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Everything posted by Reuben

  1. I see I don't have Visual Studio installed, could that be the reason it wont run? I'm installing it now hold thumbs
  2. Hi Josh no gpu, its an hp laptop that I mostly use for work, its about five years old. I installed leadwerks onto my pc as it has a gpu, but it doesn't launch. I had previously installed the leadwerks demo on my pc before and it worked fine, I could never find a place here in South Africa that sold the software and gave up on the idea of ever having Leadwerks until today
  3. Hi I'm new to Leadwerks, saw a few videos and thought it may be fun. I purchased Leadwerks Game Engine 4.5 Professional Edition today and installed on my laptop, created a level and tried to run the level... the level would not run, I then remembered my laptop does not have a graphics card. I installed steam on my pc, logged into my account and installed leadwerks onto my pc, it will not launch The pc meets the minimum requirements yet nothing happens. Any thoughts?
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