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Everything posted by Josh

  1. You don't need material files for the model to show up, but without the model file there is no way for us to tell what might be wrong.
  2. Local size:Int size=luastate.StackSize() lua_getglobal(luastate.L,"UpdatePhysicsHook") If lua_isfunction(luastate.L,-1) luastate.PushObject(Self) luastate.invoke(1,0) EndIf luastate.SetStackSize(size) Method StackSize:Int() Return lua_gettop(L) EndMethod Method SetStackSize(size:Int) {hidden} Local currentsize:Int=StackSize() If size<currentsize lua_pop(L,currentsize-size) EndIf EndMethod Method Invoke:Int(in:Int=0,out:Int=0) Local error:String Local result:Int Local time:Int Local dummy:Object Local debugmode:Int ?debug debugmode=True ? If debugmode result=lua_pcall(L,in,out,0) Else Try result=lua_pcall(L,in,out,0) Catch dummy:Object HandleException() EndTry EndIf If result HandleError() Return False EndIf If autogc If CollectGarbageFrequency>0 time=MilliSecs() If time-lastcollectgarbagetime>CollectGarbageFrequency lastcollectgarbagetime=time ' CollectGarbage() EndIf EndIf EndIf Return True EndMethod
  3. Without a code example, I doubt your assertion that this is the case.
  4. I can't run your code because their does not appear to be a LEO VC2008 template. Don't do this.
  5. Distance culling is extremely efficient because it skips entire categories based on distance. I can't make any more specific of a comment than that without example code I can run.
  6. No, they are unrelated. Don't worry about occlusion culling. It's automatically used for light and animated models.
  7. Occlusion culling of individual entities will almost always be slower than not using it. The test itself has a cost
  8. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/category/23-nature/
  9. The character controller uses my own physics routines which have been very stable. I can't say what the problem might be without seeing an example.
  10. You are attempting to make worlds bigger than what 32-bit floating points can handle. The only solution is to make it smaller.
  11. Well, I guess Newton is not officially compatible with Android yet. I have PhysX for Android, Windows, and Mac, but the iOS version is not released yet. Newton going open source is not a good sign, because it means if you have a problem, you have to fix it yourself. I know Bullet won this poll, but I think it would be the worst option of the three: Open source (=bad documentation and support), no corporate marketing campaign to convince people it's the best, and I am not familiar with it. It's a tough call because PhysX means restricting the world size below what we have now, but my guess is people would rather have it, even if it's full of bugs, just because it has a nice logo. Upper left at 0:07: I guess I'd better start talking about THE AMAZING POWER OF PHYSX 3 since AFAIK Leadwerks will be the only major engine using the new version.
  12. I think you are thinking of STALKER, they called it a "rain shadowmap". That's just it, you do a depth render to a texture, then use that in the shader to tell where the rain is allowed.
  13. You just get the world position and normal of each pixel, round off to the nearest XZ direction (there are four possible). Use that for the vertical component of rain sliding down. Then add in raindrops based on the Y component of the normal. You can do something similar for snow accumulation...someone posted a video of it working.
  14. It's possible to do this with a post-processing shader that perturbs the normals using an animated texture and a calculation of the surface normal.
  15. I think what happens is, by the time you have coded to that level, it's beyond the ability of new users to do anything with it. Instead of modifying and using your beautiful code, they will just end up asking for a lot of features to be added, and then you're coding someone else's game for them. That's why I am trying to make the new engine have a lot of high-level functionality built-in. On top of that, you have the issue that 3 or 4 main languages are being used by the community, and any language you target will only be relevant to a fraction of the users.
  16. One thing that really surprised me when I started with 3D was how unusable most of the free 3D stuff on the internet was. I had no idea how much more care it took to produce good real-time 3D models.
  17. This is a very Zen-like question.
  18. The entity type will be terrain, but we should add something like a vegetation index so you can tell better.
  19. Try this: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/Documentation/le2/_/tutorials/rendering-lights-r384
  20. Some of the colors seem way too neon, but then some of the ground textures have really nice and sharp details. I'd like to see more of this.
  21. Yep, we just store color in the unused fourth column of the entity's 4x4 matrix when it's sent to the GPU.
  22. I won't promise that because you might have the android version you can use yourself by then, but I am certainly interested in testing performance.
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