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Everything posted by diedir

  1. diedir

    C++ Threads

    x86 and atom compliant too
  2. diedir

    C++ Threads

    time wasted C++11 and Intel Xe are ready to do this and faster....
  3. diedir

    Three's a Crowd

    Well very good AI behavior, can we expect some AI paths and AI tracks for car racing game style ? it would be so usefull, thanks
  4. your pbm is scale try to put a cube of 1 meter side and even without material you will see a white cube there
  5. really nice demo, runnig very well. it would be very interesting if you'll sell it or share it. great work things that should be in LE since beginning though....
  6. diedir


    ok i see more clearly now, thank you for your always accurate answers i will try later... at home So as i expected, i failed to show up some GUI, if someone made it to work or have some GUI let me know thank you
  7. diedir


    Thank you Macklebee but is it working within a main lua script or just in the editor ? always guess to progress...
  8. diedir


    So ok it is a very old post but : What GUI is really available and working with the 2.43 version of LE ? Do we need to wait for LE3 to have an integrated gui ? Thank you for any answer because a lot of things are missing from forum to download since the crash
  9. Hi glad to see that kind of help, do you have a third person view in mind also ?, for a driving car game i would like to make. perhaps you could put some tutorials for these templates when you are done, because right now i don't have a clue how it will help or drawn me. thanks
  10. Ok Josh it's working well with my HD 5850 GREAT ! thanks for this very easy fix great news ! you might tell to people
  11. never try but someone does know ! found on the front page site :
  12. if you ask me, i put the car with the named (left_front, right_front,etc..) wheels in place exported all and make phygen then so you can put it for viewing, bumping and exported later the four wheels independently without phygen and load the model for driving with appropriate drive_car.lua. it works for me, hope it helps
  13. @Kronos personaly i put this :: speed = math.abs(carobject.model:GetVelocity(0).z) chassis:SetForce(Vec3(0,-300+speed,0)) it is not the best solution i guess but it works as i need. @Dozz i never suspected the scale but perhaps i need to try your thoughts. for now i am stuck with conversion from obj to gmf which is no easy for a vehicle, need to export obj hierarchy,...
  14. i updated to 11.6 last evening and the bug was still only Dirt3 running better so i will stay with 11.6
  15. I can't do a demo now cause i'm far from that , all i do is testing and the multiple tests i did conclued by: very low suspensionlength =0.1 high springconstant =280.0 very high springdamper =800.0 mass of 2.8 and before 2.43 all was right (except the physic stuttering=>needed to reboot pc to resolve), the vh reacted exactly as i wanted (like rc buggy that i drove for long time): very low chassis no bumpy at all absorbing all the road defaults with ease turning tight no the tweakings are very close to be realistic but currently physics is not accurate.
  16. Hi gilmer and Vital yes the problem is still there, if you stick with Lumooja (well done) draw you can't create a RC buggy like i wanted, BUT : i saw a very great "tractor" simulation sometimes ago and there was great physic apparently, and the wheels overstepped the body. I did a well hull which emcompassed all the car wheels but without success, the physics still degenerates the second video is one of the hull transformation. No for me, cars need some more love here, tutorials, exemples etc.... viperscout was locked so no chance to find the way to go (observing the skull)... plus the ground bug for ATI who raised , not good moment for me....
  17. Hi is it possible to be a seller from a foreign country ? (France in my case) Do we need a Tax ID too ? or can't you take the Tax Fees before seller's payment ? Glad to see LE grows by the way Cheers
  18. diedir

    Louie, Lua

    i love that Louie tv show ! great cynical humor ! love that debugger too...
  19. location Rouen France 1) 1.1 Mo/s stable 2) 400/900 Ko/s unstable 3) 1.2 Mo/s stable
  20. diedir

    Jane Croft Trailer

    Bravo à vous ! chouette réalisation, je vous souhaite une grande réussite dans la vente du jeu.
  21. lol more fun than stuttering cars .....
  22. bad news for you, looks like a dead motherboard as far i understand from your saying, not expensive if is it, plus, good news the data are still there, just the motherboard can't boot. try to get out your memory bars (don't know the word in english) and try another power unit if you can (not expensive too) before buying a new motherboard sorry for this hope you will good with your heli game data...
  23. Wow very nice GUI and well set up for atmosphere, nice beginning, hope you will go far not only on this road...
  24. diedir

    Just to say Hi !

    Hi and welcome you seem to be from sunshine country, hello from a rainy one !
  25. well that is the great news ! bullet would be great ! cars need love ! thank you Josh for reconsidering physics
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