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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. Sounds like there might be something with the memory rather than the powersupply. What kind of ram are you using?
  2. Has been asked many times before. I can't believe we still don't have support for this or at least some other format besides .wav. My game itself is 30MB but with 2 songs (barely 7 minutes of sound), the game is over 270 MB. Might as well leave the sound out.
  3. Steam's system should update the tables automatically. Now it just pickes the value that I set. It isn't a big deal since I can do the sorting manually, it's just annoying that it doesn't work with the given sample code. Same thing goes for the type (numbered or time) and order (descend/ascend). They both don't seem to work.
  4. Here I thought that I would be done with my entry in no time. Finetuning everything turned out to be a pain to be honest. Luckily the GUI was set up rather quickly and most of the game state switching worked almost instantly. Tired of the tires The real time consumers came when suddenly my tires wouldn't update with the vehicle. Spend a good time trying to figure out what I was doing wrong, but eventually just decided to leave it until the very end. Analytics I added Josh's new analytics api to the game to see what kind of information I would be getting. So far I can see the kind of seeds people are using and how often levels are reset. I guess it will be really interesting after a couple of people have actually played the game. Leaderboards Again I got stuck here far longer than I had anticipated. For some reason the highscores get updated with a new value. Meaning, that no matter your track time, the highscore table will always be set by it. I can do it manually, but it should happen automatically. Another downside is that I can't do any querying on which seeds were popular overall or last week. I would love to add that to the game as that is really what would make this game so powerful. Unfortunately, there are no means for me to do this right away. Game player The game has been uploaded to the game player now. Everyone can try it out and fill in a random number to get a unique track. The seed number should give people an identical track though. Looking forward to seeing some results. That way I can also finalise the highscore leaderboard after you reach the finish. There are plenty of bugs, missing features and graphical incompletions, but important is getting those highscores from other players right now. Controls When you are racing, you can WASD for car movement and your mouse for the camera. Use R to reset the level. When you have finished the level you can either reset or go back to main menu. If you could try it out with seeds '1337' and '1234', that be great. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/viewitem?fileid=821020417
  5. Setting it to either true or false doesn't seem to be affecting it. I retrieve the leaderboard, just in case it hasnt been created yet I set the score I retrieve the leaderboard again since it was updated. local leaderboardName = "test1" self.leaderboard = Steamworks:GetLeaderboard(leaderboardName,1) if self.leaderboard==nil then error("Leaderboard is empty, not good") end local result = self.leaderboard:SetScore(highScoreTime, false) self.leaderboard = Steamworks:GetLeaderboard(leaderboardName,1)
  6. I am trying to get the steam leaderboards to work but I am just getting weird results. No matter what I do, the leaderboard just gets updated with whatever value I give it. Sorting to ascending/descending doesn't seem to work, setting its type to time/number doesn't seem to work. Leaderboard* Steamworks::GetLeaderboard(std::string name="Hiscore", const int type = 1) self.leaderboard = Steamworks:GetLeaderboard(tostring("levelseed"),1)
  7. AggrorJorn

    Enemy Z

    Looks really cool!
  8. So although using analytics is certainly cool and provides a lot of insights, we can not use it for querying inside the game.
  9. Yips, I see the first data appearing. Very cool stuff.
  10. Does this work when running from the editor? Just added it to my winter game, but perhaps I need to be more patient. Currently not seeing anything yet in game analytics.
  11. Not anymore since there was a bug listing for it.
  12. I guess I don't understand the true function of texture lock, because I just loaded my project and all my csg texture settings are reset. My understanding was that with texture lock, if you move csg brushes, the texture remains the same on the surface of a brush.
  13. Same thing for a value like enabled. If disabled the update world should not be called. More than half my scripts contain an enabled property.
  14. You can experiment with the hollow csg brush function to get more triangles accross the surface. Then you will start to see even more inaccuracies.
