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Everything posted by ArBuZ

  1. The sweetest part is automatic LUA scripts generation for custom object attributes!!!
  2. Damn! Ive uploaded wrong pdf. Reuploaded pdf and main archive now. Sorry
  3. Strange... It must be there. Anyway naming convention is objectNameLODxx, xx-level of LOD
  4. NEW VERSION 2.2!!!!! Some new cool features. See new pdf about it.
  5. As I remember he was trying to make it with shaders(but I might be wrong). Anyway I dont remember that he made it to work and included in sdk.
  6. Thank you! Problem is solved. I think I understand now how all this works. INI file contains all initial values. If you dont change them in the editor then values from ini are used. If you change them in the editor then values from sbx file are used. Interesting then how Josh is going to remove ini files from the engine. I saw somewhere he told that.
  7. Hi guys! I have a little problem. I have a model and want to add custom properties to it. Here is LUA file for it require("scripts/class") local class=CreateClass(...) function class:InitDialog(grid) self.super:InitDialog(grid) group=grid:AddGroup("Box01") group:AddProperty("hitpoints",PROPERTY_INTEGER,"","hitpoints") group:AddProperty("type",PROPERTY_INTEGER,"","type") group:AddProperty("Param7",PROPERTY_FLOAT,"","Param7") group:AddProperty("Param8",PROPERTY_BOOL,"false","Param8") group:AddProperty( "BColor", PROPERTY_COLOR, "1" ) group:AddProperty("Param10",PROPERTY_STRING,"","Param10") group:AddProperty("Param11",PROPERTY_FLOAT,"","Param11") end properies window looks like this: All values are zero. So if I save this map with this object and DONT EDIT any of my custom properties of the object, then in sbx file this properties are absent! Here sbx file: SBX_ASCII_1.0 cameraposition=0.000000000,5.73576403,-8.19152069 camerarotation=34.9999962,0.000000000,0.000000000 Model { path="light_directional.gmf" position=0.000000000,1.00000000,0.000000000 rotation=45.0000000,34.9999962,3.01372808e-007 scale=1.00000000,1.00000000,1.00000000 id=141729016 "aligntoground"="0" "class"="Model" "collisiontype"="0" "damping"="0.000000000,0.000000000" "friction"="0.000000000,0.000000000" "gravity"="0" "intensity"="1.0000000000000000" "linearoffset"="0.310000002,0.400000006,0.699999988" "mass"="0.00000000000000000" "name"="light_directional_1" "order"="0" "range"="500.00000000000000" "resolution"="2" "shadowdistance"="6.00000000,20.0000000,100.000000" } Model { path="luatest_box.gmf" position=1.00000000,0.000000000,-1.00000000 rotation=0.000000000,0.000000000,0.000000000 scale=1.00000000,1.00000000,1.00000000 id=144936072 "class"="Model" "intensity"="1.0" "name"="box_2" } But if I edit them (at least one of them) then all this properties are present in sbx map file. So the question is why does that happen? and Can I somehow set initial values of custom properties? Thanks in advanced. PS I need it for my 3ds max exporter. It will be possible to set properties for models in 3ds max and then automatically have them in the editor!
  8. LWE doesnt handle morphing. You have to do it by yourself if you need it
  9. Apply material to it with the same name as you used last time. and dont export materials, only object
  10. Hi! In new version Ive added replacement mode for mat files. So you can choose replace or skip existing mat files. New version is ready, and Im testing it now. I'll post it very soon.
  11. Boot model has isolated vertexes(Vertexes that don't belong to any polygon or edge) Convert it to editable poly, select all vertexes and press "Remove isolated vertexes" in edit vertices rollout
  12. Hi! Because of my bad English I couldn't explain in detail all specifics of exporting. I'll try: 1. Models shouldn't have isolated vertexes. 2. Try to uncheck all checkboxes that you don't need. For example if your model doesnt use smoothing groups. Exporting will take very long time for large models if there is no any smoothing group applied to the polygons but "Export smgs" is checked. Try to use "Auto smooth". If only single material is applied (then you should uncheck mat IDs. Or if you use only 4 or 5 IDs then set maxID number to 5) Don't check vertex color if you don't need them. 3. for skinned models: Only skin modifier is supported. The skin modifier should be on top in modifier stack. While exporting the exporter converts the model to mesh and back to poly several times, and its supposed that the number of vertexes is the same all the time. Best way to achieve that is to apply "edit mesh" and "edit poly" modifiers before skin modifier. 4. All materials must be standard.
  13. That means, that error exception has been occured. There is tow reasons of it 1st - your model. and the 2nd - bug in my exporter. 1st is more likely. What are your trying to export? Is the model animated or skinned? There are some requirements for exporting models.
  14. Hi! All your problems in European nature pack are related to shaders. There is two shaders in pack. Just copy them to LE SDK folder\shaders\mesh\ That should solve all shader and material problems.
  15. If you are using 3ds max (and as I understand you are using it) then you can use "MultiRes" or "Optimize" modifiers for that purpose.
  16. Hi! The exporter exports only triangles and it splits quads or polygons to triangles, because the engine anyway uses triangles. If you open your model in the Model viewer, the number of tris will be the same as in 3ds max. Its an Editor issue.
  17. can you explain more in detail. Is it skinned model or just animated. If you export animated or skinned model from 3ds max with my exporter (http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/89-3ds-max-to-gmf-exporter/) then you have to apply material to it to be able to see the model in the engine.
  18. You have to assign textures to your model. Then it will work. Even if you have a one color surface you will need to assign texture with that color.
  19. Yes. The exporter uses 3dsmax obj exporter to get obj files for converting them to phy. I cant access it's properties to set scale from maxScript. You have to set obj scale manually. Just export once any object to OBJ from 3ds max (File->Export selected") and set scale in OBJ Exporter dialog. Then my exporter will use that options.
  20. The problem is in obj2gmf exporter. It merges all objects in one mesh. And uu3d I think does the same. Try to export via FBX if uu3d has fbx export function. fbx2gmf works well in such situations.
  21. Hi! Framework::SetLayerWorld(world); Framework::SetLayer(layer); If we have these functions we will be able to handle multiple worlds with one framework.
  22. Thank you for your quick replies But what if I want to save previous framework worlds and switch bitween them by key press. Or its resource extensive? Its all about main menu I have a main menu as 3d object and some other additional objects with its own lighting and effects, and raycasts performs. I want to place all this to separate world. And when Esc is pressed switch to this world and work only in it. And when back to game switch to game's world.
  23. Hi! It might be a stupid question. Sorry if so But am I able to replace framework's layers worlds? I mean if I create one or more worlds and "fill" them with models. Can I assign this worlds as framework's worlds?
  24. Yep I know that this function will be very usefull! I just almost dont have free time. Ill implement it as soon as possible
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