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Everything posted by Pastaspace

  1. I have a basic options menu that, in order to show all the options, is drawn on a different before that buffer's colortexture is drawn: Buffer* bf_normalBuffer; Buffer* bf_resizeBuffer; Texture* tt_drawingTexture; //At initialization bf_normalBuffer = Buffer::GetCurrent(); bf_resizeBuffer = Buffer::Create(1600, 900); //Code within the drawing function itself Buffer::SetCurrent(bf_resizeBuffer); bf_resizeBuffer->SetColor(Vec4(0, 0, 0, 0)); bf_resizeBuffer->Clear(bf_resizeBuffer->Color); Context::GetCurrent()->SetBlendMode(Blend::Alpha); Context::GetCurrent()->SetColor(Vec4(1, 1, 1, 1)); //Draws text code goes here //Then switches back tt_drawingTexture = bf_resizeBuffer->GetColorTexture(0); Buffer::SetCurrent(bf_normalBuffer); Context::GetCurrent()->DrawImage(tt_drawingTexture, 0, 0, 1600, 900); Context::GetCurrent()->SetColor(Vec4(1, 1, 1, 1)); Here's the issue. When using this code (rather than just drawing the text without switching buffers), the text on screen is a lot less fuller, and the color is a lot more washed out. A comparison: Versus it with the buffer code So what exactly is the issue? Is there some setting or aspect of buffers I'm missing?
  2. And what solutions would I use if I wanted other controllers to have big hitboxes?
  3. Right, but can't we at least do things like say, change the character controller height? I can't see how the height of the cylinder at least would affect navmesh computation, and being stuck with a specific height also makes it extremely hard to do things like say, crawl through air ducts.
  4. Gonna bump this, is there any way to have smaller characters controllers? Being stuck with human-sized colliders for my enemies is both frustrating and limiting.
  5. I read some stuff saying that Leadwerks seems to support this, but I can't fully understand how to implement it. I have a few icons I'd like to be vector graphics (mostly UI things) so that they look better when scaled. How do I do this? I've got an .svg file now, but obviously that doesn't import. .psd files did import, but they ended up as just normal textures that when scaled, look squashed or weird. Does Leadwerks have some sort of support for this?
  6. Gotta bump this up. I recently coded up a music system, and having to load 50-40mb files for EVERY song is absolutely ridiculous. Even smaller studios and developers use music and longer sounds, .wav is just too big. +1 for smaller format support.
  7. Tried that, like I said, it seems the cylinder shape is hardcoded. Tried also attaching another shape to it, but that just lead to weird physics problems where things would go flying.
  8. I understand that when using CharacterPhysics for an object, the physics shape will always been a cylinder. The question is, can I tweak any other aspect of it, such as its size? I've got small enemies and large enemies, and there are places that the small enemies can go that the big enemies (whose collision is the same size), shouldn't be able to go.
  9. Really? Because I tried SetKeyValue with a new one, and it crashed the program. Edit: Odd, it's working now. Even though it wasn't when I tried to run it an hour ago.
  10. Is there any function similar to SetKeyValue and GetKeyValue, but instead adds that key to the entity with a value?
  11. Rendering text relating to dialogue, inventory, stats, general RPG stuff. The text usually doesn't change that much while accessing these menus (there's highlighting if you mouse over it and that's about it), how would I go about rendering to a texture? Even a few frames saved is nice.
  12. I asked myself the same question, and it definitely is DrawText, nothing else in the code slows things down, and eliminating those lines speeds things back up to normal. After more than a few calls, like 8 or so, it starts to drop about 12 FPS, and then it just goes down from there.
  13. Mmm, I know how to do multiple line stuff like that just fine, what I'm trying to do is limit the number of times I call DrawText, because it seems to significantly slow things down.
  14. I've got a string that has a newline in it, IE something like string s_myString = "Hello \n world."; But I noticed that while normally said string would be output on two lines. When using DrawText, it wouldn't show the newline character, but wouldn't put the next bit of text on a new line. Am I missing something here, or is that just a limitation of DrawText?
  15. Yeah, it definitely worked prior to Leadwerks 3, but not on newer versions.
  16. Is it possible that we can have Sounds load from files that aren't .wav format? .wavs tend to be pretty big in size, especially when we're talking about songs that can be several minutes in length, which can lead to a few problems. Having support for MP3s or .ogg would be extremely nice.
  17. I gotta ask then, seeing as polymesh causes drops so easily, what's it really used for?
  18. I've noticed that whenever a character controller (the player, or some NPCs) collides with a particularly complicated static object, the framerate drops to an absolute crawl. Now, I understand why this happens, my main question is, how do I prevent it? Is there some way I can generate a polymesh/phy object for these models that's less complicated and less intensive, or something else?
  19. What about older versions? I'd like to test this out in game.
  20. Is there a link to this still out there? Been looking but, no luck.
  21. When it comes to collision types, you have all your basic ones, Prop, Scene, Character, Trigger, Debris, Projectile, LineOfSight, etc. However, is it possible to define additional collision types, other than the defaults, and add them to the big table of existing collision types? If so, how?
  22. Have done the same. Kinda sad that standalone doesn't get this 3.3 update, but I use steam anyway, so...
  23. Alright, what are the rules for loading files in for sprites, just flat .mdl files? .tex files? Also it doesn't seem that the C++ class for sprite has a SetViewMode function.
  24. Been messing around with 3.3, I noticed on the release page is says we can use the new Sprite class to easily make tracer rounds and laser beams, which sounds sweet. But uh, how would one go about doing this? The Sprite class doesn't seem to have any documentation yet.
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