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Everything posted by diedir

  1. Hi all little wip rollercoaster demo as i spent time in algos for my wip race car game, i discovered some code from "The Masked Coder" which displays some Bsplines in a little demo, as i liked it, i made it in 3D with Leadwerks 2.5 in Lua. hope you like it here link : ps: sorry for lags due to camstudio got always 60fps without it note: no sound
  2. very impressive great job MG, as often...
  3. well i tried some changes without any luck, the second point is always avoided despite my efforts. i read your code but i am curious why you put : // Point it at the current target PointEntity(piv1,targetMesh[targetNumber],3,0.001); it appears to be the Z axis (3) targeted, wouldn't it be Y axis (2) ? anyway z or y none is accurate for me. not reacting as your video at all. I must dig it more and find why the steerangle don't apply well.. thanks anyway for your time.
  4. hi i have no time to explore your code but i saw your video and it is exactly what i wanted, wow if i can apply it in mine it would be giant. big thanks for your work
  5. Hi Pixel Perfect you are right on the division direction, i have said the opposite of what i did, ( edited my post). i think it is right to divide the distance by the angle, to retrieve needed angle at each distance. you are right too with that i aim a curved move from 2 points.(it works well on the first one then ... failed) i must think about clamping distance or angle below 1.0, perhaps good idea; For the pivot re-created every loop, naïvely i thought that it would re-use the first one as it is still "alive", but you are right, it is not very clever to recreate it anyway, that part of code don't really bother me. thanks for answering
  6. Glad to see hierarchy rearranged in model editor, now we wouldn't need a 3k5 app to create models exciting news for LE3
  7. Hi all since a week i am stuck with my code not working as expected, i need a fresh look at what i am doing wrong.I am surely doing something wrong but i can't get it.Hope someone could help. Here the facts: i need to make a car to follow a path made by some given points. the car need to steer realisticaly (sorry for bad saying) so every loop, i put a pivot at car' place, then i point it to the given point to retrieve y angle then i divide the entitydistance from the car pivot to given point by this angle, and i steer my car by this result. example of my print log: (car rotation - pointrotation) = 12.03.. mydistance = 43.17.. so my sterrangle = -3.58.... for this first point all run fine the car slowly move (with a given torque) to the given point smoothly but there i change the pivot to point the new given point and got: (car rotation - new pointrotation) = -20.54.. new distance = 54.01 steerangle = 2.62 not so bad but the car don't react as wished, it run away nearly straight and don't point ever where i wanted. I tried a lot different thigs with no luck. here a part of my code which doing this. Hope someone here point my bad maths and that i can move on.... thanks for reading local pivps = CreatePivot() PositionEntity(pivps,Vec3(pscx[bornai],1.0,pscz[bornai])) local hypdist = EntityDistance(chassai[1],pivps) local pivcarai = CreatePivot() PositionEntity(pivcarai,EntityPosition(chassai[1])) PointEntity(pivcarai,pivps,2,1.0) local Angrot = (EntityRotation(pivps).y - EntityRotation(pivcarai).y ) if bornai < 3 then steerangleai[1] = -(hypdist/Angrot) steerangleai[1]=Clamp(steerangleai[1],-steerlimit,steerlimit) carai[1]:SetSteerAngle(steerangleai[1],0) carai[1]:SetSteerAngle(steerangleai[1],1) end
  8. Hi Andy if it is my demo lua, you need an XBox pad 360 plugged in your windows pc to work with sorry for your frustration, but it's working very well for me
  9. Great job the sky and the light are blending perfectly congrats
  10. Hi Rick funny that your example is exactly what i have done for my starting race game,menu then player locked until 3,2,1,go then freed until the race finish and finally locked again to launch the menu at last. I am ok with you that is a bunch of variables, tags and headaches to make it working as i wanted but i would not be against doing this with more ease, by the way, best wishes and lot of coding...
  11. diedir

    Model Editor

    very good ! changing model textures in editor is really great
  12. Ok Rick give me some time because i am still working (yes Boss it's true B) and will try some more tests this week end. Thank you so much !
  13. Hi Rick sorry for leaving the board but i had to sleep ans now to work B) but i briefly found time to try your work before going to work : i recieve an error message (critical) : blablah program MSVCRD100.dll not found (or missing ) sorry i really didn't have more time to try, i will do in 5 hours from now thanks EDIT : ok with the good dll "msvc100d.dll" inside my folder i get the "Joystick 0 Found" message Good Start !!! now i am trying to get other function working, not sure how i will do but i let you know big thanks for the starting EDIT2 : OMG i got the left trigger fired and notify me if true : YES ! i have no time now to test more but will inform you in few hours, how i included it in my game loop you are a genius dev !! thx
