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Everything posted by Josh

  1. In this episode we review the week's progress and discuss some proposed revisions to the asset pipeline. 4-13-24.zip
  2. I do not understand your question.
  3. Fixed image converter errors. All converters are now disabled by default.
  4. Vertex tool can now select objects. Increase size of vertex indicators when DPI scaling is used. Added default materials so brushes aren't bright white on creation. Edge selection highlight thickness now adjusts with DPI scale
  5. In the CreateWindow function in Source/main.cpp or Source/main.lua, use the WINDOW_FULLSCREEN style for the window style.
  6. New version of this has been added to the default install.
  7. Bug fixes Opened prefabs can now be saved like map
  8. See Camera::SetClipPlane and CameraClipPlane0 in CameraInfo.glsl.
  9. It may be possible to improve this in the future but I am wary of trying to mask this behavior, since it might lead to other problems. For now I am going to consider this "not a bug".
  10. From MS: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.io.filesystemwatcher.created?view=net-8.0
  11. Editing a .fam file in VS Code, I do see two FILE_CHANGED events being emitted by the file system watcher.
  12. Just installed Notepad++ and had no problems with multiple reloads when saving a post-processing fragment shader file. Let's see what happens when the next build of the editor goes up.
  13. I added a weak pointer in the shader module (the asset) to all shaders they get attached to, and it will reattach them and update the shader automatically when the module is reloaded. Tested shader editing in VSCode and Notepad and with both those programs the asset only gets reloaded once...
  14. Added selection toolbar item Added basic implementation of drag-select area. The volume intersection test is not exact yet. Revised the way converters work to make them more useful. I recommend deleting the FBXToglTF and ColladaToglTF scripts in Scripts/Start/Converters, if you have those files. Converters can now be enabled and disabled with settings. Everything is managed entirely in script, except for detecting files that need to be converted and emitting the convert file event.
  15. It says that you left the conversation! I sent a new PM.
  16. https://www.ultraengine.com/community/messenger/1685224954/
  17. I think the type needs to be an exact match. We should determine what a bindless handle looks like on the CPU side.
  18. Quite a lot of Steamworks is exposed already: https://www.ultraengine.com/learn/Steamworks?lang=cpp There is also support for XBox controllers here: https://www.ultraengine.com/learn/GamePad?lang=cpp I have not used Steam input myself. I did some work with their early Steam controller API, but I think that got deprecated.
  19. I just updated the editor with the recent fixes.
  20. When I modify the shadow casting setting of a model in the asset window, the view updates instantly in the main window viewports, before I even save the model.
  21. Is there still any problem with this?
  22. I think this is the same thing:
  23. Directional lights will now use the camera for the LOD distance.
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