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Posts posted by Aily

  1. I just want ot make some clear here in shaders - its default Josh's LE2 shaders, just enabled gloss for everything and little adjusted.


    Isotype have realy good concept, but not for current hardware. :(

  2. I has such errors when using non-latin paths to project.


    Try this - create "myproject" in C drive root

    Put there projects bmx file, shaders.pak and newton.dll


    Framework leadwerks.engine
    Graphics 800,600
    while not keyhit(KEY_ESCAPE) or Appterminate()


    It mast to work, blitzmax+Leadwerks2 is very stable.

  3. Alright we are somewhat halfway through this tournament. Everybody still in the race?


    I actually have less time in these 2 weeks than I did in the first tournament of 1 week. Never the less, I am making some progress.


    Finaly maked connection CPP+Leadwerks2 Lua (terrible at my opinion, but works seems fine).

    Working with main UI.

  4. I'm holding concept in my head long time, so it's pretty clear for me.

    As progress - in Editor is possible now to draw concave splines in top view, from this splines automatic generates surfaces mesh caps (something like 3DSMAX Extrude modifier, but with blackjack and.. you know :D)

  5. @Aily All that's important is that you are using the LE API. So sounds like you are good to go with using your own editor.

    I am intrigued... You are an excellent programmer and your previous demo's have shown that you are capable of quite complex structures. Looking forward to see your project.

    So i'm in guis, let's call it "Solid Elements" :D


    Rick and I want to officially announce Leadwerks Game Tournament 2 !




    You can make whatever you want: a game, demo, prototype, flythrough, walkthrough, model or shader as long as you use the

    use the Leadwerks engine 2 or 3 to demonstrate it.



    If 3D Editors are allowed, I'm in :)

  7. In Editor's main menu


    Tools -> options -> Paths -> GameScript -> select "flythrough.lua"

    Press Apply, Close


    Put at least 2 camera nodes in scene (better more)


    Open 1st camera node properties and in CameraNode rollout Start here put "1"


    Now Apply props


    Hold Alt key and press and drag cursor from 1st node to second on your path (creates link between them)

    Next do same with 2nd and 3rd nodes and so on


    Press gamepad button in toolbar.


    Ufff, it's not so handy how it supposed to be smile.png But works.

  8. My best soluton for now is


    local memoryUsed=math.ceil(collectgarbage("count")/1000) -- in Mb
    if memoryUsed>80 then


    if used memory more than 80Mb - do garbage collection.


    Single lag per minute is not so visible :)

  9. I found that Leadwerks2, Leadwerks3 and my own lua-driven projects eating memory. It grows each frame.


    After adding


    if collectTime<0 then


    in main loop, seems like used memory stay same size, but "lags" became very visible on collecting garbage.


    Does anyone here thinking about it, and can make nice smooth results for garbage collecting in Lua?

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