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Posts posted by Cromartie

  1. Now I don't understand what you meant, I don't work with Josh, but in the future I might want to work with him :))))). I just wrote that I was waiting for the early release of Ultra Engine in order to start my project, but Ultra Engine has not been released for a long time and my friend and I started writing our engine (even though we just started).

    • Upvote 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Josh said:

    I am trying to record these in a way that minimizes how easily they will become outdated. In fact, I am going to re-do this one and remove all mentions of "Ultra App Kit" since the video is applicable to Ultra Engine SDK and I don't want to redo it in the future. I also don't mention the log in process because there is no guarantee of the order the videos will be presented in in the future, or maybe the login process will be different depending on where the software was purchases.

    Getting the speech perfect will probably double or triple production time, so I am just going to focus on getting the content out and try not to make chewing noises into the microphone.


    haha, I didn't hear any chewing sounds)

  3. 31 minutes ago, Josh said:

    It seemed to be fine the second time you ran it, so what is the problem? The OpenGL context will cover the entire window, so you should create a child window for the area where the 3D rendering occurs. The OpenGL example in the documentation does this.

    As soon as you wrote so immediately my brain started working)

    • Haha 1
  4. Josh you are a wizard, just didn't think about re-declaring HWND, everything works thanks)

    HWND hwndW = window -> GetHandle(); 
        HDC hdcW = GetDC(hwndW);
        HICON icon = LoadIconA(GetModuleHandle(NULL), (LPCSTR)IDI_ICON1);
        SendMessage(hwndW, WM_SETICON, ICON_SMALL, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(icon));

     HWND hwnd = renderwindow->GetHandle();
     HDC hdc = GetDC(hwnd);

  5. 2 hours ago, Josh said:

    "Render engine" is a very vague term that I don't really understand, but I am leaning towards a "make anything except a GUI SDK" license.

    Simply put, a small real-time model viewer.

  6. 2 hours ago, aiaf said:

    Since i already have  license from the kickstarter :) just helping crowd find the answer heh

    WATA = What are you talking about


    Is it about the Uktra App Kit or LE5 license, or is it all related? I'm confused.

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