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Everything posted by Josh

  1. I am thinking about a new sample action-oriented game. What player view should it use?
  2. You have an old build in which I make a mistake and compile it using a main file I was testing. You must sync your project to get the updated EXEs: https://www.ultraengine.com/learn/projectmanager
  3. If you are using the debug build, it should not "hang". It should show an error and open the code file on the line where the error occurs.
  4. The error is on IntersectsPoint. I am testing it in the editor console. Ah, I see. There is an extra padding argument you must supply: aabb:IntersectsPoint(Vec3(0), 0) I will add an overload so this is not required.
  5. I am happy to say the #1 issue you voted on is now resolved in the just-released version 0.9.5, which works great with AMD cards.
  6. Version 0.9.5 is now live on the default / stable branch, on Steam and on our site.
  7. Here is an updated version of the textures. texture_templates2.zip
  8. The update that fixes this function's declaration is out now.
  9. Bug fixes Camera::SetMSAA renamed to SetMsaa Camera::SetSSR renamed to SetSsr
  10. To install this, extract the Zip file contents to Blender/4.1/scripts/addons, then in Blender select the Edit > Preferences > Addons menu, search for "MDL" to find this plugin, and check the box to enable it. @SpiderPig Since our PBR materials system is derived from glTF, this page might be useful to you: https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/2.80/addons/io_scene_gltf2.html
  11. What I am saying is I think this problem will automatically go away if I switch to GPU culling.
  12. The new MDL format is not yet a supported feature.
  13. The only required thing is "Desktop Development with C++" but I am not sure if this will work, since you are just trying to get the runtime working. https://www.ultraengine.com/learn/cppsetup?lang=cpp
  14. I think that alternative installer completely messed up your system.
  15. I do not know what those all are. You only need the file I linked to. Installing repackaged redistributables from a third party that "removes bloat" is highly suspicious. Installing Visual Studio Community Edition 2022 is also a guaranteed way to get it installed right.
  16. I do not know what that site is linking to. This is the Visual Studio runtime: https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/vc_redist.x64.exe
  17. Do you have this extension installed?: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=actboy168.lua-debug When I installed it I was able to produce the same error.
  18. Why is there no .vscode folder here?
  19. You do have the Lua debugger extension installed, right?: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=devCAT.lua-debug Do you have other Lua extensions installed that might be interfering with this? Projects can be created in any folder. This is the only mention I can find of this same error: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/76122037/how-do-i-set-up-to-run-love2d-lua-game-when-i-want-to-the-only-way-i-can-finagl Have you tried added a variable "program"? Do the JSON settings recognize this value, or does it show a yellow curvy underline under the word "program"? "program": "${workspaceFolder}/Controller_d.exe",
  20. You don't have to save or load any file formats. You just copy data into their mesh structure to process it: https://github.com/jpcy/xatlas/blob/f700c7790aaa030e794b52ba7791a05c085faf0c/source/xatlas/xatlas.h#L108 Looks not very hard.
  21. I have replaced the function declaration with this code, which will handle all variations: "IntersectsBrush", sol::overload( [](Brush& b, shared_ptr<Brush> bb, std::nullptr_t, float e) { return b.IntersectsBrush(bb, nullptr, e); }, [](Brush& b, shared_ptr<Brush> bb, shared_ptr<Face> f, float e) { return b.IntersectsBrush(bb, f, e); }, [](Brush& b, shared_ptr<Brush> bb, std::nullptr_t) { return b.IntersectsBrush(bb, nullptr); }, [](Brush& b, shared_ptr<Brush> bb, shared_ptr<Face> f) { return b.IntersectsBrush(bb, f); }, [](Brush& b, shared_ptr<Brush> bb) { return b.IntersectsBrush(bb); } ), An update will be available tomorrow.
  22. I have added some commands in the API and I guess I did not update the Lua declarations to match. This is the method syntax: IntersectsBrush(shared_ptr<Brush> brush, shared_ptr<Face> face = NULL, const float epsilon = 0.0f) I am adding the required overloads now. NIL probably won't work for the face until I add the right syntax.
  23. If you are running in debug mode it should tell you more information about the error.
  24. This is correct. This is a common behavior in almost all game model formats. You are doing it correctly. The second UV set is available in the .zw coordinates of the texcoord value.
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