  14. what i wish is retrieving the Axis positions, the pressed buttons and the triggers too. i try to upload the original zip folder because i think i put my dirty fingers into the files... elanthis-gamepad-c.zip
  15. ok i ripped off the game.c which was inside the folder, i give you now, basically it was part of a screen demo retrieving some functions, by the way i don't care about the linux part, windows side is enough for me. i read somewhere that we must "Update" the state once per loop to get accurate. here the game.c : #include <stdio.h> //#include <ncurses.h> <--- i commented that cause ncurses was popping error #include "gamepad.h" static const char* button_names[] = { "d-pad up", "d-pad down", "d-pad left", "d-pad right", "start", "back", "left thumb", "right thumb", "left shoulder", "right shoulder", "???", "???", "A", "B", "X", "Y" }; static int line = 0; static void logevent(const char* format, ...) { va_list va; move(9 + line, 0); clrtoeol(); move(8 + line, 0); clrtoeol(); va_start(va, format); vwprintw(stdscr, format, va); va_end(va); if (++line == 14) { line = 0; } } static void update(GAMEPAD_DEVICE dev) { float lx, ly, rx, ry; move(dev, 0); if (!GamepadIsConnected(dev)) { printw("%d) n/a\n", dev); return; } GamepadStickNormXY(dev, STICK_LEFT, &lx, &ly); GamepadStickNormXY(dev, STICK_RIGHT, &rx, &ry); printw("%d) L:(%+.3f,%+.3f :: %+.3f,%+.3f) R:(%+.3f, %+.3f :: %+.3f,%+.3f) LT:%+.3f RT:%+.3f ", dev, lx, ly, GamepadStickAngle(dev, STICK_LEFT), GamepadStickLength(dev, STICK_LEFT), rx, ry, GamepadStickAngle(dev, STICK_RIGHT), GamepadStickLength(dev, STICK_RIGHT), GamepadTriggerLength(dev, TRIGGER_LEFT), GamepadTriggerLength(dev, TRIGGER_RIGHT)); printw("U:%d D:%d L:%d R:%d ", GamepadButtonDown(dev, BUTTON_DPAD_UP), GamepadButtonDown(dev, BUTTON_DPAD_DOWN), GamepadButtonDown(dev, BUTTON_DPAD_LEFT), GamepadButtonDown(dev, BUTTON_DPAD_RIGHT)); printw("A:%d B:%d X:%d Y:%d Bk:%d St:%d ", GamepadButtonDown(dev, BUTTON_A), GamepadButtonDown(dev, BUTTON_B), GamepadButtonDown(dev, BUTTON_X), GamepadButtonDown(dev, BUTTON_Y), GamepadButtonDown(dev, BUTTON_BACK), GamepadButtonDown(dev, BUTTON_START)); printw("LB:%d RB:%d LS:%d RS:%d\n", GamepadButtonDown(dev, BUTTON_LEFT_SHOULDER), GamepadButtonDown(dev, BUTTON_RIGHT_SHOULDER), GamepadButtonDown(dev, BUTTON_LEFT_THUMB), GamepadButtonDown(dev, BUTTON_RIGHT_THUMB)); } int main() { int ch, i, j, k; initscr(); cbreak(); noecho(); timeout(1); GamepadInit(); while ((ch = getch()) != 'q') { GamepadUpdate(); if (ch == 'r') { for (i = 0; i != GAMEPAD_COUNT; ++i) { GamepadSetRumble((GAMEPAD_DEVICE)i, 0.25f, 0.25f); } } update(GAMEPAD_0); update(GAMEPAD_1); update(GAMEPAD_2); update(GAMEPAD_3); for (i = 0; i != GAMEPAD_COUNT; ++i) { if (GamepadIsConnected(i)) { for (j = 0; j != BUTTON_COUNT; ++j) { if (GamepadButtonTriggered(i, j)) { logevent("[%d] button triggered: %s", i, button_names[j]); } else if (GamepadButtonReleased(i, j)) { logevent("[%d] button released: %s", i, button_names[j]); } } for (j = 0; j != TRIGGER_COUNT; ++j) { if (GamepadTriggerTriggered(i, j)) { logevent("[%d] trigger pressed: %d", i, j); } else if (GamepadTriggerReleased(i, j)) { logevent("[%d] trigger released: %d", i, j); } } for (j = 0; j != STICK_COUNT; ++j) { for (k = 0; k != STICKDIR_COUNT; ++k) { if (GamepadStickDirTriggered(i, j, k)) { logevent("[%d] stick direction: %d -> %d", i, j, k); } } } } } move(6, 0); printw("(q)uit (r)umble"); refresh(); } endwin(); return 0; } i put the readme file too just in case.: Gamepad Libary ============== This is a simple library whose sole purpose is to provide an easy to use and portable API for accessing the extremely popular and common Xbox/Xbox360 gamepads. Currently supported platforms are Windows and Linux. OS X is planned. Requirements ============ The header and source file can be dropped into a project's build. On Windows, XInput must be linked in. On Linux, libudev must be linked in. Limitations =========== The library only supports the functions which are compatible with all OSes. Primarily missing are: - Headset/audio support (can only be supported on Windows) - XBOX button support (the big button in the middle of the controller) - LED control support - Battery status support Headsets are not supported in Linux via the Xbox controller, and the big XBOX button and LED control are not supported via XInput on Windows. OS X support has not yet been implemented, as I do not have an OS X machine to develop or test on. There are no plans to support POSIX-style OSes other than Linux and OS X. Platform Issues =============== On Linux, the LED turned on does not reflect correctly which device ID is used by the library. I have not yet figured out how to either query the LED set or how to override the LED, and the xpad driver seems to assign them quite arbitrarily. Also on Linux, the library has no way to differentiate between gamepads and other joystick devices. The library will almost certainly not work correctly with any device that isn't an XBox controller. Todo / Roadmap ============== - Correct LED enumeration on Linux. - OS X support. - Win32-only headset interaction API. - non-Win32-only LED/XBOX-button support (maybe). - Feature-detection routines.
