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Blog Comments posted by xtom

  1. With lots of mechanics might need to introduce them gradually over multiple levels. First level(s) should be easy, not too hard on the difficulty curve/frustration. Maybe checkpoints. I like the way that video has red barriers on some of the ends making the level not too difficult. What about a putty ball that splits in half if a saw hits it, or powerups that change from soft to hard ball to beat certain enemies or puzzles. So much you could do.

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  2. if the developer set smaller models to have a shorter view range.


    Believe me I have done this already to a great extent so little to no gains left there given the map layout. But I am looking at the map again (after long pause in dev) with the latest betas. I am experimenting with dropping the terrain size for the map to 512 from 1024 which also will reduce the navmesh and maybe this will push it up some more. If I can get close to 30fps on my low end rig I'll be happy. Great to see these engine optimizations.

  3. So a widget is like a single button and a gui is a collection of widgets/buttons? So you have a different gui for say a pause menu and maybe a different gui for main menu and a different one for a hud? Is this better for a hud instead of the previous way?

  4. Commenting out the "Removes banding" part of the directional light shader got rid of the grainy effect for me. I guess this sacrifices the shadow banding improvement but for now I'd rather not have the grainy effect that it produces over everything.


    Build global illumination is disabled so I can't check that out. Volumetric lights look awesome but I can see the performance hit on my low spec pc. Godrays look well awesome too.

  5. Cool, lot's to check out.


    I'm trying the new ssao.lua on a new project start map and it creates a black edge along the top of the 3d viewport and in game. It's also very! subtle effect on objects, I get the feeling it's not how it's supposed to look.


    Also directional light (but not other lights) is producing a noise effect without any shaders added.




    Here's a screenshot showing no ssao.lua and with ssao.lua




    The grain/noise effect from the directional light is visible against the sky.


    Edit: the ssao effect shows up much better stronger with point/spot lights so I'm guessing maybe it is not intended for directional lights - ok it is showing with the directional it's just way more subtle. Sorry for this long post :)

  6. If your main focus is to make a game I would recommend using an existing cms (if you even need a cms at all) because creating cms functionality from scratch will just eat into game dev time. Also I wouldn't worry about setting up a business until you are closer to having a sell-able game. You can always go ahead with getting your website up and running first but ideally you should have some work done on your game so you can populate the website with game related info and images. Of course you can always use a site initially to show concept images and ideas but you might be too light on content initially to really worry about it.


    For sharing, interaction and motivation probably best to use existing forums and social media these days as they don't cost anything and are already well populated and then when you have something more a bit substantial go the route of a dedicated website. You'll need to use forums and social media anyway to drive traffic to your new website.


    Btw your blog writing is fine imo. :)

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