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Everything posted by ChrisV

  1. If you'd like, I can make one for you? ? In what way would you like it to spin? Like, rotating around it's own center? I'm creating all kinds of animated spritesheets, so if needed, I could make a pack with only animated lensflares.
  2. Thanks guys for the nice comments and suggestions. The idea is to make such spritepacks (each a different theme) with 10 to 20 spritesheets in one pack, and sell 'em for between 3.00 and 5.00 euros. (3.00 euro = 2.49 GBP or 3.97 USD) I would also provide a small program I made to view the sprites animated.
  3. Hi everyone, Not sure if this fits in this thread, but here it goes. I'm wondering if there would be great interest for 2D animated spritesheets to use in the Leadwerks engine? Currently, I've made almost two hundred animated spritesheets, in a variety of themes (explosions, light FX, smoke, special FX, liquids, and a lot more...), and I'll be making a lot more. Here are just a few of my creations (scaled down in size). The original are 768x768, with each frame being 128x128, but I can change their sizes if needed. I would give some packs for free, and probably also sell themed packs for a small price. Comments are appreciated. Thanks. Cheers
  4. Merry Christmas and best wishes to everyone. May Leadwerks 3 be under the Christmas tree. Cheers
  5. Well, I was thinking about something like an integrated editor or functions to easily record cutscenes in the Leadwerks editor, and then be able to play those recorded cutscenes wherever/whenever we need them in our games. Would be great for cutscenes in between loading of levels, or also for playback (like in rally games where you can record while playing), and see a replay after.
  6. Not sure if this has been proposed before, but it would be nice to have an integrated recorder/player for cutscenes in the next Leadwerks. Thoughts? Cheers
  7. Thanks for the answers, guys. Yeah, I know. That's what I did after I got the error. But, I still can't find a way to make the collision on the camera (attached sphere) work. I'll experiment a bit more.
  8. A possible solution could be that people start of their topic saying for which language it is. For instance, if one would have a question about C++, then they could commence their topic with the abbreviation of the language in square brackets, followed by the question. Like this for example: Just a suggestion, though.
  9. Thanks for the response, macklebee. Actually, that's what I'm trying to do, but when I add the first line 'TBody spectator=CreateBodySphere()' to the Lua script, I'm getting the error '=' expected near 'spectator', and the command 'TBody' doesn't highlight in blue either. Is 'TBody' actually a command? I've searched for it in the Command Reference under 'Bodies', and didn't find it. The spectator example is in C++, so that might explain why 'TBody' doesn't highlight in the Lua script editor. I'll experiment a bit more, but if anyone could give a small example of how to do this in Lua for the LESoldierEntityandGame script, that would be great. Thanks. Cheers
  10. Hi everyone, I'm having some problems getting a camera that collides with the walls/environment to work in the LESoldierEntityAndGame script I downloaded from the Asset store. The camera in the script works nicely for a third person view, but there's no collision with the environment. My idea is to add a sphere to the scene, and attach the sphere to the camera and check for collision with the sphere and the environment, but how do I do the collision stuff? I know how to attach the sphere (CreateBodySphere), but I can't get collision working. Would creating a sphere in a 3D program and then loading it in the editor and attach it to the camera work? Or, is there another way of doing this? Is there someone