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Everything posted by Raul

  1. You see? This is bad for business. I mean I might buy something and then I find I cannot use. I know the Zombie Pack will work, but I speak in general. If you want to sell something to me, you should try to make my life easier And one more thing.. I do not have a Unwrap3d license and this way you force me to buy that program... this mean other money. Their BUY NOW link does not even work ) "XML Parsing Error: no element found"
  2. No, I did not bought the pack yet because I need GMF files not other formats I will PM tkunze and ask him if he can help me converting to GMF. If the response will be affirmative than I will definitely buy.
  3. ok so... is someone gonna convert that zombies to GMF?
  4. I like the site design and graphics. Also the first screenhost (that with the LEAVE sign) is awesome. Please post more info ASAP Good Luck!
  5. Raul

    Jane Croft Trailer

    Eh.. I do not speak francais but I think you said you like the style.. so thank you!
  6. I am interested in these models too.
  7. the fires are made by stalkers..
  8. OMFG!! AWSOME.... The whole video is very nice. Good Job man. Just one issue: when you simulate the helicopter flight, the light is moving circular... You should made a linear moving light... Anyway great job. Cong
  9. Raul

    Jane Croft Trailer

    Thank you guys
  10. Raul

    Publishing my game

    Unfortunately it's not made with LE. When I was starting this project I did not know this engine very well. I am working now at a new game with LE
  11. Raul

    Publishing my game

    Hello all, For almost 1 month we made changes and add some new stuff to our game: Jane Croft. After we send to Big Fish Game a first version to review they told us we should make some changes. Here is a list of the most major issues: We started immediately the work and after 2 more builds we finally finished. Yesterday the game went to BFG QA and I hope I will receive an answer Monday. Right now we are making the trailer and the site for the game. As soon as will be ready I will update the blog. Until then here is a screenshot from a minigame: More screenshots may be found on the Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/rvlgames
  12. Also when you talked about fw:update and you said we should use in the loop the "UpdateTime" command when not using fw, you could write it there. the impact would be bigger now, is this technique used also in moving the mouse? because as i said earlier here http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/3000-equal-game-speed/page__pid__27733#entry27733 , i have this lines: //rotation by mouse int mx = Leadwerks.Graphics.Width / 2; int my = Leadwerks.Graphics.Height / 2; dx = Leadwerks.Math.Curve((Leadwerks.Mouse.X - mx) / 4, dx, (float)(3 / Timing.Time)); dy = Leadwerks.Math.Curve((Leadwerks.Mouse.Y - my) / 4, dy, (float)(3 / Timing.Time)); and the move is not too smooth like in C++ and if I try to to use 0.2 * Timing.Time, I only have a blank screen...
  13. I think I have an issue. In c# I used: //rotation by mouse int mx = Leadwerks.Graphics.Width / 2; int my = Leadwerks.Graphics.Height / 2; dx = Leadwerks.Math.Curve((Leadwerks.Mouse.X - mx) / 4, dx, (float)(3 / Timing.Time)); dy = Leadwerks.Math.Curve((Leadwerks.Mouse.Y - my) / 4, dy, (float)(3 / Timing.Time)); I tried to use 0.2 * Timing.Time but I only have a blank screen...
  14. I also used "/" I think I took that from Aggror. Thank you Lumooja.
  15. Raul

    Gravity problem

    thanks for the help. yes, I will add those 'get' and 'set' functions ASAP. i wanted first to test it to see how it works in general.. One more question.. In c++ I had this line: dx = Curve((MouseX()-gx)/4.0,dx,3.0/AppSpeed()); Is for C# something similar to AppSpeed?
  16. Raul

    Gravity problem

    It's not a LUA script. It's c#: using Leadwerks; namespace rvlFPSLeadwerksCsharp { class cPlayer { Controller playerController = new Controller(1.8f, 0.45f, 0.3f, 46f); public Vector3 playerRotation = new Vector3(); public Vector3 playerPosition = new Vector3(); public Vector3 playerHeadPosition = new Vector3(); float playerMove = 0; float playerStrafe = 0; float playerJump = 0; float dx, dy; float cameraPitch, cameraYaw; public void createPlayer() { //controller playerController.Mass = 100; playerController.CollisionType = 1; } public void updatePlayer() { //rotation by mouse int mx = Leadwerks.Graphics.Width / 2; int my = Leadwerks.Graphics.Height / 2; dx = Leadwerks.Math.Curve((Leadwerks.Mouse.X - mx) / 4, dx, 6); dy = Leadwerks.Math.Curve((Leadwerks.Mouse.Y - my) / 4, dy, 6); Leadwerks.Mouse.Move(mx, my); cameraPitch = cameraPitch + dy; cameraYaw = cameraYaw - dx; cameraPitch = Leadwerks.Math.Clamp(cameraPitch, -89, 89); //rotation player playerRotation.X = cameraPitch; playerRotation.Y = cameraYaw; //movement playerMove = Keyboard.IntKeyDown(Key.W) - Keyboard.IntKeyDown(Key.S); playerStrafe = Keyboard.IntKeyDown(Key.D) - Keyboard.IntKeyDown(Key.A); //controller input playerController.Update(playerRotation.Y, playerMove * 3, playerStrafe * 3, playerJump, 500); playerPosition = playerController.Position; playerHeadPosition = playerPosition; playerHeadPosition.Y = playerPosition.Y + (float)1.8; } } } I call player.updatePlayer in the main loop..
  17. Okay so here is my code for loading the map: Scene myScene = Scene.Load("abstract::map_1.sbx"); Leadwerks.World.Current.Gravity = new Vector3(0, -20, 0); //??? need to have a look I am pretty sure I do not use the World object right. I have a FPS Controller (made from the LUA and C++ tutorials - works fine on C++) but my Y position rise up frame by frame. Where is my mistake?
  18. First, Josh did not ignored you He is quite a busy man and he respond when he is having time. However, for any problem you should always use the forums. Now, regarding your issue you should tell us what language do you use (I assume C++) and maybe post here the code you wrote to load and render the scene. This way will be easy for anyone to help..
  19. When I was learning Leadwerks and C++ I have started a little project (a FPS) In my player class I have a void: void cPlayer::CreatePlayer() { //controller PlayerController=CreateController(1.8,0.45,0.3,46); EntityType(PlayerController,1); SetBodyMass(PlayerController,100); . . . } Now I am trying to translate this one in C#: I used: class cPlayer { Controller playerController = new Controller(1.8f, 0.45f, 0.3f, 46f); public void createPlayer() { //controller } } Now I should call the EntityType and SetBodyMass functions. But if I call Core.EntityType I receive the IntPtr error. How should I manage this one?
  20. For now I am just try to learn to use Leadwerks and also C++/C# even Lua And because the only way to learn is by doing something I am working on a TB space strategy
  21. How to load and add a texture/material to my Mesh?
  22. Raul

    Mouse picking

    i have a class for my planets and yes i am using CreateSphere(). For now I will experiment with these to see the results. Thanks for helping me guys.
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