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Blog Comments posted by wadaltmon

  1. The mention of Code::Blocks on Linux triggered my fight or flight response. Horrible times with that in college. That was on 16.04 though; looks like Linux/Ubuntu has developed pretty well in the meantime. If we get Ultra Engine on Linux, could be fun to try and dual boot and develop for cross platform.

  2. 7 minutes ago, cassius said:

    No tutorials is ok providing the api examples are enough to get a beginner started. Gameplay coding comes easy to me, but not setting up code.

    That's exactly how I feel too. Creating a feature in C++ is easy, it's just finding the actual commands to interface with the API you're working with.

  3. I think having a basic setup tutorial would be helpful (as getting a window and camera set up with your API isn't exactly standard), but beyond that, the only thing I'd want is for everything in the API to actually be documented and searchable. There are a lot of things within LW4 that are simply not in the documentation, and are things one would run into pretty easily when going beyond basic functionality.

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