that could help me getting this to work? Thanks. Here's the LESoldierEntityAndGame script: --[[ Leadwerks Soldier Game Script by Paul "Masterxilo" Frischknecht (c) 2010 Paul Frischknecht/Hurricane-Eye Entertainment visit http://www.hurricane-eye.webs.com/ This implements an RPG like 3rd person camera (controlled by holding rmb and moving the mouse/zooming with mousewheel) and a keyboard controlled soldier character. Clicking on entities not more than 2m away from the character will send them a "use" message ]] --Required scripts require("Scripts/constants/keycodes") require("Scripts/constants/engine_const") require("Scripts/constants/collision_const") require("Scripts/LinkedList") require("Scripts/filesystem") require("Scripts/math/math") require("Scripts/math/vector") require("Scripts/class") -- Constants ADJUST_POSITION_STEPS = 50.0 ZOOM_SHIFT_MULTIPLIER = 5.0 HEAD_YOFFSET = 1.75 COLLISION_HELPER = 10 --Setup ShowMouse() FlushKeys() FlushMouse() --Camera control --Mouse movement gx=Round(GraphicsWidth()/2) gy=Round(GraphicsHeight()/2) dx = 0.0 dy = 0.0 dz = 0.0 lastMz = MouseZ() camera=fw.main.camera camerapitch=EntityRotation(camera).x camerayaw=EntityRotation(camera).y campiv=CreatePivot() camdistance=4.0 initialSoldierPos = TFormPoint(Vec3(0,0,3),camera) initialSoldierPos.y = initialSoldierPos.y-HEAD_YOFFSET --Camera control function function _3rdPersonCameraControl(followPos) -- Adjust rotation and distance if MouseDown(2) ~= 0 then --Camera look HideMouse() if MouseHit(2) ~= 0 then MoveMouse(gx,gy) end dx=MouseX()-gx dy=MouseY()-gy MoveMouse(gx,gy) camerayaw = camerayaw-dx*0.1 camerapitch = camerapitch+dy*0.1 else --ShowMouse() end dz = Curve(MouseZ()-lastMz,dz ,1.0/AppSpeed()) lastMz = MouseZ() mul = 1 if KeyDown(KEY_LSHIFT) ~= 0 then mul = ZOOM_SHIFT_MULTIPLIER end camdistance = camdistance- dz*0.5*mul camdistance = math.max(camdistance, 1.0); -- Figure out new position lastPosition = EntityPosition(camera) --Find wished position PositionEntity(camera, followPos) RotateEntity(camera, Vec3(camerapitch,camerayaw,0)) MoveEntity(camera, Vec3(0,0,-camdistance)) targetPosition = EntityPosition(camera) --Correct with collision position pick=LinePick(followPos, targetPosition, 0, COLLOSION_PROP) if pick~=nil then targetPosition = Vec3(pick.position.x, pick.position.y, pick.position.z) end -- Apply position lastPosition.x = Curve(targetPosition.x, lastPosition.x, ADJUST_POSITION_STEPS*(1.0/AppSpeed())) lastPosition.y = Curve(targetPosition.y, lastPosition.y, ADJUST_POSITION_STEPS*(1.0/AppSpeed())) lastPosition.z = Curve(targetPosition.z, lastPosition.z, ADJUST_POSITION_STEPS*(1.0/AppSpeed())) PositionEntity(camera, lastPosition) PositionEntity(campiv, followPos) PointEntity(camera, campiv, 3, 1.0, 0.0) end --Create the player soldier=LoadModel("abstract::soldier.gmf") PositionEntity(soldier, initialSoldierPos) RotateEntity(soldier, Vec3(0,camerayaw+180,0)) --Create the physics drag helpers --[[ WIP phydragPlane = CreatePlane() --HideEntity(phydragPlane) ScaleEntity(phydragPlane, Vec3(1000,1000,1000)) PositionEntity(phydragPlane, Vec3(0,0,0)) EntityType(phydragPlane,COLLISION_HELPER) Collisions(COLLISION_HELPER,COLLISION_HELPER,1) phydragPivot = CreateBodySphere(0.025)--CreateBodyPivot() phydragJoint = nil phydragDragged = nil]] -- Helper functions function getMeshModel(mesh) curEntity = mesh repeat if GetEntityClass(curEntity)==ENTITY_MODEL then return curEntity end curEntity=curEntity.parent until curEntity==nil or curEntity==0 or EntityExists(curEntity)==0 return nil end --Main "function"/loop while KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE)==0 do --Player control SendEntityMessage(soldier, "SetHeading="..tostring(camerayaw)) if KeyHit(KEY_SPACE) ~= 0 then SendEntityMessage(soldier, "Jump") end if KeyDown(KEY_W) ~= 0 then if KeyDown(KEY_A) ~= 0 then