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Blog Comments posted by Gonan

  1. sorry I assumed that each task was on a thread, running independently. I was suggesting that if you had more active threads than cpus, you would experience contention for those cpus. You would see this in the performance stats, as context switches, which will cause the current context to be saved, and another loaded. If this happens a lot you are loosing useful cpu processing power.

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  2. I deleted some old games that I had put up to test, then it seemed to get much further, failing to publish a file called "." .


    I successfully published after I also made the .jpg screen shot a lower resolution and removed use of one of the other workshop assets terrain, as I was only using the snow, which I replaced with white diffuse and used the assets that came with Leadwerks for the other parts of the mat.


    Are there any limits to the amount of storage used on the workshop per individual, for Leadwerks as a whole, or a limit to how many assets, or items that can be published? If so what are the limits?

  3. Thanks Josh, is the original game publishing still working for everyone or is it just me having issues, I've been unable to publish any game to the workshop for over a week. Using latest Beta 3.3. I've posted a screen shot for the game ok. I fill in the publish game form, and a few seconds after pressing publish the form refreshes with just the Public and Game boxes still containing data.

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