  16. yes totally agree, piece by piece will be good, as you feel i will give you feedback then by the way i got my little "helloworld" working with script editor just adding include "lua.hpp" instead of "lua.h" thx
  17. yes you are right with the Jit library i didn't load the jit lib and didn't try with it, i will do. i only get a "helloword" dll working with 5.1 lua not the code i posted because it scares me a lot B) and i don't even know where to begin with... but if you will try with that i will pay you for your efforts (can i take this word ?) because it is a real work to accomplish i think. thank you
  18. Well two wonderful answers !! @Josh thank you very much for this, it would be great ! @Rick thank you for your proposition, yes i posted a demand on this but in the mean time i worked a little around this and was a bit disappointed to see my lua call Cfunction working with Lua5.1 but not in LuaJit editor I post here the sources for XInput gamepad and if you can help with that, i will really thank you a lot ! gamepad.h /** * Gamepad Input Library * Sean Middleditch <sean@middleditch.us> * Copyright (C) 2010,2011 Sean Middleditch * LICENSE: MIT/X */ #if !defined(GAMEPAD_H) #define GAMEPAD_H 1 #if defined(__cplusplus) extern "C" { #endif #if defined(GAMEPAD_STATIC_LIB) # define GAMEPAD_API #else # if defined(_WIN32) # if defined(GAMEPAD_EXPORT) # define GAMEPAD_API __declspec(dllexport) # else # define GAMEPAD_API __declspec(dllimport) # endif # elif defined(__GNUC__) && defined(GAMEPAD_EXPORT) # define GAMEPAD_API __attribute__((visibility("default"))) # else # define GAMEPAD_API extern # endif #endif /** * Enumeration of the possible devices. * * Only four devices are supported as this is the limit of Windows. */ enum GAMEPAD_DEVICE { GAMEPAD_0 = 0, /**< First gamepad */ GAMEPAD_1 = 1, /**< Second gamepad */ GAMEPAD_2 = 2, /**< Third gamepad */ GAMEPAD_3 = 3, /**< Fourth gamepad */ GAMEPAD_COUNT /**< Maximum number of supported gamepads */ }; /** * Enumeration of the possible buttons. */ enum GAMEPAD_BUTTON { BUTTON_DPAD_UP = 0, /**< UP on the direction pad */ BUTTON_DPAD_DOWN = 1, /**< DOWN on the direction pad */ BUTTON_DPAD_LEFT = 2, /**< LEFT on the direction pad */ BUTTON_DPAD_RIGHT = 3, /**< RIGHT on the direction pad */ BUTTON_START = 4, /**< START button */ BUTTON_BACK = 5, /**< BACK button */ BUTTON_LEFT_THUMB = 6, /**< Left analog stick button */ BUTTON_RIGHT_THUMB = 7, /**< Right analog stick button */ BUTTON_LEFT_SHOULDER = 8, /**< Left bumper button */ BUTTON_RIGHT_SHOULDER = 9, /**< Right bumper button */ BUTTON_A = 12, /**< A button */ BUTTON_B = 13, /**< B button */ BUTTON_X = 14, /**< X button */ BUTTON_Y = 15, /**< Y button */ BUTTON_COUNT /**< Maximum number of supported buttons */ }; /** * Enumeration of the possible pressure/trigger buttons. */ enum GAMEPAD_TRIGGER { TRIGGER_LEFT = 0, /**< Left trigger */ TRIGGER_RIGHT = 1, /**< Right trigger */ TRIGGER_COUNT /**< Number of triggers */ }; /** * Enumeration of the analog sticks. */ enum GAMEPAD_STICK { STICK_LEFT = 0, /**< Left stick */ STICK_RIGHT = 1, /**< Right stick */ STICK_COUNT /**< Number of analog sticks */ }; /** * Enumeration of main stick directions. * * This is used for some of the convenience routines in the library. */ enum GAMEPAD_STICKDIR { STICKDIR_CENTER = 0, /**< CENTER, no direction */ STICKDIR_UP = 1, /**< UP direction */ STICKDIR_DOWN = 2, /**< DOWN direction */ STICKDIR_LEFT = 3, /**< LEFT direction */ STICKDIR_RIGHT = 4, /**< RIGHT direction */ STICKDIR_COUNT }; /** * Enumeration for true/false values */ enum GAMEPAD_BOOL { GAMEPAD_FALSE = 0, /**< FALSE value for boolean parameters */ GAMEPAD_TRUE = 1 /**< TRUE value for boolean parameters */ }; typedef enum GAMEPAD_DEVICE GAMEPAD_DEVICE; typedef enum GAMEPAD_BUTTON GAMEPAD_BUTTON; typedef enum GAMEPAD_TRIGGER GAMEPAD_TRIGGER; typedef enum GAMEPAD_STICK GAMEPAD_STICK; typedef enum GAMEPAD_STICKDIR GAMEPAD_STICKDIR; typedef enum GAMEPAD_BOOL GAMEPAD_BOOL; #define GAMEPAD_DEADZONE_LEFT_STICK 7849 /**< Suggested deadzone magnitude for left analog stick */ #define GAMEPAD_DEADZONE_RIGHT_STICK 8689 /**< Suggested deadzone magnitude for right analog stick */ #define GAMEPAD_DEADZONE_TRIGGER 30 /**< Suggested deadzone for triggers */ /** * Initialize the library. * * This is critical on non-Windows platforms. */ GAMEPAD_API void GamepadInit(void); /** * Shutdown the library. * * This will release resources allocated by the library internally. * * This should be called after forking as well. */ GAMEPAD_API void GamepadShutdown(void); /** * Updates the state of the gamepads. * * This must be called (at least) once per game loop. */ GAMEPAD_API void GamepadUpdate(void); /** * Test if a particular gamepad is connected. * * \param device The device to check. * \returns GAMEPAD_TRUE if the device is connected, GAMEPAD_FALSE if it is not. */ GAMEPAD_API GAMEPAD_BOOL GamepadIsConnected(GAMEPAD_DEVICE device); /** * Test if a particular button is being pressed. * * \param