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Posts posted by 7H3V1RU5

  1. Hey everyone. Here again. With another questions. I'm sure not the last time.


    I started with Qbasic and am slowly learning c++ and .lua.


    I was wondering if anyone had a script where;


    player touch-->call .wav file


    (I know this is probably the most basic way of saying it, so I hope you all can understand my request.)

  2. I have followed many videos and I just can't get this door open. I linked the switch_handle and the slidingdoor_left I want to open with in the Flowgraph Editor, but for the life of me it won't work. I have spent an hour or so moving items around near then, disconnecting the door from the slidingdoorsingle_frame... I am just really stuck. Any ideas out there? Maybe someone was also stuck in this situation?

  3. Hey everyone! I am brand new, about 4 hours in. I am constantly remaking walls in order to build my structures (just messing around with the program) and I was wondering is there a faster way? Could I possibly cut into the walls in the Solid Perspective view? I didn't see any forums covering this.... most likely because it is a definite no. I wanted to ask anyways, thanks!


    NOTE: Attached is a quick example of what I mean. The green outline markers is where I might want to take away a piece of the wall. Thanks!

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