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Everything posted by Josh

  1. I was able to update the standalone now.
  2. This is correct on the Steam build. I am having trouble uploading the files on our server. I don't know why, I have never seen it slow like this.
  3. I think it is the file number and then the (line number).
  4. Well, in Lua there is nothing that needs to be built, but I can confirm the Lua executable is not working...
  5. What programming language are you using?
  6. I guess if you sent the light's ID to a uniform declared in the lighting file, and modified the lighting code to skip that light, but it seems difficult. Why would you want to do this? You can disable shadows on a per-light basis already.
  7. https://registry.khronos.org/OpenGL/extensions/NV/NV_mesh_shader.txt
  8. I don't know what I would do with them!
  9. 0.9.5 Lots of fixes!
  10. It actually makes sense why your colors were flipping back and forth. The bindless texture override in the shader family was not being taken into account in the sorting, so it was just random. So sometimes your trees were being rendered with the more expensive terrain shader.
  11. OpenGL 4.6 is the only renderer in version 0.9.5. I talked about it for an hour in this video: To support older hardware, I just need to write one alternative code path for systems that don't support bindless textures. OpenGL 4.6 support goes all the way back to: Nvidia GEForce 420 AMD Radeon RX 5300M Intel HD Graphics 520
  12. You can delete all thumbnails by deleting the folder C:\ProgramData\Ultra Engine\Thumbnails
  13. Okay, it will work in the build that goes up later today.
  14. I cannot fix this without the file that causes the error.
  15. I added the missing format. However, there are a few rules for terrain textures in 0.9.5 to take note of: All textures on one terrain must be the same size. There is an additional argument in the CreateTerrain function that lets you specify this size. I have not added a control in the editor yet to let you adjust the size of a terrain that is being created. The default size is 1024. Base color, metallic-roughness, and emission textures used in a terrain must be in format BC7. Displacement textures used in a terrain must be Luminance format (single channel 8 bit grayscale). Normal maps used in a terrain must be BC5 format. The reason for this is that array textures are now being used for terrain rendering. This solves the problems we were seeing with pixels on the borders invocation groups and will help make the engine runnable on a wider range of hardware. This zip file does not include any textures.
  16. I found the cause. In the visibility list, meshes are grouped by pipeline settings. This is all the different rendering settings, plus the shader in use. The pipeline settings has a < operator for sorting. This is how the grouping is done. I added a setting in the shader family to force bindless textures off, but did not add any sorting for this in the < operator in the pipeline settings class. As a result, your sphere was probably getting rendered using the terrain shader. Once I added the needed fix the problem went away.
  17. At this point I suspect a nasty memory overwrite in the terrain system. I am seeing behavior that does not otherwise make sense...
  18. This is a strange one. Has this every happened without the terrain present?
  19. Do you know what folder is selected when this happens, and what files are in it that might be causing this?
  20. For each mesh, if its material does not use shadows, it will not cast a shadow.
  21. It's both. Both the material and entity must have shadows enabled for a shadow to be cast.
  22. I see nothing in this model that would cause the lowest resolution LOD to not cast shadows. However, the wrong LOD might be getting selected when rendering shadows. Directional lights are made up of four box lights.
  23. When an LOD is loaded from a model, it just adds the meshes found in that model into a new LOD. No entity properties are copied from the LOD model file. A model with several LODs is just a single model.
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