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Blog Comments posted by Canardia

  1. Heck, it must be good enough, because even huge professional companies like Yamaha deliver their electronic documentations as PDF, they do it for example for their Music Workstations, and I'm quite happy with Foxit Reader: fast browsing and searching, convenient page layouts and zooming, and bookmarks. And the printed books in several languages which come with the Workstations are exactly the same as the PDFs.

  2. My approach would be to get the game testable and playable as first priority. The assets and game logic can be very simple in the first release, but it's important that you get people to try and and give feedback, because they help you getting things right, so you don't waste any time on doing things wrong for long time, and then have to undo everything.


    The people might even offer you some assets when they see what kind of game it is, and what kind of assets would fit in.


    Start with versioin, then raise the 4th last number for every bug fix, and the 3rd number for every new feature, 2nd number for new minor release, and 1st number for new major releases.


    It could be like this:

    GameA Testing if the game works at all, and simple player controller walking around.

    GameA Bug fix with player getting stuck somewhere.

    GameA Added crafting of simple items found on the ground.

    GameA Fixed some bug with crafted items not being saved correctly.

    GameA Fixed a bug with items not respawning.

    GameA Added skill advancements in crafting.

    GameA Added melee fighting and melee skills advancement.

    GameA Added multiplayer networking.

    GameA Game is finished and available for public download via PayPal.

  3. Got a feature list of the first release? I guess you must have such list for testing each feature anyway smile.png


    Or maybe publish and keep updated the feature list with a status if it's tested and if it has bugs to be fixed, shouldn't be any additional work. That's what all Linux and GNU developers do too.

  4. A prefab or script allows that, without requiring that I hard-code a bunch of special requests into the core engine.

    Yes of course it should be done using existing engine commands, and not part of the core engine .lib, but it could be still bundled with the engine, for example as a seperate .lib or C++ file, which the user can use if he wants. For example I find the oildrum and firepit scripts very useful, because they have sounds, particles and everything ready to drag and drop.


    Like in LE 2.5, there is also a smoke emitter, which uses its own shader and texture. An explosion would probably need a shader too, sounds, textures, breakable physics logic, and damage indication to other objects. In addition to those difficult to implement things, the user could add some camera shaking, consequences of the damage to living objects, sound reflections (echo).

  5. I don't think explosion code belongs in the engine, but a script would certainly be appropriate.

    I would think a game engine should provide as many as possible features which are needed to make games, especially if those features are used often in various games. Rarely used features can be of course left out, but still give the users a possibility to implement them themselves.

  6. The article gamecreator posted describes quite well what the benefits of both approaches are, especially the user comments. I often rearrange harddisks and computers, so for me mobility of programs is most important, because I don't want to reinstall each application each time I move them around, usually even losing data and settings by the uninstall/reinstall. Also the fact that .ini files work on each OS, is a huge benefit when targeting multiple OS in everyting you do.

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