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Posts posted by tipforeveryone

  1. I think Leadwerks code editor will be better if there is a Lua function list which contain all function bookmarks.

    Whenever a function created (the line has word "function") its line number will be bookmarked, a single click can bring user to the line of that function instead of pressing Ctrl + F then type the name of function.

    Something like this, I hope this can be implemented in 4.6


  2. I hope this is not a bug, here is the video, look at Output Console and see how the game stopped

    when I change to another map by assign the changemapname variable the game seems to be freezed, (I assigned P Key to make changemapname = "Maps/mymap.map")

    my map is verysimple , there are only 1 pivot which attached script to run hole game. I dont know what happened because there is no error diplay

    notice the DebugMessage("RUNNING") function (just a custom function of System:Print()).
    It runs ok in function Script:Start() but doent run after loading newmap. I think even the Script:UpdateWorld() was not executed or World:Clear() function has problem when clear everthing ?


  3. I attached this script to a Directional light

    function Script:Start()
      sun = self.entity

    Game started normally, but When I changed the changemapname variable (which can be found in Main.lua) to another map which also had the same Scripted Directional light. I recieved this "Script classname sun not found."

    Is there something wrong with global variable ?

    Edit: It seems my global variables were "stuck" when I change map. Is there anyway to RESET or RELEASE everything ? everytime I load a map, I want everything is clean. World:Clear() does not work well I think

  4. Yeah it is not actually my goal, I want to place my character spawn position by using pivots. I place pivots in editor and when I run the game, my characters will be placed with pivots's position.

    Anyway, I found the solution, I put Script2 into UpdateWorld(), not in Start(), with a variable which can help execute character create code only one time. :D

  5. My goal is place some boxes at the position of some pre-placed pivots

    I have 3 pivots (pivot1, pivot2, pivot3)

    Scripts 1: which is attached to pivot1 and 2

    function Script:Start()

    (global_table was declared in main.lua, before the while loop)

    Script 2: which is attached to pivot3

    function Script:Start()
        for key,value in ipairs(global_table) do
        	local box = Model:Box()

    Script 2 does not work, because there is nothing inside the global_table to execute, all Script:Start() function are started at the same time.

    How can I force the Start() function of script2 (attached to pivot3) to be executed after all others execution?

  6. Yes I remember that you explained this to me on discord months ago, I just totally forgot the answers and could not find it again on discord because Josh cancel discord once (I delayed my game development for almost 3 months and returned 1 weeks ago) Thank you again for a clear answer, and now I can bookmark it !

  7. Here is my custom module:

    local module = {}
    module.SetValue = function(value)
      module.v = value
    return module

    and this is my code to call above module

    local variable1 = require("mymodule")
    local variable2 = require("mymodule")

    As my expectation, the console should display


    but it displays this instead


    That means the value of variable1.v is overwriten by the value of variable2.v.
    I used mymodule for 2 local variables, why dont they hold a independent value of module.v ?

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