device The device to check. * \param button The button to check. * \returns GAMEPAD_TRUE if the button is down, GAMEPAD_FALSE if it is not. */ GAMEPAD_API GAMEPAD_BOOL GamepadButtonDown(GAMEPAD_DEVICE device, GAMEPAD_BUTTON button); /** * Test if a particular button has been depressed since the previous call to GamepadUpdate. * * \param device The device to check. * \param button The button to check. * \returns GAMEPAD_TRUE if the button has been pressed, GAMEPAD_FALSE if it is not or if it was depressed the previous frame. */ GAMEPAD_API GAMEPAD_BOOL GamepadButtonTriggered(GAMEPAD_DEVICE device, GAMEPAD_BUTTON button); /** * Test if a particular button has been released since the previous call to GamepadUpdate. * * \param device The device to check. * \param button The button to check. * \returns GAMEPAD_TRUE if the button has been released, GAMEPAD_FALSE if it is down or if it was not down the previous frame. */ GAMEPAD_API GAMEPAD_BOOL GamepadButtonReleased(GAMEPAD_DEVICE device, GAMEPAD_BUTTON button); /** * Get the trigger value (depression magnitude) in its raw form. * * \param device The device to check. * \param trigger The trigger to check. * \returns Trigger depression magnitude (0 to 32767). */ GAMEPAD_API int GamepadTriggerValue(GAMEPAD_DEVICE device, GAMEPAD_TRIGGER trigger); /** * Get the trigger value (depression magnitude) in normalized form. * * \param device The device to check. * \param trigger The trigger to check. * \returns Trigger depression magnitude (0 to 1). */ GAMEPAD_API float GamepadTriggerLength(GAMEPAD_DEVICE device, GAMEPAD_TRIGGER trigger); /** * Test if a trigger is depressed * * \param device The device to check. * \param trigger The trigger to check. * \returns GAMEPAD_TRUE if down, GAMEPAD_FALSE otherwise. */ GAMEPAD_API GAMEPAD_BOOL GamepadTriggerDown(GAMEPAD_DEVICE device, GAMEPAD_TRIGGER trigger); /** * Test if a trigger is depressed * * \param device The device to check. * \param trigger The trigger to check. * \returns GAMEPAD_TRUE if triggered, GAMEPAD_FALSE otherwise. */ GAMEPAD_API GAMEPAD_BOOL GamepadTriggerTriggered(GAMEPAD_DEVICE device, GAMEPAD_TRIGGER trigger); /** * Test if a trigger is depressed * * \param device The device to check. * \param trigger The trigger to check. * \returns GAMEPAD_TRUE if released, GAMEPAD_FALSE otherwise. */ GAMEPAD_API GAMEPAD_BOOL GamepadTriggerReleased(GAMEPAD_DEVICE device, GAMEPAD_TRIGGER trigger); /** * Set the rumble motors on/off. * * To turn off the rumble effect, set values to 0 for both motors. * * The left motor is the low-frequency/strong motor, and the right motor is the high-frequency/weak motor. * * \param device The device to update. * \param left Left motor strengh (0 to 1). * \param right Right motor strengh (0 to 1). */ GAMEPAD_API void GamepadSetRumble(GAMEPAD_DEVICE device, float left, float right); /** * Query the position of an analog stick as raw values. * * The values retrieved by this function represent the magnitude of the analog * stick in each direction. Note that it shouldn't be possible to get full * magnitude in one direction unless the other direction has a magnitude of * zero, as the stick has a circular movement range. * * \param device The device to check. * \param stick The stick to check. * \param outX Pointer to integer to store the X magnitude in (-32767 to 32767). * \param outX Pointer to integer to store the Y magnitude in (-32767 to 32767). */ GAMEPAD_API void GamepadStickXY(GAMEPAD_DEVICE device, GAMEPAD_STICK stick, int* outX, int* outY); /** * Query the position of an analog stick as normalized values. * * The values retrieved by this function represent the magnitude of the analog * stick in each direction. Note that it shouldn't be possible to get full * magnitude in one direction unless the other direction has a magnitude of * zero, as the stick has a circular movement range. * * \param device The device to check. * \param stick The stick to check. * \param outX Pointer to float to store the X magnitude in (-1 to 1). * \param outX Pointer to float to store the Y magnitude in (-1 to 1). */ GAMEPAD_API void GamepadStickNormXY(GAMEPAD_DEVICE device, GAMEPAD_STICK stick, float* outX, float* outY); /** * Query the magnitude of an analog stick. * * This returns the normalized value of the magnitude of the stick. That is, * if the stick is pushed all the way in any direction, it returns 1.0. * * \param device The device to check. * \param stick The stick to check. * \returns The magnitude of the stick (0 to 1). */ GAMEPAD_API float GamepadStickLength(GAMEPAD_DEVICE device, GAMEPAD_STICK stick); /** * Query the direction of a stick (in radians). * * This returns the direction of the stick. This value is in radians, not * degrees. Zero is to the right, and the angle increases in a * counter-clockwise direction. * * \param device The device to check. * \param stick The stick to check. * \returns The angle of the stick (0 to 2*PI). */ GAMEPAD_API float GamepadStickAngle(GAMEPAD_DEVICE