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Posts posted by Josh

  1. You can just start using the C++ Lua command set right away in any Leadwerks C++ project, with no extra work. You don't need to worry about which platforms use Lua and which use LuaJIT, it will all just work.

  2. BSP objects will likely never cast dynamic shadows because they are meant to be used as static level geometry.


    The upcoming OpenGL 4 renderer does away with this distinction and just uses uniform dynamic lighting on everything. The OpenGL 2 renderer was created because hundreds of people told me they wanted something with lower hardware requirements. It turns out those people were basically lying, because they lost interest when they realized I couldn't magically make their low-end computers render the level of graphics they expected from Leadwerks; what they really wanted was Leadwerks graphics running fast on their low-end machines, which was impossible.

  3. You're right. Something is wrong, probably the light data not being fed to the shader...I'm using the same code for Leadwerks 3.0 and the 3.1 beta, and using macros to switch between the two and it appears something got overlooked in the new update. Let me investigate...

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