess the way it is working right now is actually correct, according to the Lua way. In Lua, if you assign a table to a new variable, it will still contain the same subtables. So a table copy feature would be needed to sort this out.
  14. I think internally some of the sub-tables are sharing the same STL map. No idea why brushes don't also exhibit this behavior. I can either change the way the map is stored in the table, which could cause other problems possibly, or implement a table copy mechanism. Let me think about this...
  15. Sorry, but I have to trim things that are holding me back from finishing the vegetation system, particles, and decals. It's hard for me to justify spending more time on Quake files. I sent a PM, feel free to discuss with me.
  16. I don't know. I wrote this code a couple years ago and haven't used it much. The plugins system is technically impressive, but I wonder if we might be better off just integrating things like the FreeImage load/save routines into the engine itself.
  17. 0.9.5 on Steam Zip packages are now case-insensitive. >4 GB zip files now supported. AES zip encryption now supported, I think. CreatePackage, Package::AddFile, and Package::Flush commands are removed (zip files are read-only). Other bug fixes abound.
  18. I replaced ziplib with libzip in the next build. Packages are now read-only. Package file names are now case-insensitive. >4 gb files should be supported. AES encryption should be supported, although I have not tried it yet.
  19. I am honestly reluctant to put effort into helping someone rewrite major parts of the engine, when it's just going to lead to more and more custom features requested that only split the user experience.
  20. I don't know what your suggestion is. I don't know if you are talking about the plugin SDK side or the engine.
  21. It doesn't get used very often and it's difficult to debug.
  22. I recommend using .gltf instead of .glb. There is a glTF extension for LOD support but I have found having separate files is easiest. Yes, I wish 3D modeling programs would just export glTF files with DDS. The easiest way to convert these is with this tool. glTF embedded materials can have a name applied to them. Perhaps we should make the loader so it looks for a file by that name and loads that, if it exists. I think you will end up running into a lot of limitations if you are going through the plugins system.
  23. Okay, do you need to go through the plugin system for that, or can you just make a LoadSPG() function you call in your program?
  24. I found a pre-generated project for libzip here: https://github.com/kiyolee/libzip-win-build Apparently, this also supports the newer zip encryption system.
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