SendEntityMessage(soldier, "SetMovement=".."MOVE_FORWARD_LEFT") elseif KeyDown(KEY_D) ~= 0 then SendEntityMessage(soldier, "SetMovement=".."MOVE_FORWARD_RIGHT") else SendEntityMessage(soldier, "SetMovement=".."MOVE_FORWARD") end elseif KeyDown(KEY_S) ~= 0 then if KeyDown(KEY_A) ~= 0 then SendEntityMessage(soldier, "SetMovement=".."MOVE_BACK_LEFT") elseif KeyDown(KEY_D) ~= 0 then SendEntityMessage(soldier, "SetMovement=".."MOVE_BACK_RIGHT") else SendEntityMessage(soldier, "SetMovement=".."MOVE_BACK") end elseif KeyDown(KEY_A) ~= 0 then SendEntityMessage(soldier, "SetMovement=".."MOVE_LEFT") elseif KeyDown(KEY_D) ~= 0 then SendEntityMessage(soldier, "SetMovement=".."MOVE_RIGHT") else SendEntityMessage(soldier, "SetMovement=".."") end -- Use entities if MouseHit(1) ~= 0 then -- Lag at first click??? pick = CameraPick(camera,Vec3(MouseX(), MouseY(), 1000), 0, 0)--COLLISION_PROP) if pick~=nil then pickedModel = getMeshModel(pick.entity) end if pickedModel~=nil then if KeyDown(KEY_LSHIFT) ~= 0 then --[[-- WIP PositionEntity(phydragPlane, pick.position) PositionEntity(phydragPivot, pick.position) phydragJoint=CreateJointFixed(pickedModel,phydragPivot,pick.position) phydragJoint:SetStiffness(-10) phydragDragged = pickedModel RotateEntity(phydragPlane, Vec3(90,camerayaw+180,0))]] else if EntityDistance(campiv, pickedModel) < 2.0 then SendEntityMessage(pickedModel,"use",soldier) end end end end --[[-- WIP if MouseDown(1) ~= 0 and KeyDown(KEY_LSHIFT) ~= 0 and phydragDragged ~= nil then pick=CameraPick(camera,Vec3(MouseX(), MouseY(), 1000), 0, COLLISION_HELPER) if pick~=nil then PositionEntity(phydragPivot, pick.position) phydragDragged:AddForce(Vec3(0.001, 0,0)) end elseif phydragJoint ~= nil then FreeJoint(phydragJoint) phydragJoint = nil phydragDragged = nil end]] --Update fw:Update() -- Camera control followPos = EntityPosition(soldier) followPos.y = followPos.y+HEAD_YOFFSET _3rdPersonCameraControl(followPos) -- Render fw:Render() -- Debug info --SetBlend(1) --DrawText("In Game-Mode, running:",0,15*6) --DrawText("Leadwerks Soldier Game Script by Paul Frischknecht",0,15*7) --SetBlend(0) -- Update screen Flip(0) end ShowMouse() Cheers
  11. Yep, that's the same for me, Pixel Perfect. I also have to use a base texture to get some colour (other than black) on the grass. Cheers
  12. That must be the problem then, because in the latest level editor, I don't see the 'Base texture' load option. [edit] Hum, seems we're not talking about the same thing. I do have the 'Base texture' load option, but under the 'Paint' tab for the terrain. But, that doesn't affect the vegetation colour either. It stays black. [edit 2] Hold on, it seems I'm getting somewhere now. The grass does get colour now. Hehehh. The only difference now is that I'll need to set a texture for every terrain material to colour the grass. But, it does look good too. Thanks though, macklebee.
  13. Just wondering, though...the base map texture for the grass is 'grass_lemix2.dds', right? Because I do have that image file in the Models\Vegetation\Plants\Grass folder. I also opened the grass_lemix.mat file, en it contains this: texture0="abstract::grass_lemix2.dds" texture1="abstract::noise.dds" clamp0=0,0,0 clamp1=0,0,0 cullface=0 depthmask=1 depthtest=1 alphatest=1 overlay=0 color=0.5,0.5,0.5,1.0 shader="abstract::mesh_diffuse_upnormals_sway_meshlayer.vert","abstract::mesh_diffuse_alphatest_terrainnormals_terraincolor.frag" shadowshader="abstract::mesh_shadow_sway_meshlayer.vert","abstract::mesh_shadow.frag" So, is this correct? Is there anything I can do to fix this myself, or do I have to wait for a fix by Josh? Ok, will do.
  14. I hope it fixes things. A terrain without grass is like a bar without lemonade. Thanks Josh. Heheheh, didn't know that, maclebee! It works now, thanks! Guess I'll need to make my desktop resolution bigger, or buy me a better monitor. Hehheh.
