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Everything posted by Roland

  1. The Actor class is included as any other Leadwerks class. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Leadwerks\Include\Classes\Actor.h There is already a C++ setup for you when you create a project. Just open \Projects\Windows\"projectname".sln in Visual Studio and there you go
  2. Maybe this could help A C++/LUA bridge Class
  3. Just a little note. if self.health >= self.maxHealth then self.health = self.maxHealth end if self.health <= 0 then self.health = 0 end could be replaced with self.health = Math:Clamp(self.health, 0, self.MaxHealth)
  4. Updating to VS 2017 goes fine according to your instructions. Josh, now when you are at it, could you make the changes suggested below to get rid of warnings. A good project should compile without warning! Release cl : Command line warning D9030: '/Gm' is incompatible with multiprocessing; ignoring /MP switch Remove <MinimalRebuild>true</MinimalRebuild> from <CLCompile> section ------------------------------------- LINK : /LTCG specified but no code generation required; remove /LTCG from the link command line to improve linker performance Add <LinkTimeCodeGeneration>Default</LinkTimeCodeGeneration> to <LINK> section ------------------------------------- Debug Working Directory is wrong. Change $(SolutionDir)\..\..\.. to $(SolutionDir)..\.. ------------------------------------- Debug 1>libcryptoMT.lib(aes_cbc.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'ossl_static.pdb' was not found with 'libcryptoMT.lib(aes_cbc.obj)' .... 1>libcryptoMT.lib(aes_core.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'ossl_static.pdb' was not found with 'libcryptoMT.lib(aes_core.obj)'.... ... ... etc ... etc ... Add /ignore:4099 to <LINK> section, line <AdditionalOptions> ------------------------------------- Debug Working Directory is wrong. Change $(SolutionDir)\..\..\.. to $(SolutionDir)..\.. ------------------------------------- Thanks
  5. Solved: In Blender I scaled it up 100 times and the Applied Scale. Exported again and scaled down inside the LE-Editor Now it works
  6. Yes. I understand the problem. Will make some workaround. No problem now when I understand the reason. Thanks Josh
  7. Thanks for checking macklebee. Then it must be something local here. I created a blank project and added just that model and material. Placing the 'key' model in the scene works. As soon as I click on in the editor crashes. Oh well... I will reinstall Leadwerks then.
  8. This model causes an editor crash Version 4.4 Pro release key.zip
  9. Aha Great. My wallet became really scared and jumped under my table. Now I can tell it that everything is OK
  10. Aaah. I see. Thank's (y)
  11. Why not just use wstring, wchar_t, wfstream etc .. and that's it. A search and replace and maybe some modification here and there and its done
  12. Cool.. didn't 'not' know that
  13. while (not window->Closed() 'not'
  14. Looks great This one could be even more simple for each( auto entity in list ) { entity->SetPosition(1,2,3); } instead of for (auto it = list.begin(); it!= list.end(); it++) { auto entity = *it; entity->SetPosition(1,2,3); }
  15. Its not possible to change the account email now.
  16. Okay. Then I don't know. Haven't tested the new GUI my self yet.
  17. Great. All you who are interested just tell here
  18. I'm going away for a roadtrip tomorrow and won't be back for three weeks. First thing when I'm back is to finish the LCS design editor and then start making some docs and tutorials. After that we will need some beta testers (you have already showed an interest in that). Anyone else is welcome. Will probably be in end of August if God and Thor is on our side. All this will be free when released.
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