device, GAMEPAD_STICK stick); /** * Get the direction the stick is pushed in (if any). * * This is a useful utility function for when the stick should be treated as a simple * directional pad, such as for menu UIs. * * \param device The device to check. * \param stick The trigger to check. * \returns The stick's current direction. */ GAMEPAD_API GAMEPAD_STICKDIR GamepadStickDir(GAMEPAD_DEVICE device, GAMEPAD_STICK stick); /** * Test whether a stick has been pressed in a particular direction since the last update. * * This only returns true if the stick was centered last frame. * * This is a useful utility function for when the stick should be treated as a simple * directional pad, such as for menu UIs. * * \param device The device to check. * \param stick The trigger to check. * \param stickdir The direction to check for. * \returns GAMEPAD_TRUE if the stick is pressed in the specified direction, GAMEPAD_FALSE otherwise. */ GAMEPAD_API GAMEPAD_BOOL GamepadStickDirTriggered(GAMEPAD_DEVICE device, GAMEPAD_STICK stick, GAMEPAD_STICKDIR dir); #if defined(__cplusplus) } /* extern "C" */ #endif #endif Second post for C code : /** * Gamepad Input Library * Sean Middleditch * Copyright (C) 2010 Sean Middleditch * LICENSE: MIT/X */ #include <math.h> #include <string.h> #include <errno.h> #include <malloc.h> #define GAMEPAD_EXPORT 1 #include "gamepad.h" /* Platform-specific includes */ #if defined(_WIN32) # define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN 1 # undef UNICODE # include "windows.h" # include "xinput.h" # pragma comment(lib, "xinput.lib") #elif defined(__linux__) # include <linux/joystick.h> # include <stdio.h> # include <fcntl.h> # include <unistd.h> # include <libudev.h> #else # error "Unknown platform in gamepad.c" #endif /* the Lua interpreter */ lua_State* L; #define BUTTON_TO_FLAG(B) (1 << (B)) /* Axis information */ typedef struct GAMEPAD_AXIS GAMEPAD_AXIS; struct GAMEPAD_AXIS { int x, y; float nx, ny; float length; float angle; GAMEPAD_STICKDIR dirLast, dirCurrent; }; /* Trigger value information */ typedef struct GAMEPAD_TRIGINFO GAMEPAD_TRIGINFO; struct GAMEPAD_TRIGINFO { int value; float length; GAMEPAD_BOOL pressedLast, pressedCurrent; }; /* Structure for state of a particular gamepad */ typedef struct GAMEPAD_STATE GAMEPAD_STATE; struct GAMEPAD_STATE { GAMEPAD_AXIS stick[sTICK_COUNT]; GAMEPAD_TRIGINFO trigger[TRIGGER_COUNT]; int bLast, bCurrent, flags; #if defined(__linux__) char* device; int fd; int effect; #endif }; /* State of the four gamepads */ static GAMEPAD_STATE STATE[4]; /* Note whether a gamepad is currently connected */ #define FLAG_CONNECTED (1<<0) #define FLAG_RUMBLE (1<<1) /* Prototypes for utility functions */ static void GamepadResetState (GAMEPAD_DEVICE gamepad); static void GamepadUpdateCommon (void); static void GamepadUpdateDevice (GAMEPAD_DEVICE gamepad); static void GamepadUpdateStick (GAMEPAD_AXIS* axis, float deadzone); static void GamepadUpdateTrigger (GAMEPAD_TRIGINFO* trig); /* Various values of PI */ #define PI_1_4 0.78539816339744f #define PI_1_2 1.57079632679489f #define PI_3_4 2.35619449019234f #define PI 3.14159265358979f /* Platform-specific implementation code */ #if defined(_WIN32) void GamepadInit(void) { int i; for (i = 0; i != GAMEPAD_COUNT; ++i) { STATE[i].flags = 0; } } void GamepadUpdate(void) { GamepadUpdateCommon(); } static void GamepadUpdateDevice(GAMEPAD_DEVICE gamepad) { XINPUT_STATE xs; if (XInputGetState(gamepad, &xs) == 0) { /* reset if the device was not already connected */ if ((STATE[gamepad].flags & FLAG_CONNECTED) == 0) { GamepadResetState(gamepad); } /* mark that we are connected w/ rumble support */ STATE[gamepad].flags |= FLAG_CONNECTED|FLAG_RUMBLE; /* update state */ STATE[gamepad].bCurrent = xs.Gamepad.wButtons; STATE[gamepad].trigger[TRIGGER_LEFT].value = xs.Gamepad.bLeftTrigger; STATE[gamepad].trigger[TRIGGER_RIGHT].value = xs.Gamepad.bRightTrigger; STATE[gamepad].stick[sTICK_LEFT].x = xs.Gamepad.sThumbLX; STATE[gamepad].stick[sTICK_LEFT].y = xs.Gamepad.sThumbLY; STATE[gamepad].stick[sTICK_RIGHT].x = xs.Gamepad.sThumbRX; STATE[gamepad].stick[sTICK_RIGHT].y = xs.Gamepad.sThumbRY; } else { /* disconnected */ STATE[gamepad].flags &= ~FLAG_CONNECTED; } } void GamepadShutdown(void) { /* no Win32 shutdown required */ } void GamepadSetRumble(GAMEPAD_DEVICE gamepad, float left, float right) { if ((STATE[gamepad].flags & FLAG_RUMBLE) != 0) { XINPUT_VIBRATION vib; ZeroMemory(&vib, sizeof(vib)); vib.wLeftMotorSpeed = (WORD)(left * 65535); vib.wRightMotorSpeed = (WORD)(right * 65535); XInputSetState(gamepad, &vib); } } #elif defined(__linux__) /* UDev handles */ static struct udev* UDEV = NULL; static struct udev_monitor* MON = NULL; static void GamepadAddDevice(const char* devPath); static void GamepadRemoveDevice(const char* devPath); /* Helper to add a new device */ static void GamepadAddDevice(const char* devPath) { int i; /* try to find a free controller */ for (i = 0; i != GAMEPAD_COUNT; ++i) { if ((STATE[i].flags & FLAG_CONNECTED) == 0) { break; } } if (i == GAMEPAD_COUNT) { return; } /* copy the device path */ STATE[i].device = strdup(devPath); if (STATE[i].device == NULL) { return; } /* reset device state */ GamepadResetState(i); /* attempt to open the device in read-write mode, which we need fo rumble */ STATE[i].fd = open(STATE[i].device, O_RDWR|O_NONBLOCK); if (STATE[i].fd != -1) { STATE[i].flags = FLAG_CONNECTED|FLAG_RUMBLE; return; } /* attempt to open in read-only mode if access was denied */ if (errno == EACCES) { STATE[i].fd = open(STATE[i].device, O_RDONLY|O_NONBLOCK); if (STATE[i].fd != -1) { STATE[i].flags = FLAG_CONNECTED; return; } } /* could not open the device at all */ free(STATE[i].device); STATE[i].device = NULL; } /* Helper to remove a device */ static void GamepadRemoveDevice(const char* devPath) { int i; for (i = 0; i != GAMEPAD_COUNT; ++i) { if (STATE[i].device != NULL && strcmp(STATE[i].device, devPath) == 0) { if (STATE[i].fd != -1) { close(STATE[i].fd); STATE[i].fd = -1; } free(STATE[i].device); STATE[i].device = 0; STATE[i].flags = 0; break; } } } void GamepadInit(void) { struct udev_list_entry* devices; struct udev_list_entry* item; struct udev_enumerate* enu; int i; /* initialize connection state */ for (i = 0; i != GAMEPAD_COUNT; ++i) { STATE[i].flags = 0; STATE[i].fd = STATE[i].effect = -1; } /* open the udev handle */ UDEV = udev_new(); if (UDEV == NULL) { /* FIXME: flag error? */ return; } /* open monitoring device (safe to fail) */ MON = udev_monitor_new_from_netlink(UDEV, "udev"); /* FIXME: flag error if hot-plugging can't be supported? */ if (MON != NULL) { udev_monitor_enable_receiving(MON); udev_monitor_filter_add_match_subsystem_devtype(MON, "input", NULL); } /* enumerate joypad devices */ enu = udev_enumerate_new(UDEV); udev_enumerate_add_match_subsystem(enu, "input"); udev_enumerate_scan_devices(enu); devices = udev_enumerate_get_list_entry(enu); udev_list_entry_foreach(item, devices) { const char* name; const char* sysPath; const char* devPath; struct udev_device* dev; name = udev_list_entry_get_name(item); dev = udev_device_new_from_syspath(UDEV, name); sysPath = udev_device_get_syspath(dev); devPath = udev_device_get_devnode(dev); if (sysPath != NULL && devPath != NULL && strstr(sysPath, "/js") != 0) { GamepadAddDevice(devPath); } udev_device_unref(dev); } /* cleanup */ udev_enumerate_unref(enu); } void GamepadUpdate(void) { if (MON != NULL) { fd_set r; struct timeval tv; int fd = udev_monitor_get_fd(MON); /* set up a poll on the udev device */ FD_ZERO(&r); FD_SET(fd, &r); tv.tv_sec = 0; tv.tv_usec = 0; select(fd + 1, &r, 0, 0, &tv); /* test if we have a device change */ if (FD_ISSET(fd, &r)) { struct udev_device* dev = udev_monitor_receive_device(MON); if (dev) { const char* devNode = udev_device_get_devnode(dev); const char* sysPath = udev_device_get_syspath(dev); const char* action = udev_device_get_action(dev); sysPath = udev_device_get_syspath(dev); action = udev_device_get_action(dev); if (strstr(sysPath, "/js") != 0) { if (strcmp(action, "remove") == 0) { GamepadRemoveDevice(devNode); } else if (strcmp(action, "add") == 0) { GamepadAddDevice(devNode); } } udev_device_unref(dev); } } } GamepadUpdateCommon(); } static void GamepadUpdateDevice(GAMEPAD_DEVICE gamepad) { if (STATE[gamepad].flags & FLAG_CONNECTED) { struct js_event je; while (read(STATE[gamepad].fd, &je, sizeof(je)) > 0) { int button; switch (je.type) { case JS_EVENT_BUTTON: /* determine which button the event is for */ switch (je.number) { case 0: button = BUTTON_A; break; case 1: button = BUTTON_B; break; case 2: button = BUTTON_X; break; case 3: button = BUTTON_Y; break; case 4: button = BUTTON_LEFT_SHOULDER; break; case 5: button = BUTTON_RIGHT_SHOULDER; break; case 6: button = BUTTON_BACK; break; case 7: button = BUTTON_START; break; case 8: button = 0; break; /* XBOX button */ case 9: button = BUTTON_LEFT_THUMB; break; case 10: button = BUTTON_RIGHT_THUMB; break; default: button = 0; break; } /* set or unset the button */ if (je.value) { STATE[gamepad].bCurrent |= BUTTON_TO_FLAG(button); } else { STATE[gamepad].bCurrent ^= BUTTON_TO_FLAG(button); } break; case JS_EVENT_AXIS: /* normalize and store the axis */ switch (je.number) { case 0: STATE[gamepad].stick[sTICK_LEFT].x = je.value; break; case 1: STATE[gamepad].stick[sTICK_LEFT].y = -je.value; break; case 2: STATE[gamepad].trigger[TRIGGER_LEFT].value = (je.value + 32768) >> 8; break; case 3: STATE[gamepad].stick[sTICK_RIGHT].x = je.value; break; case 4: STATE[gamepad].stick[sTICK_RIGHT].y = -je.value; break; case 5: STATE[gamepad].trigger[TRIGGER_RIGHT].value = (je.value + 32768) >> 8; break; case 6: if (je.value == -32767) { STATE[gamepad].bCurrent |= BUTTON_TO_FLAG(BUTTON_DPAD_LEFT); STATE[gamepad].bCurrent &= ~BUTTON_TO_FLAG(BUTTON_DPAD_RIGHT); } else if (je.value == 32767) { STATE[gamepad].bCurrent |= BUTTON_TO_FLAG(BUTTON_DPAD_RIGHT); STATE[gamepad].bCurrent &= ~BUTTON_TO_FLAG(BUTTON_DPAD_LEFT); } else { STATE[gamepad].bCurrent &= ~BUTTON_TO_FLAG(BUTTON_DPAD_LEFT) & ~BUTTON_TO_FLAG(BUTTON_DPAD_RIGHT); } break; case 7: if (je.value == -32767) { STATE[gamepad].bCurrent |= BUTTON_TO_FLAG(BUTTON_DPAD_UP); STATE[gamepad].bCurrent &= ~BUTTON_TO_FLAG(BUTTON_DPAD_DOWN); } else if (je.value == 32767) { STATE[gamepad].bCurrent |= BUTTON_TO_FLAG(BUTTON_DPAD_DOWN); STATE[gamepad].bCurrent &= ~BUTTON_TO_FLAG(BUTTON_DPAD_UP); } else { STATE[gamepad].bCurrent &= ~BUTTON_TO_FLAG(BUTTON_DPAD_UP) & ~BUTTON_TO_FLAG(BUTTON_DPAD_DOWN); } break; default: break; } break; default: break; } } } } void GamepadShutdown(void) { int i; /* cleanup udev */ udev_monitor_unref(MON); udev_unref(UDEV); /* cleanup devices */ for (i = 0; i != GAMEPAD_COUNT; ++i) { if (STATE[i].device != NULL) { free(STATE[i].device); } if (STATE[i].fd != -1) { close(STATE[i].fd); } } } void GamepadSetRumble(GAMEPAD_DEVICE gamepad, float left, float right) { if (STATE[gamepad].fd != -1) { struct input_event play; /* delete any existing effect */ if (STATE[gamepad].effect != -1) { /* stop the effect */ play.type = EV_FF; play.code = STATE[gamepad].effect; play.value = 0; write(STATE[gamepad].fd, (const void*)&play, sizeof(play)); /* delete the effect */ ioctl(STATE[gamepad].fd, EVIOCRMFF, STATE[gamepad].effect); } /* if rumble parameters are non-zero, start the new effect */ if (left != 0.f || right != 0.f) { struct ff_effect ff; /* define an effect for this rumble setting */ ff.type = FF_RUMBLE; ff.id = -1; ff.u.rumble.strong_magnitude = (unsigned short)(left * 65535); ff.u.rumble.weak_magnitude = (unsigned short)(right * 65535); ff.replay.length = 5; ff.replay.delay = 0; /* upload the effect */ if (ioctl(STATE[gamepad].fd, EVIOCSFF, &ff) != -1) { STATE[gamepad].effect = ff.id; } /* play the effect */ play.type = EV_FF; play.code = STATE[gamepad].effect; play.value = 1; write(STATE[gamepad].fd, (const void*)&play, sizeof(play)); } } } #else /* !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__linux__) */ # error "Unknown platform in gamepad.c" #endif /* end of platform implementations */ GAMEPAD_BOOL GamepadIsConnected(GAMEPAD_DEVICE device) { return (STATE[device].flags & FLAG_CONNECTED) != 0 ? GAMEPAD_TRUE : GAMEPAD_FALSE; } GAMEPAD_BOOL GamepadButtonDown(GAMEPAD_DEVICE device, GAMEPAD_BUTTON button) { return (STATE[device].bCurrent & BUTTON_TO_FLAG(button)) != 0 ? GAMEPAD_TRUE : GAMEPAD_FALSE; } GAMEPAD_BOOL GamepadButtonTriggered(GAMEPAD_DEVICE device, GAMEPAD_BUTTON button) { return ((STATE[device].bLast & BUTTON_TO_FLAG(button)) == 0 && (STATE[device].bCurrent & BUTTON_TO_FLAG(button)) != 0) ? GAMEPAD_TRUE : GAMEPAD_FALSE; } GAMEPAD_BOOL GamepadButtonReleased(GAMEPAD_DEVICE device, GAMEPAD_BUTTON button) { return ((STATE[device].bCurrent & BUTTON_TO_FLAG(button)) == 0 && (STATE[device].bLast & BUTTON_TO_FLAG(button)) != 0) ? GAMEPAD_TRUE : GAMEPAD_FALSE; } int GamepadTriggerValue(GAMEPAD_DEVICE device, GAMEPAD_TRIGGER trigger) { return STATE[device].trigger[trigger].value; } float GamepadTriggerLength(GAMEPAD_DEVICE device, GAMEPAD_TRIGGER trigger) { return STATE[device].trigger[trigger].length; } GAMEPAD_BOOL GamepadTriggerDown(GAMEPAD_DEVICE device, GAMEPAD_TRIGGER trigger) { return STATE[device].trigger[trigger].pressedCurrent; } GAMEPAD_BOOL GamepadTriggerTriggered(GAMEPAD_DEVICE device, GAMEPAD_TRIGGER trigger) { return (STATE[device].trigger[trigger].pressedCurrent && !STATE[device].trigger[trigger].pressedLast) ? GAMEPAD_TRUE : GAMEPAD_FALSE; } GAMEPAD_BOOL GamepadTriggerReleased(GAMEPAD_DEVICE device, GAMEPAD_TRIGGER trigger) { return (!STATE[device].trigger[trigger].pressedCurrent && STATE[device].trigger[trigger].pressedLast) ? GAMEPAD_TRUE : GAMEPAD_FALSE; } void GamepadStickXY(GAMEPAD_DEVICE device, GAMEPAD_STICK stick, int *outX, int *outY) { *outX = STATE[device].stick[stick].x; *outY = STATE[device].stick[stick].y; } float GamepadStickLength(GAMEPAD_DEVICE device, GAMEPAD_STICK stick) { return STATE[device].stick[stick].length; } void GamepadStickNormXY(GAMEPAD_DEVICE device, GAMEPAD_STICK stick, float *outX, float *outY) { *outX = STATE[device].stick[stick].nx; *outY = STATE[device].stick[stick].ny; } float GamepadStickAngle(GAMEPAD_DEVICE device, GAMEPAD_STICK stick) { return STATE[device].stick[stick].angle; } GAMEPAD_STICKDIR GamepadStickDir(GAMEPAD_DEVICE device, GAMEPAD_STICK stick) { return STATE[device].stick[stick].dirCurrent; } GAMEPAD_BOOL GamepadStickDirTriggered(GAMEPAD_DEVICE device, GAMEPAD_STICK stick, GAMEPAD_STICKDIR dir) { return (STATE[device].stick[stick].dirCurrent == dir && STATE[device].stick[stick].dirCurrent != STATE[device].stick[stick].dirLast) ? GAMEPAD_TRUE : GAMEPAD_FALSE; } /* initialize common gamepad state */ static void GamepadResetState(GAMEPAD_DEVICE gamepad) { memset(STATE[gamepad].stick, 0, sizeof(STATE[gamepad].stick)); memset(STATE[gamepad].trigger, 0, sizeof(STATE[gamepad].trigger)); STATE[gamepad].bLast = STATE[gamepad].bCurrent = 0; } /* Update individual sticks */ static void GamepadUpdateCommon(void) { int i; for (i = 0; i != GAMEPAD_COUNT; ++i) { /* store previous button state */ STATE[i].bLast = STATE[i].bCurrent; /* per-platform update routines */ GamepadUpdateDevice((GAMEPAD_DEVICE)i); /* calculate refined stick and trigger values */ if ((STATE[i].flags & FLAG_CONNECTED) != 0) { GamepadUpdateStick(&STATE[i].stick[sTICK_LEFT], GAMEPAD_DEADZONE_LEFT_STICK); GamepadUpdateStick(&STATE[i].stick[sTICK_RIGHT], GAMEPAD_DEADZONE_RIGHT_STICK); GamepadUpdateTrigger(&STATE[i].trigger[TRIGGER_LEFT]); GamepadUpdateTrigger(&STATE[i].trigger[TRIGGER_RIGHT]); } } } /* Update stick info */ static void GamepadUpdateStick(GAMEPAD_AXIS* axis, float deadzone) { // determine magnitude of stick axis->length = sqrtf((float)(axis->x*axis->x) + (float)(axis->y*axis->y)); if (axis->length > deadzone) { // clamp length to maximum value if (axis->length > 32767.0f) { axis->length = 32767.0f; } // normalized X and Y values axis->nx = axis->x / axis->length; axis->ny = axis->y / axis->length; // adjust length for deadzone and find normalized length axis->length -= deadzone; axis->length /= (32767.0f - deadzone); // find angle of stick in radians axis->angle = atan2f((float)axis->y, (float)axis->x); } else { axis->x = axis->y = 0; axis->nx = axis->ny = 0.0f; axis->length = axis->angle = 0.0f; } /* update the stick direction */ axis->dirLast = axis->dirCurrent; axis->dirCurrent = STICKDIR_CENTER; /* check direction to see if it's non-centered */ if (axis->length != 0.f) { if (axis->angle >= PI_1_4 && axis->angle < PI_3_4) { axis->dirCurrent = STICKDIR_UP; } else if (axis->angle >= -PI_3_4 && axis->angle < -PI_1_4) { axis->dirCurrent = STICKDIR_DOWN; } else if (axis->angle >= PI_3_4 || axis->angle < -PI_3_4) { axis->dirCurrent = STICKDIR_LEFT; } else /* if (axis->angle < PI_1_4 && axis->angle >= -PI_1_4) */ { axis->dirCurrent = STICKDIR_RIGHT; } } } /* Update trigger info */ static void GamepadUpdateTrigger(GAMEPAD_TRIGINFO* trig) { trig->pressedLast = trig->pressedCurrent; if (trig->value > GAMEPAD_DEADZONE_TRIGGER) { trig->length = ((trig->value - GAMEPAD_DEADZONE_TRIGGER) / (255.0f - GAMEPAD_DEADZONE_TRIGGER)); trig->pressedCurrent = GAMEPAD_TRUE; } else { trig->value = 0; trig->length = 0.0f; trig->pressedCurrent = GAMEPAD_FALSE; } } And please tell me if you need something else thank you
  19. Hello Could we expect a joystick / wheel / gamepad support with LE because making a game is a thing, play with is better.... ps: second post cause my first was erased
  20. Hi i would like a gamepad and wheel via xInput library integration with LE, is it something doable ? it is a missing feature currently thank you
  21. nevermind (delete me)
  22. Hi i will try to help sorry if it is not the best way to do it you need to SetKey("name") = "myname" in the Class construction CreateObject(model) and to have properties in editor you can put function class:InitDialog(grid) self.super:InitDialog(grid) group=grid:AddGroup("General") group:AddProperty( "Name", PROPERTY_STRING ) end of your mymodel.lua then from your main loop you can retrieve the name of your entity with for m_entity in iterate(CurrentWorld().entities) do if m_entity:GetKey("name") == "myname" then --you got your entity end end hope it helps
  23. No they are seconds afaik, seconds are enough accurate for me, it's just a toy racing car, nothing elaborate ... i will dig in it perhaps ms is more cute, i'll see now that's working
  24. Thank you Rick for sharing your code, it will help me (and others) for setting up timers needed by my racing game I guessed it was something like this (classes,methods) but couldn't draw it up by myself, really thank you a lot. i will try to make it work in my scripts. @Macklebee i tried os.time() and os.difftime(t2 - t1) with no luck, perhaps i messed the code for me: putting os.time() in a variable before loop when a key pressed in the loop : passing os.time() to another variable then: os.difftime(second_var, first_var) printing value is always "0" or a random fixed number which never change.... will try Rick's way, LUA is sometimes discouraging... i'll put my tests later Thank you both EDIT : ok i get it to work at last with os.difftime() : put a func : function time() current = os.clock() end ---before loop i initiate startime: starttime = os.clock() ---then in my loop (when key pressed for my purpose) : elapsedtime = os.difftime( os.clock(), starttime) ---here is my diff time show starttime = time() --- re-assign my starttime Finally it works need to see now how i can put more timers mixing with Rick's classes Thank you all !
  25. Hi all i can't figure out a way to create a timer in LUA, with AppTime() function set on a variable, i can't do any( t1 - t2) compare, seems to get always the same values. If i try to UpdateAppTime() on a loop, my game slows down as hell. --before loop starttime = AppTime() ---in loop: current = AppTime() elapsedtime = (current - starttime) Could someone give me a hint on what to do ? Thank you
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