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Everything posted by MaybeMe

  1. MaybeMe

    Artwork production

    Toyota Hilux. Add a turret and you have an instant military vehicle used by both sides I wouldn't mind some sort of hostage prefab with the pick up option like Counter-Strike, and some showcase mission for it.
  2. Yeah, they're not random for me, but they're avoidable if I just delete the file manually from the directory, rather than through LW.
  3. Hey guys, Whenever I uninstall Workshop Items from my project, it causes an EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION error, then forces LW to close. Also, the same thing happens when I try to delete a project. Anyone know how to fix it or what's wrong?
  4. Nice work! Is the game going to stay in that one town? I think that'd be a good background; that the town is quarantined by the military or something like that and you have to survive in the town with limited supplies while killing zombies and helping(or not) other survivors. You could have airdrops time to time from the military.
  5. Hey guys, Today I tried to subscribe to more items and download some ones I already subscribed to, but every time I clicked Install in the Workshop menu, it gives me an error. Any suggestions?
  6. MaybeMe

    What's Next

    Just a suggestion for the soldier pack, if it becomes a reality: A civilian script, where it will keep away from other AI and the player when an event is triggered.
  7. Wow, that's really great looking! I like the reference to Leadwerks painted on the side. Can't wait to see the finished product.
  8. Like the MSi? I use my brother's MSi laptop for Leadwerks as mine doesn't support OpenGL 4.0. It's just an i7 with a 860M, but for some reason LW doesn't like to run on the GPU, so it uses integrated graphics.
  9. I recommend editing the steam update notes to include the hyperlinks as they don't show up.
  10. Could you make an executable that doesn't have to be opened in Leadwerks? I have a low-end laptop sitting around that I could test it on, if you'd like.
  11. This seems feasible, although I'm sure there would be an FPS drop from it. It reminds me of Little Big Planet where you can mess with different items and get some sweet outcomes for level design. I honestly think that's where my so-called spark to try making a game came from.
  12. Agreed, renaming would be pretty sweet.
  13. You might at some point... I bought both the zombie and FPS weapons pack. Not sure if I'll use either, but it was a great deal, so why not?
  14. MaybeMe

