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Everything posted by Skrakle

  1. Ahh i see what you mean now, i would've scratched my head at some point wondering why the iscript entity would be null. So i added this in the PlayerScript: void SetEntity(Entity* entity) { ent = entity; // i renamed the member for ent } And i'm setting it up like this: IScript* script = new PlayerScript(); script->SetEntity(entities[0]); It's all working now, thanks for noticing that!
  2. You're right, entity does return NULL when first instantiated and SetUserData((void*)script); seems to set it as i'm able to view the entity position in the callback trigger.
  3. In App::Start, after loading the entity, i use this: IScript* script = new PlayerScript(); entities[0]->SetUserData((void*)script); entities[0]->AddHook(Entity::CollisionHook, (void*)CollisionHook); I've tested the callbacks, they are being triggered. I'd like to know if when the app terminates, do i have to remove the hooks or LE does it automatically?
  4. The entity is in the parent class and parameter is passed in the PlayerScript constructor: PlayerScript() :IScript(entity) {} // default constructor That did it, i'll go read up on the link you provided, thanks a lot!
  5. I removed virtual from the PlayerScript class like you suggested and left it in the parent and i'm still getting unresolved externals. class IScript { protected: Entity* entity; public: IScript(Entity* e) { entity = e; } virtual void Collision(Entity* entity, float* position, float* normal, float speed); }; class PlayerScript : public IScript { public: PlayerScript() :IScript(entity) {} void Collision(Entity* entity, float* position, float* normal, float speed) { } };
  6. I'm trying to use these classes to write my scripts: #ifndef _ISCRIPT_H #define _ISCRIPT_H // derive your "script" classes from this interface to make it an "entity script" class IScript { protected: Entity* entity; public: IScript(Entity* e) { entity = e; } virtual void Collision(Entity* entity, float* position, float* normal, float speed); virtual void Draw(); virtual void DrawEach(Camera* camera); virtual void PostRender(Camera* camera); virtual void UpdateMatrix(); virtual void UpdatePhysics(); virtual void UpdateWorld(); }; // example "script" that you would have to make class PlayerScript : public IScript { public: PlayerScript() :IScript(entity) {} // default constructor virtual void Collision(Entity* entity, float* position, float* normal, float speed) { } virtual void Update() { } }; // define each global hook function here and the same idea applies to all. cast the user data on the entity // to IScript and if it's not NULL call that instance method void CollisionHook(Entity* entity0, Entity* entity1, float* position, float* normal, float speed) { IScript* script = (IScript*)entity0->GetUserData(); if (script != NULL) { script->Collision(entity1, position, normal, speed); } } void UpdateWorldHook(Entity* entity) { IScript* script = (IScript*)entity->GetUserData(); if (script != NULL) { script->UpdateWorld(); } } void UpdatePhysicsHook(Entity* entity) { IScript* script = (IScript*)entity->GetUserData(); if (script != NULL) { script->UpdatePhysics(); } } #endif I'm getting multiple unresolved external errors: LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall IScript::Collision(class Leadwerks::Entity *,float *,float *,float)" (?Collision@IScript@@UAEXPAVEntity@Leadwerks@@PAM1M@Z) C:\Users\Admin\Documents\Leadwerks\Projects\TestProject\Projects\Windows\App.obj TestProject APP.CPP #include "App.h" #include "IScript.h" using namespace Leadwerks; App::App() : window(NULL), context(NULL), world(NULL), camera(NULL) {} App::~App() { delete world; delete window; } bool App::Start() { window = Leadwerks::Window::Create("TestProject", 250, 0, 1024, 768); context = Context::Create(window); world = World::Create(); IScript* script = new PlayerScript(); } What am i missing?
  7. What i meant by doing everything in c++ is doing the game entirely in c++. Here's an example of what i'm trying to do. Let's say i have 100 characters in my map, one of them is controllable by the player. The remaining 99 doesn't need the code blocks where it scans for keys to move/jump around and the character that the player controls doesn't need code blocks for AI. During the game, if the player ends up controlling another character, it is when i would generate and set a new script (by string) with new generated code. That being said, i don't want to end up with 100's of lua files. I have other alternatives, i just wondered if this was possible.
  8. I'm aware of entity:SetScript but it won't help since i'm looking to generate dynamic lua code when loading entities. I'll probably just end up ditching lua and do everything in c++ instead. Thanks for the replies!
  9. Does this mean that once a script has been set to an entity, we can't change it for another at runtime? That would solve my issue, although i would need to set those functions from c++ which is why a SetScriptFromString method would be simpler in my case. How can i add/modify lua variables/functions from c++?