  15. Well, to start with, double clicking on both the grass or the 'Spruce' three, brought up a blank window, without the dropbuttons or sliders to adjust the settings. So, I had to add require("scripts/class") local class=CreateClass(...) in order to see the properties in the window. Changing the dropdown list to 'dynamic' shadows, did add a shadow on the grass when I add the grass object manually, but not when painting the terrain with grass. The same goes for the Spruce tree. No shadows if I use the vegetation paint tool to add trees, but I do have shadows if I put the Spruce tree model manually. That's what I thought as well, but after updating, it no longer works. Maybe its not a bug, but somehow it doesn't work. I'm starting to think it has to do with the 'mesh_diffuse_alphatest_terrainnormals_terraincolor.frag' shader after the update. Cheers
  16. Hi everyone, Having a strange 'bug' after updating Leadwerks to the latest 2.5. The grasscolour no longer matches the terrain and the shadows are missing on trees that were placed with the vegetation paint mode (see screenie). As you can see, some trees have shadows (those were placed manually) while the trees that were painted don't have shadows. And, the grass is rather dark and doesn't match the terrain anymore. Anyone else got this problem and knows how to solve it? Thanks for the help. Cheers
  17. ChrisV


    Looking good so far, Eagle! What modelling program did you use to make 'em? You still use Truespace? I'm asking cuz I'd love to see/find a good tutorial on character rigging/animation in Truespace. Any idea where I can find one? Btw, I've deleted the images in my previous post. Don't wanna cloud your thread with images of my game. Cheers
  18. ChrisV


    Yeah, hehehhe, it's been quite some time! Glad to see you back, though. True, that's my real name. Well, I'm really looking forward to the cool things you'll make with this great engine. If you need help with anything (sounds, music, graphics, 3D models, coding, ...) just give me a call. I've been busy with a lot of things lately. One of them is a Horror fps game I'm developing with some friends of mine. Cheers
  19. ChrisV


    Looking really nice so far, Vicky! Keep it up. Not sure if you remember me (The Slayer), but I do remember you from at the TGC forums. Hope you still model in Truespace? That model looks great, btw. Your design? Cheers
  20. Why not go for something like Leadwerks SDK, or Leadwerks GDK (Game Development Kit)? And, you could add a number at the end specifying the version number. Just my two cents... Cheers
  21. I just commented the line of code out that you mentioned in the post above. Like this: #ifdef LW_RENDERTERRAINCOLORMAP height = texture2D(texture15,vec2(texcoord1.x,1.0-texcoord1.y)).x*terrainscale.y; //#else //No idea why this changes behavior: //height = texcoord0.y;//vertexposition.y; #endif Cheers
  22. Heheheh, that's weird. I remmed that line out, and voila, it works now. Thanks so much, Josh. Just one thing though, if I leave this line remmed out, and save this shader with the games I make on other machines, will this have effect on the terrain been cut out if their graphics card is an ATI Radeon HD 3800 series? How can I make sure that it doesnt cause a problem when people play my game on their machines? Thanks
  23. I just used the updater to install version 2.5, still no change. Also tried with the LE 2.5 evaluation kit, same thing. The error still remains. I also noticed that I have directx 11 on my system (due to an update by Microsoft > KB971512), but my graphics card doesn't support this version of directx, I think. Could that cause teh issue here? Thanks
  24. Hi Josh, thanks for the quick reply. However, updating to the latest drivers didn't solve the problem. I already had the latest version, but I uninstalled it (just to make sure), reinstalled the latest drivers again, but that didn't change a thing. Any other ideas? Thanks
  25. Hi all, I'm not sure if this post belongs here, but it seems that I cant get the visibility option working in the editor. I have the latest version of the editor (2.5), but even when I tried it with the previous version, it didn't work. Here's how I tried. I created a terrain (1024x1024), two meters per tile. Sculpted some hills, then whent to the visibility tool, and while leftclicking, I tried to 'carve' holes in the terrain. But, whenever I start using the visibility tool, my terrain completly dissapears. And, the square from the visibility tool gets kinda hazy and fuzzy. The terrain is still there, cuz when I go to play mode, I can still walk as normal, but I cant see any terrain. There's also a square visible on the top right of the image which shows up when I look in certain directions. Any ideas? Thanks in advance. ;-) My system specs: Vista Home Premium 32 bits Service Pack 2 AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual core 4400+, 2.30 Ghz 3 Gig ram ATI Radeon HD 3800 series
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