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Everything posted by Furbolg

  1. Metatron i think u mean last version in the second time, or ?
  2. Its not bashing, some (pc user - as well as me ) are just a little up set that LE3D doesnt have AAA graphics from start on. The problem is that today everyone develops for mobil device or console but the pc makes the games market. Think about Dune2, Warcraft 1 + 2, Quake, Doom, Wolfenstein etc., i think the problem now is - Leadwerks was made for the pc and now that "it's" "big" we have to wait for an pc adaption like the today console games (assassin creed, gta4 etc etc). Its just a feeling or fear in the people to be forgotten. (my opinion)
  3. Sorry if i missed the part but whats about an LE2 Interface for the first time ?
  4. So Metatron(Lumooja) what does a graphics engine do then ? Initialiase OpenGL/Direct3D ? Sorry but this is one of your typical interpretation facts. As i mentioned (asked) some posts above, Josh could (!) create an LE2 Render Wrapper. This shouldn't too much work (compared with creating a new renderer).
  5. For a pc developer (who wants to early adopt LE3 upgrade) this sounds bad. But if i remember correct - the LE3D Engine has the ability to externally add another renderer, doesnt it ? (in my mind is something about create an own renderer for the server part of a game ?!) If this was correct then the community maybe could write a temporarly wrapper for using LE2
  6. You just need to "toggle" a variable from true to false, this variable has to be define outside the mainloop. If you use then KeyHit (Not KeyPress, KeyDown, KeyUp etc.) then you can toggle (switch) the variable. The simplest solutin i know is : variable = !variable; (or in basic: variable = not variable) Then you check it and can do what you want, to do a "pause" you can start a new loop and end it after another KeyHit.
  7. Im sorry im not familiar with Lua... should be the same like c++
  8. Of course the code dont work, take a few moments and think about what you have done. if ESCAPE is Hit then Show.... but Hit lasts only 1 Frame. What you have to do is set up an variable, the easiest way to do this is bool questionscreen = false; if KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE) questionscreen = !questionscreen; end This is your toggle, the longer version is bool questionscreen = false; if KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE) if (questionscreen) questionscreen = false; else questionscreen = true; end Now you can check if your variable is true and show your options/quests etc. if (questionscreen) fw:Render() SetBlend(1) DrawText("if you see this it works.",100,100) SetBlend(0) Flip() end
  9. Completly right, i just got the problem that lumooja says "oh its much easier in g++ use -mwindows". The Threadopener said he use Visual Studio and Roland showed him a good solution... i just dont get why lumooja has to go on his g++ crusade again. Nobody says g++/linux is worse but in this case its about Visual Studio, thats my problem so far.
  10. Yes Lumooja your opinion is the only one true, there are no other choices.
  11. Just in your opinion Lumooja.Visual Studio is also an IDE which has some good features. But thats like your discussion about SDL, SDL_Net and so on ... another story. I would use Rolands suggestion that makes it more clear its an windows project not console.
  12. Good start, in the beginning that fade from greyscale to normal is a bit too long imho. The weaponshoots need some impact particles/decals and the blur is very strong. But good work, keep going on Like it.
  13. Then try GetTickCount() or TimeGetTime() if its not precise enaugh then you can use http://cplus.about.com/od/howtodothingsi2/a/timing.htm (high performance counter).
  14. Which language do you use ? I mostly doing animations with timers (not windows/winapi timer more like int counter = GetTickCount().
  15. Maybe someone can write a pixelshader for this ? I dont know much about shader right now.
  16. Thats not exact the way i thought you would go. You guys know the video where Josh creates a cube on 3 different ways ? One way was to create it by code with AddVertex etc. That was my Idea, you have 1 big texture and then update the UV coordinates of your mesh/plane
  17. So its solved ? ps. I have no problem with german, as im from germany
  18. Can you post error ? Because the compiler tell you whats wrong, you just need to interpret it
  19. Just from your albanian muscle
  20. Hi ParaToxic, forget Blitz3D (LoadAnimTexture or so..) it just a tricky function/structure to hide the texture coordinate calculations. You can load the texture above in a whole and then display a "frame" by setting the uv coordinates to x1 = row / maximumRow; y1 = col / maximumCol; x2 = x1 + (1.0f / maximumRow); y2 = y1 + (1.0f / maximumCol); This is just one method, i bet there are plenty different. You just have to see the whole texture from 0,0 to 512,512 as 0,0 to 1,1 and then "scale" it to your needs. E.g.: If you have a 512x512 texture and want to show 0,0 to 256,256 then you have to write x1 = 0 y1 = 0 x2 = 0.5 y2 = 0.5 ps. x1/y1 and x2/y2 are the uv coordinates if you see the texture as a simple rectangle (they are the corners). Hope this helps you.
  21. I dont know SQLite but if it uses correct SQL then yes.
  22. If i understand you right then use the WHERE clause. Where dont work on INSERT just on SELECT, UPDATE and DELETE but it may helps you. http://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_where.asp
  23. Debug mode has no optimizations and some more debugger informations. // Edit: Debug mode has also some slow debugcode e.g. checking array bound or initialise variables with NULL / 0 which release mode dont does.
  24. Admin accountt because its my own computer and im the only one who is using it
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