  10. I'm looking for a way to set the entity script by sending a string rather than loading a lua file, something like: entity::SetScriptWithString("function Script:Start()\nself.index=-1\nend"); I'm building a rpg and have lots of characters which will require customized functions in their script and will be generated in-game depending how the character is configured. Is there some way to do that?
  11. You're absolutely right, I can't believe i didn't notice that! Thanks for noticing!
  12. I copy/pasted the bone name from the editor. Dwarf model: Dwarf fbx Weapon Weapon entity={}; function App:Start() entity[0]=LoadModel("Models/Characters/Dwarf/dwarfmale_run.mdl","Char","Randgard",0,0,5.73,0.02,1,Collision.Trigger,Entity.CharacterPhysics,""); entity[0]:SetScript("Scripts/NPCS/player_character.lua"); weapons[0]=LoadModel("Weapons/axe_1h_hatchet_a_01.mdl","Weapon","Axe",0,0,0,0.02,0,Collision.None,Entity.RigidBodyPhysics,""); local child=entity[0]:FindChild("dwarfmale_stand_bone_RFingerPinky"); if (child) then weapons[0]:SetParent(child); weapons[0]:SetMatrix(entity[0]:GetMatrix()) end end
  13. Thanks for the video link but it didn't help because i really need to attach it to a specific bone so my sword will follow/rotate correctly when my character walks or takes a swing and i haven't seen anything bone related in the tutorial. I forgot to mention that i'm loading my models in lua instead of placing it in the editor. I did place one so i can find the bone names.
  14. I'm trying to add a weapon at a specific bone on my character but finding the child using bone name returns nil. I've also tried several other names in the hierarchy. local child=self.entity:FindChild("dwarfmale_stand_bone_RFingerPinky");
  15. Detecting if a character is on the ground or in the air is easy by using entity:GetAirborne()
  16. Yes, i attached the collision script on all of them using SetScript like you previously suggested
  17. The problem was detecting which character touched the ground and in the Script:Collision function, there's only one entity parameter and i needed to identify the model that touched the terrain entity. Since i'm using an array for my characters, i only needed to set an index value on top of the script and it is set when a model is loaded. Script.entityIndex=-1; Script.entityJumping=0; function Script:Start() end function Script:Collision(entity, position, normal, speed) if (entity:GetClass()==20) then self.entityJumping=0; end if (entity.type == "char") then --self.component:CallOutputs("Collision") end end
  18. I have a collision script attached to several models and i'm trying to detect whether their on the ground or in the air. Problem is, when a collision scene is detected, i don't know which entity touched down. function Script:Collision(entity, position, normal, speed) if (entity:GetClass()==20) then -- terrain -- can jump end end Edit: I was able to figure out a way using a Script.entityIndex variable in the collision script for each entity.
  19. That's awesome! Thanks AggrorJorn!
  20. I've created a pivot, attached script CollisionTriggers.lua and i loaded it. Now i'm trying to attach it to the entity. I've tried this: App.lua entity[0]={}; entity[0]=LoadEntity("Models/Characters/Dwarf/dwarfmale_run.mdl",10,0,-20,0.05,1,Collision.Character,Entity.CharacterPhysics); local parent=entity[0]:GetParent(); if (parent~=nil) then Prefab:Load("Prefabs/collisions_generic.pfb") end CollisionTriggers.lua function Script:Start() self.enabled=true end function Script:Collision(entity, position, normal, speed) if self.enabled then self.component:CallOutputs("Collision") end end function Script:Enable()--in if self.enabled==false then self.enabled=true self:CallOutputs("Enable") end end function Script:Disable()--in if self.enabled then self.enabled=false self:CallOutputs("Disable") end end parent returns nil... How do i attach it to the entity?
  21. I'm loading my entities in lua in App:Start() and i need to set script files for them, is there a way to assign them in lua? I've tried something like entity.Script="Scripts/Objects/Triggers/CollisionTrigger.lua" but no luck.
  22. That did the trick and I was able to set everything up at runtime since i didn't want to add the characters from the editor. Thanks a lot!
  23. Oh i see, i'll give that a try and i would prefer setting this when the game starts in App:Start() ; is there a way to set it using code? Thanks!
  24. If you mean setting the collision types then yes, i've tried entity:SetCollisionType(Collision.Character) as well. Right now i'm not concerned about colliding with other objects/entities because i was planning on using AABB for them, it's moving on the terrain's surface that i'm having a hard time with.
  25. Thanks but it's not working. Also, i find SetForce very unpractical to move something, my character moves too fast and it seems that a value below 100 won't move it at all. So right now i'm at a loss, i have very little experience with 3D which is why i bought this and i'm surprised that i haven't found a sample project with an example about how that's done.
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