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Everything posted by Angelwolf

  1. I've made a model in Blender with two basic animations. The model also has one bone armature which is the parent. Each of these animations shows in the dope sheet and has an F in front of them, which I believe is correct. When I export these (either as .fbx OR using the Leadwerks exporter) the export is successful, however when I add them to my game, the animations do not appear to be there. If I add an animated texture, the model disappears completely. What am I doing wrong?
  2. This. Also, ensure the monster is set to Character Controller.
  3. Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't different hardware sometimes give different results from other bits of hardware? As an example, I'm fairly sure even Photoshop has challenges here and you can change your preferences in order to minimise any colour differences as your image will look one way on your computer and very visibly different on another. I also thought this was the reason why in a lot of games these days, that you go through a gamma calibration before you can play (eg, move the slider to adjust the brightness until the logo is barely visible).
  4. Remove spots and directional light. Turn down environmental light. , add a point light and adjust the colour to a light yellow for a softer glow. Look at your normal texture maps and tweak them. Consider texture alignment.
  5. You may not have saved your animations correctly within Blender. This is a mistske I made myself quite recently. Look at this: post
  6. Aw, thats a shame. Thanks guys.
  7. Thats kind of what I'm asking
  8. Are models made with Cryengine in mind, compatible with Leadwerks? Theres a big asset sale on the Humble Bundle I'm considering buying.
  9. As mdgunn mentioned, mine is Dungeon Creeper on the game launcher. Happy to help out where possible.
  10. That was a quick response And no, I'm a useless buffoon and completely forgot to add that code. Now I have done, it works great! Thanks!
  11. This script seems to crash out on my, not sure why? pickup.lua : 8 : attempt to compare number with nil
  12. ^^ Just tested this with a value of -0.5 and confirm it works. Obviously not the most feasible fix, but definitely pain-free for someone with little coding knowledge!
  13. Klanphear, out of interest, have you tried removing the default directional light that is added to every new map by default?
  14. Can you link me to a place I can learn how raycasts work in leadwerks? Sounds like aa good fix until this is resolved.
  15. My first solution attempt at this was to make the person firing the projectile to me immune from it, but my limited coding knowledge meant I couldnt quite work it out. The speed issue mentioned by nick.ace is definitely plausable; since removing the directional light the fps has increased.
  16. Ok, after pulling my hair out for hours and hours, I finally figured out what was causing this. And I honestly have no idea why, because it doesn't make sense. A directional light. Deleting the directional light fixed everything. I don't know why, but it did. Now... where did I leave my whisky?
  17. You can use the built-in Noise script to do this too, when attached to a pivot
  18. I have just noticed a very, very strange bug in my game which also appears to be affecting some of my other games. If I run and shoot (especially with the shotgun from the FPS Weapons Pack) then I actually shoot and injure myself. The faster the player move speed, the more the damage. With a run speed of 5, 50hp is removed from the player. I don't understand why or how this is happening. I'm completely clueless. I have tried using the original player FPS script, have tried loading the player prefab back in etc. Can't seem to get it to work normally. Has this happened to anyone else?
  19. Not so much orders, but a design criteria stated in the design document The design document could be created by the 'boss' or a team effort. But it is there to follow.
  20. Can confirm this bug. Terrified me when every time I started Leadwerks it crashed out before I could do anything. Using the backup saves got me out of this problem, however.
  21. What exactly do you mean? Gimp is a common tool, and there are also low budget tools such as MindTex available.
  22. You are going to need a game design document, thats for sure. It needs to include concept art, story, mechanics, rules, time scales and targets etc. As a lone developer it might be possible to keep all this info in your head, but for a team to develop your game they are going to need precise information on how to complete a given task. Eg, if you want a tank to move at 15mph, it needs to be stated by you. If its not, it will be open to speculation and you could end up with a tank moving too fast or too slow, simply because it was not specified. Sure, you could have a team do brainstorming this design document, but it would no longer be #your# dream. Im sure everyone here wishes you luck and fortune, but for the sake of your success and sanity - preparation is imperative. As they say, failing to prepare is preparing to fail.
  23. Its a good point, I agree; one I had not considered and something I will look into doing when I am refining my levels after the initial drafts are complete
  24. Angelwolf

    Scripted Behavior

    Still waiting on Global tesselated hair physics
  25. Seems like a lot to go through for something that should really be quite simplistic for an engine of this nature. Josh, any ideas on how to overcome this without the need to place doors using code?
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