    Dead Anyway

    Great looking project so far! I like the idea, it looks as if Project Zomboid and State of Decay had an awkward relationship with DayZ that resulted in one badass offspring. Looking forward to more progress. Will it be publicly released, or is it more of a closed project to hone both of your skills?
  15. Wouldn't it be possible to jury rig the orbit physics so to speak? Place an invisible body at the center and have another invisible arm with no collison, then set a lot of points using the platform script to get it in a 360?
  16. It is possible to have him go to a way point, say the top of the hill, where he will then have line of sight and attack the player.
  17. Select a code type. Click on Lua or C++.
  18. This is what I ran into. I figured that is not supposed to happen. It's not really fixed at all, I just thought it was since I rebuilt the trigger and script hoping it would solve it, and in doing so I moved it up so the player wouldn't die from the fall impact. The way I viewed the video was that you could have it as far down as you wanted and it would still respawn the player, instead I recieve the death animation as though the player died from fall damage, when the death trigger has no collision mesh when it's set to "Trigger" and as far as I know it wasn't supposed to kill the player character.
  19. FIXED Seems to have fixed itself after restarting a couple times. Thanks guys!
  20. Ah, I knew I should have chosen a different word. What I mean't to say was how do I make the box itself able to go through? The character dies on impact and respawns, but doesn't pass through like it's supposed to. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
  21. Hey guys, I've been watching Aggror's videos on Lua coding, and I ran into an issue first video and I don't want to go further without figuring out what I did wrong. The player dies and it plays the death animation. The script works and the player respawns back at the spawn point, but he dies. I've set the death trigger platform to "Trigger" but it is still solid. How do I make it transparent so to speak?
  22. I recommend as a newbie myself, to make folders in within your Prefab folder, and make different building blocks like floors and walls to use to make structures, depending on what sort of game you hope to create. It's made my life easier and its much more simple to just click on a floor tile or wall and coat it with a material than creating a new one every time. Good luck!
  23. Alright... This is what I've got. I'm going to try and look up some Lua tutorials to see what I messed up, but it gives me an error: attempt to call method 'SpawnBullet' (a nil value) function Script:Fire() if Time:GetCurrent()-self.reloadstarttime>5000 then if self.player.weaponlowerangle==0 then local currenttime=Time:GetCurrent() if self.lastfiretime==nil then self.lastfiretime=0 end if currenttime-self.lastfiretime>self.refirerate then if self.currentaction==nil then self.lastfiretime = currenttime if self.clipammo==0 then if self.sound.dryfire then if self.suspenddryfire~=true then self.sound.dryfire:Play() end end else self.currentaction="fire" if #self.sound.fire>0 then self.sound.fire[math.random(#self.sound.fire)]:Play() end self.clipammo = self.clipammo - 1 self.firetime = Time:GetCurrent() self.muzzlelight:Point(self.player.camera,1) self.muzzlelight:Show() self.muzzleflash:SetAngle(math.random(0,360)) self.animationmanager:SetAnimationSequence("Fire",self.firespeed,300,1,self,self.EndFire) --Spawn bullet local n for n=1,self.pellets do local d = Transform:Normal(0,0,1,self.player.camera,nil) d = d + Vec3(math.random(-1,1),math.random(-1,1),math.random(-1,1)) * self.scatter d = d:Normalize() local p if self.muzzle then p=self.muzzle:GetPosition(true) self:SpawnBullet(p,d*self.bulletspeed) else System:Print("Warning: Muzzle entity not found.") end end end else self.cancelreload=true end end end end --Creates a bullet function Script:SpawnBullet(position,velocity) local bullet = {} bullet.sprite = tolua.cast(self.tracer:Instance(),"Sprite") bullet.sprite:SetPosition(position) bullet.sprite:AlignToVector(velocity) bullet.sprite:Hide() bullet.position = position bullet.origin = Vec3(position.x,position.y,position.z) bullet.velocity = velocity table.insert(self.bullets,bullet) end function Script:Draw() local t = Time:GetCurrent() if self.muzzlelight:Hidden()==false then if t-self.firetime>50 then self.muzzlelight:Hide() end end local jumpbob = 0 if self.jumpoffset<0 then jumpbob = (Math:Sin(self.jumpoffset))*0.01 self.jumpoffset = self.jumpoffset + 8*Time:GetSpeed() end if self.landoffset<0 then jumpbob = jumpbob + (Math:Sin(self.landoffset))*0.01 self.landoffset = self.landoffset + 10*Time:GetSpeed() end --Animate the weapon local bob = 0; local speed = math.max(0.1,self.player.entity:GetVelocity():xz():Length()) if self.player.entity:GetAirborne() then speed = 0.1 end self.swayspeed = Math:Curve(speed,self.swayspeed,20) self.swayspeed = math.max(0.5,self.swayspeed) self.amplitude = math.max(2,Math:Curve(speed,self.amplitude,20)) self.timeunits = self.timeunits + self.swayspeed*4*Time:GetSpeed() local sway = math.sin(self.timeunits/120.0) * self.amplitude * self.maxswayamplitude bob = (1-math.cos(self.timeunits/60.0)) * self.maxswayamplitude * 0.1 * self.amplitude local campos = self.player.camera:GetPosition(true) self.smoothedposition.x = campos.x self.smoothedposition.y = Math:Curve(campos.y,self.smoothedposition.y,2) self.smoothedposition.z = campos.z self.entity:SetRotation(self.rotation) self.entity:SetPosition(sway*self.entity.scale.x,bob+jumpbob,0) self.entity:Translate(self.offset,false) self.animationmanager:Update() end function Script:Release() self.emitter[0]:Release() self.emitter[1]:Release() self.emitter=nil ReleaseTableObjects(self.sound) end function Script:Cleanup() self.tracer:Release() end end Any help and possible explanation of what I did wrong?
  24. A standalone Leadwerks Player would be great! It'd be cool if it could also browse the Games page on the site so one could look at all the games.
  25. Alright! Thanks for the fix. I just wanted to try and get it the way I like it so I could use it for other purposes. Thanks a bunch!
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