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Everything posted by Raul

  1. I see. Anyway your assets are gorgeous from what I saw in the PDF so good luck. I will also buy some packs in the future thats for sure
  2. The Bundle editions sounds good. Also would be interesting if we would be able to choose what models to buy I mean I would like to take the trees from Nature Pack #3 and the Streets from Urban Package #1
  3. In my cGlobals.h I have now: #pragma once #include "engine.h" extern TFramework framework; In cGlobals.cpp: #include "cGlobals.h" #include "engine.h" TFramework framework=CreateFramework(); When compiling I receive: Unhandled exception at 0x00000000 in Game.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation. in the engine.cpp inline TFramework CreateFramework(void) { return leCreateFramework(); }
  4. damn. framework, framewerk... I just looked into the wiki. Framework is a newer version of the Framewerk class right?? So I just have to use this class instead of the older one?
  5. On my map I added the Firepit from the SDK. Using the Framewerk I loaded the scene and render it. Unfortunately I do not have any flame and haze effect and when I quit I receive the Null framewerk message. The sounds and other features are working ok. In the Engine.log there is no missing file there. Am I missing something?
  6. yeah.. also her bottom is quite big.
  7. Raul

    C++ question

    Thanks to both of you guys for sharing the code.
  8. Raul

    C++ question

    @Lumooja: I tried to add the leadwerks::Framewerk fw; into a separate .h file and to include the file in every class and main.cpp but I receive the message "fw already declared" (or something like that) You said "global fw variable. " How to do that? @Pixel Perfect: How exactly can I pass it?
  9. Raul

    C++ question

    In order to use correctly the boom, hdr, etc effects and to render the sbx file I saw I have to use the framewerk. Looking at Marleys Ghost post I used that code and everything is working fine, but I need to make some modification: I have a class (cPlayer) which I have to make it use the fw object. Also from my Main.cpp I need to access it. Where do I have to define this line: leadwerks::Framewerk fw; If I declare it to the start of my Main.cpp when updating my player and accessing it I receive the error C2065: 'fw' : undeclared identifier error What should I do?
  10. This morning (my time ) I have just installed the 2.3 SDK. I played a little with the editor and its props (trees, oildrum, etc.) When I wanted to add an object from outside (some trees from a DEXSOFT pack) I observed the Properties window is emtpy. Searching the forums I understand I have to add the following LUA script in the object fodler: require("scripts/class") local class=CreateClass(...) My question is simple: is this enough for creating simple objects (without sounds, animations or other scripts ) Thanks,
  11. I payed 12 hours ago and I sent an email and a PM to Josh. I hope he does not forget about me..
  12. Raul

    SBX questions

    Please guys help me. I rechecked the whole things. I have the collisiontype=2 in the ini file but IS NOT WORKING. This is my code: EntityType(PlayerController,1); SetBodyMass(PlayerController,80); myMap.CreateMap(); Collisions(1,1,1); Collisions(1,2,1); Also I have added some boxes in the scene (from my code not from Sandbox) and they are falling on the terrain, so there is no mistake in my code..
  13. Hello EagleEye, I am Raul from the TV3D forums. Glad to see you here. As you probably know I am a VB.NET programmer too, but I try to learn C++ and Leadwerks same time. Here is a helpful and friendly community and I am sure you will not have any problems. Also some guys here are working with C# (they made a wrapper) and for what I understand VB can be also used. Anyway, welcome
  14. Raul

    SBX questions

    Thanks. I tried with "collisiontype=2" in the ini file but nothing happens. In the same INI file there is a LODdistance="20 140" so I tried writing "2" between "" too and also nothing happens. I have in my code the following lines: LoadScene("map.sbx"); Collisions(); Collisions(1,2,1); Before calling the LoadScene I create the Controller also with type = 1 EDIT: In the properties window now I can see the "collisiontype" and the value 2...
  15. Raul

    SBX questions

    http://yfrog.com/0k11433244p I have no property.
  16. Raul

    SBX questions

    I see.. So with the 2.28 Sandbox i can do anything ??
  17. Raul

    SBX questions

    I cant do it I have selected all the trees from the Scene Root and here I stop. How do I select "instance entity" I cannot understand that..
  18. Raul

    SBX questions

    Regarding point no.4: "You need to assign a collision number to the trees".. I assume I have to loops through all trees and set the EntityType to 2 lets say, but how can I do this? I need to use same technique to retrieve the terrain for no.3 I think.
  19. Raul

    SBX questions

    This is first time I used the editor in order to create a scene for myself and I have some questions: 1. I understand the "vegetation" does not have a physic model. So it's good to be used only for 3D grass, bushes, trees outside the "playing area", etc. 2. How to enable the wind effect which I can see in the editor? 3. How can I enable in my game the vegetation shadow? 4. I have added some trees (GMF files) on my map. If I enable the "Physics" I can see they have a physic model. In my game my character (which is made by a Controller) can simply walk through them. I also enabled the PhysicsDebug in the game and I can see the red lines.. 5. Is somewhere here a "tutorial" or anything like that regarding how to load and manipualte a SBX file?
  20. I think he wants the source code of the demo..
  21. Raul

    Terrain physics

    I found. I forgot to call "Collisions();" after loading the scene :|
  22. I know there must be a really easy solution. I made a little map in the editor. I loaded in my game, but my player (which is represented by a Controller) is falling through the terrain. What should I do?
  23. Piracy will never be stopped thats for sure. I saw a lot of games who where cracked 2 days before official release. Also the "Steam" games are cracked too. The only thing to do remains to create good games to make people buy them
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