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Everything posted by somebody3333

  1. the very fact that i named steamos as target is steam-runtime which will be very easy to replicate in future sandboxed applications. if it runs trough steam on steamos. even now, without sandoboxing any distro could simply modify run.sh from steam and have perfect compatibility. goal achieved in 2 min what you're mistaking here is the fact you're proclaiming i'm proposing default workstation target, which i am not. i'm proposing test target for bug reporting. if it works on setup like this there won't be "ubuntu x.y morning version supported only", but rather "linux supported". sometimes i just hate ubuntu users and their inflexibility to understand let's see. they deviate in desktop notifications, they deviate in how menu is handled, in future they'll move to Mir, rest to wayland, systemd support is not comming until 16. ubuntu runs its own unique DE which doesn't really work like others (well, so isn't gnome in that aspect, so this is a bit moot), shall i go on?
  2. maybe because it features standard libraries from debian wheezy. smaller the target, better the adaptation. if you target ubuntu which deviates from others in every aspect... it's hard to adapt. ubuntu is to other linux world kind of like android is. you can make android out of linux distro, but no matter how hard you try, you can't make linux distro out of android also: if it runs on steamos and not on ubuntu, there is 100% chance ubuntu is the culprit update: "heck of a lot more flexible in regards to running on anything that shares Ubuntu's base and repos" you could replace this with linux. there is 0 needs for singular base and repos if you know the stable target
  3. just my 2 cents. it would probably be much better if SteamOS was the target. simpler target, longer life span, less deviation from other Linux ecosystem, much better in following standards. it would also make it MUCH simpler target to adapt with other distros
  4. you can solve this problem by changing steam command for leadwerks and use GTK2_RC_FILES=/path/to/your/theme/gtkrc application-command or simply GTK2_RC_FILES=/path/to/your/theme/gtkrc %command% this way you can at least use preferred theme in the rest of the system. still, demanding to test against everything is a bit large request. i can't even imagine this magnitude. it's more than reasonable for developer to pick his supported flavor and then let users find workarounds. then, if problem is caused by distro, it is fixed by community, if it is caused by software, it is fixed by software. sometimes, things can also work by pure accident and break as soon as that accident is not present anymore i personally use fedora and actually hate ubuntu anything and as such find it really strange to see linux user asking for his 10% of linux only like you do but, one thing that i did find is that i have way less problems on my unsupported distro than most ubuntu users on their so called supported with anything non-FOSS.
  5. that works on yum based distros like fedora, centos, rhel... and it is easy to automate if you use script like this. script to automate deps installing on yum is something like this also, you might want to avoid whatprovides and use resolvedep instead. whatprovides will enumerate all package versions, resolvedep will only name the relevant one #!/bin/sh if [ ! -f "$1" ]; then echo "Usage: installdeps.sh EXECUTABLE_NAME [--install]" exit fi INSTALL=0 [ "$2" = "--install" ] && INSTALL=1 get_rpmname() { declare -i NUM let NUM=$#-1 eval PARM=\$$NUM echo ${PARM//*:/""} } get_dependancy() { NAME=`basename $1` echo $NAME } echo "Parsing: "$1 DEPS=`ldd "$1"` OLDIFS=$IFS IFS=$'\n' for line in $DEPS; do OIFS=$IFS IFS=$' \t' DEP=`get_dependancy $line` RPMNAME=`yum resolvedep */$DEP 2>&1` TEST=${RPMNAME//"Error:"/""} if [ ! "$RPMNAME" = "$TEST" ]; then echo "No package found for: "$DEP else IFS=$' \t\n' echo "Depends on: ["$DEP"] <= "`get_rpmname $RPMNAME` IFS=$' \t' [ $INSTALL = 1 ] && yum install `get_rpmname $RPMNAME` fi IFS=$OIFS done IFS=$OLDIFS more or less all package managers have same functions, just different command/parameters and error checking.
  6. happened same to me, then i realized i forgot to enable beta branch. another download around 14mb and it worked. fedora 19 x86_64. starts normal here, about 10sec. i7, nvidia 750 430.24, 16GB. only thing is that splash screen is white
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