  15. Thats sound like same issue I was having when I made my minigolf game couple years ago. Physics accuracy for the ball were attrocious. After a lot of fumbling about I gave up. The ball seemed to be filled with water or something, it would roll straight for a while and then all of the sudden it would roll in to a different direction. This mostly happened when slowing down. Things to try (which some of you already have): Swept collision on ball and level geometry Setting a higher physics resolver interval instead of a csg sphere, using a model with a different physics shapes, going from relatively basic, to extreme high polycount (for a ball). Larger model/csg sphere instead of the tiny scale you are using now.
  16. You have very colorful posts 8GB of ram is more than plenty. Graphics card looks good as well. For 1080p you are okay, going above that, you might run in to performance issues or you have to run on the lowest settings. CPU is good to.
  17. Fiddler is a nice tool for that. Data analytics is really cool and I am interested to hear what your findings are.
  18. If your previous highscore was 10 and now 8, than the highscore will not be updated and the 8 will simple be ignored. I think valve has huild in a little logger that halts the creation of many highscore tables from the same address. I think I got to 64 highscore tables before I started getting delays in the return message. Eventually I couldn't even make new highscore tables, So I though I had hit a limit. But after a few minutes it worked again. I don't think I will be spending a lot more time on making (read: testing) a complex workaround for the things I want to have in my. I will just stick with a basic highscore system for now. What I really miss is a way of seeing which users seeds were used by people and which are popular. I wanted to display a list op popular seeds. My own database could do that easily, but now I do this the following way: every time a user enters a seed for a level, lets say '1337', a higscore table is updated with this value: 13370000000. Every time a user retries the level, the highscore is updated to 13370000001. I get this 'seeds-highscoretable' and read out the seeds and the times it has been userd. Eventually showing a list op popular seeds. Level count (to be replaced with unique users) goes to a maximum of 9999. A bit hacky, but it works. This is an actual result I am getting: 13370000056: results in: seed 1337000, timesplayed 0056 87341200012: results in: seed 8734120, timesplayed 0023 32400000004: results in: seed 3240000, timesplayed 0004 Not If I want to do ghosting of the best car. every second I store the position and rotation of the car.
  19. What I want to achieve is to call a rest api to either post, update or get data. Prefferably via JSON or XML. For the winter games tournament I am making, I rely on level seeds. Highscores are currently saved to Steam highscores, but I can't store which popular seeds are being used by others. In general there is so much data that I want to store for usefull game mechanics and stats. Something like this: --Realy basic pseudo Get request var request = new Request() request.Url = "http://mysite.com/api/v1/popularseeds" request.Method = HttpMethod.Get var jsonResult = request.Execute() --Realy basic pseudo Post request var request = new Request() request.Url = "http://mysite.com/api/v1/popularseeds" request.Method = HttpMethod.Post var jsonString = "'user':'Aggror', 'attempts':'4', 'positions':{ '12345', '5674' }" request.AddBody(jsonString) request.AddParameter("hmac", "124362346") var jsonResult = request.Execute()
  20. A much requested feature since Leadwerks 3. But unfortunately does not exist yet.
  21. So I have done some experimenting but the performance is really getting bad after a couple dozen highscore tables. I think there is some sort of time out after a while. So I thought about trying to be smart what kind of data I am storing. For instance you can have a rule that position can only take 4 integer positions (minus values not included) and store the x,y and z after each other. This works pretty well. For instance: 123415678412 is actually vector3(1234,1567,8412 ).
  22. Yes, that was something I wanted to try, but it just looks so awful and I really just want to push a lot more data to the database, without constantly have to make a new steam database. Initially I wanted to do it like they do it in Trackmania, where you can compete with the ghost of other highscores. But this requires 3positions, 3 rotations every other second or so and that's just insane. I you would play for 100 seconds, you would need 600 highscore databases. For now I will just stick with the fastest time and attempts.
  23. Thanks for confirming Rick. I was afraid that was the situation. Nothing that can be done on our part then. Here's hoping he exposes some of that functionality to a network class.
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